Observing Others
Someone once said “the eyes are the windows to the soul.”If you ponder on that statement long enough one of the most profound insights you with ever experience will dawn on you. It will enlighten your mind with such force it will be one of the greatest light blub moments you will ever have.This eureka aha light bulb wake up moment will occur because the lightening strike epiphany you will have will not be what you expected. Here it is: If the eyes are the window to the soul, it is not as much about what those eyes reveal when looking into another’s eyes, as much as, seeing from another person’s perspective.That’s right: a willingness to see through another’s eye’s will be the greatest discovery you will ever make! Observing others is not as much about watching other people as it is about seeing the world from their viewpoint.Come watch with us!
Observing Others
Flashback Friday
Kelly Silvester
It's like a blast from the past!
In fact, we are calling this episode Flashback Friday.
Our mystery guest is really no mystery at all.
And today's episode is actually a sneak preview of a new podcast we are launching in addition to Observing Others.
So it is fitting that we come full circle today as we take a piece of the past and launch it into the future.
Listen as we dig deep to explore a subject that needs exploring.
And who better to do it with than our returning Co-Host.
Listen to find out who it is and what our plans are for our spin off.
And watch for designer T-shirts to go with it!