Incite-FUL Profit Podcast | Incite Tax
When business owners have clarity in their financial actions, they’re able to use their wealth for good. We're here to provide clear communication on steps you can take to accelerate your profit and build financial resiliency as a business owner. Profit first!
Incite-FUL Profit Podcast | Incite Tax
Balancing Identities with Cyndi Thomason
Meet Cyndi Thomason. After writing her first book to assist e-commerce sellers in managing their finances, she grappled with a sense of loss as her business flourished. A simple question from a friend prompted a profound revelation: "What is your personal mission?" From this inquiry emerged Cyndi's mission: to learn and teach others to foster confidence, competence, and peace. Reflecting on her life, Cyndi recognized a recurring theme of learning and teaching, spanning her childhood experiences and career and even as a stay-at-home mom. Whether adding encouraging notes to coloring books, leading training sessions, or delving into gardening and dyslexia education, Cyndi's journey has been defined by a passion for learning and sharing knowledge.
Join John Briggs and Cydni Thomason as they discuss how to balance home life and business, using the profit-first method, and much more.
Cyndi Thomason:
Website: https://www.bookskeep.com/
Profit First Book: https://www.cyndithomason.com/profitfirst/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/imcyndithomason
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/showcase/cyndi-thomason/
John Briggs | Tax Genius
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