The Mother First by Reviving Motherhood
The Mother First by Reviving Motherhood
Ep. 5 Mind over matter, but how? with Trina from Mindset Mama
‘I noticed a huge shift in my identity and I was trying to work out who I was now as a mum...’
Trina, from Mindset Mama (who now since recording you can find at @trina_m_pettersen) and I have been linked in through our businesses for almost two years now and I am a big fan of her approach to life and business - and what a chat this was.
Raw, honest and exposing.
‘Who am I now that I am a mum…
What is my purpose…
What am I truly here for...?’
In this latest podcast, Trina has a beautiful way of describing becoming a mother and the transformation a woman goes through.
She is such a firm believer and advocate that giving birth is a huge undervalued transformational moment of your life and that it's meant to empower you into motherhood so you can cope with the challenges but knows this is not the case for every woman.
After returning to work as a mother, Trina felt something was different.
And so through asking those big questions, who am I now, and following her intuition - listening to her intuition - Trina started practising mindset tools and techniques.
And now she shares what has helped her with other mothers and since recording this podcast Trina is helping mums with businesses create more financial and time freedom as well as finding their voice, confidence and empowerment through teaching mindset skills.
I loved this chat as it was a different pace but such an important part of becoming a mother is when we strengthen our minds and when we train ourselves to think and believe in ourselves we can truly welcome in joy, purpose and love - especially during those different days.
I hope you enjoy this episode.
Warmest love,