The Wise Wolf Gold & Crypto Show
A weekly wrap up of the precious metals and Crypto currency markets as well as guests who represent the best in both sectors.
The Wise Wolf Gold & Crypto Show
Unveiling the Federal Reserve's Shadows: Gold's Enduring Value and The Future of Banking
Uncover the hidden truths behind the Federal Reserve's inception with Tony Arterburn of Wise wolf gold in a riveting dialogue marking the anniversary of the clandestine Jekyll Island meeting. Prepare to be enthralled by Tony's unexpected AI discovery that sheds light on the shadowy origins of central banking. Together, we scrutinize the insidious nature of currency devaluation and champion the enduring value of gold and silver, presenting a compelling argument for these precious metals as a hedge against economic tumult.
Venture into the tumultuous realm of modern finance as we juxtapose the stability of gold and the erratic nature of cryptocurrencies. Not all that glitters is gold, but in our conversation, we emphasize its tangible worth as an asset against the backdrop of inflating fiat currencies. The looming specter of Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs) brings forth images of a dystopian control over everyday transactions, striking a chord of caution about the future of privacy and autonomy in our purchases.
All right, and joining us now is Tony Arderman, and he has set up DavidNightgold to take you to his company, wisewolfgold. Always great to have Tony on, and here we are. Just before Christmas. The markets have kind of cooled off a little bit as we're coming into a Christmas time. What's on your plate there, tony? Thanks for joining us.
Speaker 2:Well, it's good to see you, David, Thanks for having me. Always at the end of the year, we're trying to fill last-minute orders for Christmas at Wolfpack and WiseWolf and I'm down in Texas picking up some supply from the trading floor, spending a few days here. And I was just thinking of history today coming up on the anniversary of the Federal Reserve being enacted in December 23rd. When Congress goes home, you talk about nothing happening. That's when they sneak these things through. You're talking about goat tree telling you about the cyber attacks. When people go home, Well, they do the same thing with legislation. And David and I were talking over here. It's funny.
Speaker 2:I've been using a little bit of AI search and even just by accident it'll come up now with Bing and Microsoft. And I'm on my new computer here in Denison, Texas, and I typed in I was looking for a quote on the Federal Reserve and the AI accidentally exposed the conspiracy of the Federal Reserve. I want to read this to you, After being AI, when I was looking for a quote on the meeting at Jekyll Island. It says the Jekyll Island meeting was a secret gathering of six men in November 1910 who met to write a plan to reform the nation's banking system. The meeting was held at Jekyll Island Club off the coast of Georgia and his purpose was closely guarded. The participants did not admit the meeting occurred until the 1930s. The plan written on Jekyll Island laid a foundation for what eventually would be the Federal Reserve system, but unfortunately I could not find any specific quotes from the meeting. Is there anything else I can help you with?
Speaker 1:I bet you can't. I bet it was done under what they call it something house rules.
Speaker 2:I can't remember what they say about the bill Tatum house rules or something like Chatham house rules, chatham house rules.
Speaker 1:That's it. Chatham house rules Nope, Not going to say anything. We're just here as friends, we're not plotting anything. It's what Karen saw with the and got it on tape of the guy who was subsequently the highest official who got thrown out in the UK government in the next election. His name was Ed Balls and he shows up on the side. He doesn't have his credentials and the guards won't let him in and he's fumbling all around and then he opens up his rolling luggage and out of it fall the contents and it's all paperwork. There's no clothes, there's no toothbrushes, it's all paperwork. It's all just a friendly meeting and no businesses being discussed. They always hate everybody. So I guess that was the case with the, as G Edward Griffith Griffin said, the monster from Jekyll Island. That's interesting that they denied it and were able to keep that going. For what? About 20 years or so? 20, 30 years?
Speaker 2:Right and I was actually looking for a. I'm at a disadvantage because half of my books are at least three quarters of them actually are in Branson and so I don't have a lot of my research material here. But I remember there was a quote one of the conspirators wrote about. It was a conspiracy. They actually used the word about how they were pretty much cloak and dagger. They didn't write in the same car, they didn't give any information on where they were headed. That's because they knew. I mean the.
