The Mother First by Reviving Motherhood

Ep.1 Deeply Nourishing with Jenna from Meals4Mummas

Laura Season 1 Episode 1

This very first podcast episode I chat to Jenna from Meals4Mummas. Jenna is one part of this team of two, and Jemma is the other amazing mama. In this episode we get to hear about Jenna’s journey into motherhood and why both herself and Jemma started Meals4Mummas. Today modern mothers go into pregnancy already depleted and it isn’t surprising that through pregnancy and those early postpartum months deeply nourishing our bodys isn’t a priority. We ‘get by’.

With a strong interest in making it easier and helping new mamas to deeply nourish their body’s in those postpartum weeks (and beyond), Jenna and Jemma are here to support the mama’s recovery from the inside out. 

I hope you enjoy this episode.

Warmest love,