The Entertainment Offsite
The podcast you are looking for if you want to be informed about the Media and Broadcast Industry in a relaxed atmosphere.
The Entertainment Offsite
Reflecting on 2022!
Season 1
Episode 9
🚗 2022 has been a year full of exciting projects for 3SS, one of them was successfully establishing position on the in-car-entertainment field!
👇 Find out about 3SS‘ full 2022 story in our new episode of "The Entertainment Offsite"
👉Don't miss our year wrap up, but also what you can expect of 3SS in 2023, with Kai Borchers, Managing director at 3SS, and Emilia Kasper, COO at 3SS, moderated by Susana Hidalgo Fernández.
#ExperiencesPeopleLove #Podcast #Automotive