Speaker 2:The life of JP Morgan spanned between the time we didn't have a central bank till the Federal Reserve. He was born in 1837. He lived in 1913. So that entire span we didn't have a central banking system because Andrew Jackson killed the second bank in the United States. He wanted that on his tombstone. I killed the bank. He was very proud of it. Yeah, he was a bank man all the time.
Speaker 2:So they knew they needed to do something different. They couldn't call it a bank and they needed it to be outside of the system. So they named it federal and they called it a reserve. And of course it's not federal and there's no reserves there and it's really. I mean really, david, you talk about a massive conspiracy.
Speaker 2:This is the mother of all conspiracies, the central banking system. You know, christ got it right when he threw the money changers out of the temple and showed his anger, because that's really the love of money is the root of all evil. I mean, I deal in gold and silver. I'm not in love with it. I think it's just a medium of exchange. It houses energy, it shows value for your work. That's what it is to me. I'm not in love with it, but the power that comes with this, I mean you look at the fraud. You know, one of my listeners called me yesterday and they listened to my show, obviously because they quoted me back to me and they said well, you know, fiat is fake, it's the head of the snake. Yes, that's exactly right. I use that little rhyme for teaching, but it is. And you know the value of our dollar, the theft of that.
Speaker 2:There was an article up today just on MarketWatch I was talking about well, gold go up in five years? And they all agreed it should. And I thought well, gold really isn't going up. You don't talk about it, but gold's gone up. This is the rate that it goes up every five years or so, and I thought well, that's the rate of inflation. Yeah, you're just watching. You know, gold was so.
Speaker 2:A dollar was one-twentieth of an ounce of gold from 1800 to 1933 day. So it took $20 to make an ounce of gold. So one-twentieth of an ounce of gold today, right, is a hundred bucks. So there's your chart. You want to see the loss of the purchasing power of a dollar. It's right there. It's all in the system of dollars to gold.
Speaker 2:So we're talking about that's the wonderful lie that you've been talking about for many years. It is the source and the system of most of what we are the ills in the world, what troubles us? The deep state, all funded by fake fiat currency. The endless wars, corruption, all funded by fiat currency coming out of the central bank system. And you know people back. You know Charles Lindbergh Sr. Have you ever read this quote? I've got this. This is a neat little book and while we're talking about his, this is Shadows of the Deep State. This is put out by the John Berks Society. But they have. They have great little chapters and one of them is the Federal Reserve. I'll read it. Just a real quick passage from Charles Limburg senior. You know, father of Charles Limburg.
Speaker 1:I've got one of his quotes in the in the. It's a wonderful lie video that around this time of year. I don't know if it's this one or not, but go ahead, yeah, play it.
Speaker 2:It probably is it says, this is the strangest, most dangerous advantage ever placed in the hands of a special privileged class by any government that ever existed. The system is private, conducted for the sole purpose of obtaining the greatest possible profits from the use of other people's money. They know in advance when to create panic to their advantage. They also know when to stop panic. Inflation and deflation will work equally well for them because they control the finance. And this is Charles Limburg, senior, 1916. Yeah, yeah, that's the one I've got. Where are we now? Exactly? Every boom and bust cycle, all policy. Everybody's waiting to see what Jerome Powell says about what's going to happen with the economy. I mean, this is where we are today and this, this is not going to end well, because now you have a systemic cancerous debt cycle that is like nothing ever before seen in history all over the world, and that's why I think there's going to be a revaluation of all currencies, and this is what the central bankers are planning for. They're not buying stocks, that's right.
Speaker 1:Yeah, when you look at the insider trading and manipulation of Nancy Pelosi, they that's nothing compared to what the Federal Reserve is capable of doing, and she's pretty famous for that. But yeah, you were talking about it, wasn't a dollar going to go up in the next five years? Oh, I think it will. In other words, what they're saying, as you're, as you're pointing out, is that the dollar is going to go down. Because that's really the issue.
Speaker 1:You and I have talked many times about the stable purchasing price of gold and how you go back. Go back a hundred years. You know where people would be able to take their gold and buy. The example was a guy was buying a suit in London and then he's going to travel to Europe and he can still use that gold to buy stuff in Europe and that type of thing. You don't have to do exchange rates with it. And they said you know. So what would all this stuff cost today? And they said you know it's retained the. You know you'd be able to do all this stuff with the gold, but not with any of those fiat currencies that were around at that point in time, and that's the key thing.
Speaker 1:It's their decline, not necessarily the fact that gold is going up. It's just keeping its value and and that's by design, you know, we look at this and it always makes me think of the saying somebody had about Wall Street and buying stocks. I said bulls can get rich, bears can get rich, but pigs go broke. You know, if you're trying to go, you're trying to grab something that you think is going to go up astronomically. And I see this all the time about bit shoot. People are saying you know, bit shoot is very, very volatile. They're saying well, there's going to have a having next year and it's going to go up to $100,000 or whatever Some of them will say. Some of them will say 50,000 or 60,000. But when you're going after something like that, there's a big risk with that. I'm looking for something that's just going to retain its value, as everything else is, you know, being destroyed. That's really what I look at with gold and with silver.
Speaker 2:Well, this is the same. I look to your actual commodities to base the value of something. There was an interview that Robert Kiyosaki did recently with us, with a an old veteran of the Swiss banking system and a gold bug, and he said I don't really translate gold into currencies anymore. I want to know how many, how many cows, how many chickens, because I know that that'll be stable pricing system, fiat currency, currencies that are not linked to anything, that have no backing. It's a free for all and you know these numbers. I think we're going to look back. If there is hopefully there's a future and there's history written about this time It'll seem quaint. These numbers, especially looking at something like silver, like this, is just insane. These prices are so low compared to the damage done to the dollar and this is one of the biggest stories of our time is just people cannot get out of the way of what they don't see coming, to quote our Buckminster Fuller.
Speaker 1:And of course it's not just the Federal Reserve and the manipulations of the fed stuff and everything, but it's also you say, how much is gold worth? And cows and chickens, you know, get to real stuff. Well, if you want to be able to have meat and eggs, you may not be able to get that with a CBDC. You may only be able to get that if you've got something like gold or silver of value to trade outside of the system, if they can get the CBDC in there. That's my real concern.
Speaker 2:Well, I think that's their goal. Yeah, we, they've written the white papers about it, they made announcements about it. I think they want to centralize all these digital currencies into one clearinghouse that would be the Bank of International Settlements or the IMF or both, and this is to create a one world totalitarian socialist government. This is their plan, this is their stated goals, and to create this top down tyranny system where all the privileged few control who can buy and sell. It's very biblical, yeah, and that's why gold and silver you can call them God's money but they're outside of the system. They're finite. It takes work and energy to get them out of the ground. Those elements will be here long after we're gone, and the fiat currency that's the fake money that's there today is what's driving the evil in the system. It's driving.
Speaker 2:You talk about this. That quote the quote that I always heard when I was growing up, my dad who chartered banks and built convenience stores. He says you know, pigs get fat and hogs get slaughtered. Yeah, that was that was their saying. You know, pigs get fat, hogs get slaughtered.
Speaker 2:Well, in today's world, look at all of the things in business that is, that exist because of fake money and their ties to the central bank. We call it ESG today environmental, social governance but it's really. It's kind of like Elizabeth Warren's anti-crypto bill. The bankers always try to create a Marxian system, and I'm not talking about your local bank, I'm talking about the world's global elite. They fund communism, right? They fund the central banking system. So you know again the everything that we have, these zombie corporate. There's hundreds of zombie corporations in the United States right now still existing from the 2008, 2009 debacle just propped up by the central bank. Those failures haven't even hit yet. So one of these days, they will, they won't, they won't be propped up anymore and that system will be allowed to fail. But the system itself.
Speaker 2:In my opinion, david and this is why it's this is a warning bell in the night to all listeners, and one of the reasons I do programs like this is to warn people that what they want to create is a system where you and your values are not welcome. To purchase, to buy and sell. It has to be approved, and we've saw that through the lockdowns. How easy that was for them. You know to say that you're non-essential. Hundreds of thousands of businesses, lives ruined, supply chains smashed because of compliance and once you once you opt in. There's no. There's no turning back and I I know that it's coming. It's a reality. Whether or not they're successful, I think it's going to be up to we, the people. Nigeria showed us the way. That's why it's kind of hope. It should be a hopeful time as we go into the Christmas season. It should be a hopeful time for everyone. So I don't want to be just too much doom and gloom, but it's on the horizon.
Speaker 2:Banking failures, ladies and gentlemen, are going to usher in the excuse for the central bank digital currency. Just talking earlier about that interview I heard from that Swiss banker with Robert Kiyosaki, they're talking about UBS going under, the Swiss national bank yeah, going under, needing to be bailed out. This is Switzerland where people the banking system is is. It has a malignancy, yes, and it's called it's. It's massive debt like we've never seen before. So that will spill over into our own personal lives and this is why we have to be very nimble right now.
Speaker 2:I think you need to do research on how to it's even if you don't go to David Knight, dot gold and do something with with you know, turning your your Luciferian banks to notes into to real money, like gold and silver, at least know what the score is. Please do that. Know that this it's not going to be the you know, five years from now it's not going to look anything like what we're looking at right now. There's a massive amount of change. I mean, david, we've talked about the, the backbone the Fed now system got went out in July. That's the backbone of the central bank.
Speaker 1:Digital currency, biden's executive order all these things are very they want you to believe it's not going to happen anytime soon, but they call it fed now they bet Right.
Speaker 2:Well, that's right, and none of these presidential candidates are talking about that's right. That's how you know that it's real. The real problems are never addressed by any of these. You know people.
Speaker 1:No, to his credit, desantis did have a thing called 1984 money or, you know, big brother money or something, digital money and he does his presentations about 20 minutes about all this stuff. And the first question is well, what about Trump's indictment in Manhattan? Let's start. And then, you know, they came after him, they attacked him because you know he wasn't sufficiently. You know cout howling to Trump for that. I mean, that's really where the whole system, they've taken over any political discussion and turned it into this personality contest. That's there. But you know it is a big educational issue.
Speaker 1:I know Senator Nicely has been, you know, working with Catherine Austin-Fitz and other people trying to get some kind of an alternative banking system here, because he sees what's coming. You know he sees the fragility of this Federal Reserve system and they were trying to set up some kind of a state bank. They realized that the small and medium sized banks, they feel threatened by that and it's like I don't want there to be a Tennessee bank that's going to put me out of business. It's like, no, it's there to help you.
Speaker 1:You look at what happened in North Dakota and it was the, you know that state bank helped the small and medium sized banks to stay in business, more so than any other place, way more than any other place. And so he cleverly came up with a way to describe it to the small and medium sized banks, who don't really understand how they're being set up by the big guys, how they're being set up by Elizabeth Warren, so it's called the Tennessee Reserve System, and they go oh okay, well, that kind of explains it. It was a Tennessee Reserve System. That means that you know you're going to help us with reserves and help us to make loans and things, which is what the state bank in North Dakota actually did. So it is a big education issue, even with the people who are have their head on the chopping block. They don't understand what is coming.
Speaker 2:No, they don't. And again, you can be your own bank. Yeah, that's right. There's all sorts of decentralized innovation going on right now. I'm always pleased to see new people coming online that are getting into precious metals or even looking into certain parts of the crypto sphere, which I think is still interesting.
Speaker 2:I covered on my Monday show the Wise Wolf Golden Crypto Show, following the David Knight show, by the way, on freeworldfm we talk about both sectors because I like things that are decentralized, that are not part of the state. I don't even know why the state isn't well, I know why. But people accepting the fact that the state has to issue currency, that's kind of bizarre. It doesn't really. We don't with technology now. They're irrelevant and they know that. That's why I think you get like these bills with Elizabeth Warren attacking cryptocurrency. I know that they're going to eventually turn their eyes and give a closer look to gold dealers as all of this spikes. We talk about Costco. You read this on your show. I talked about it on my show $100 million worth of gold bars. They limited it to two per customer.
Speaker 1:And if they're out, they're out. You can't get it. It's not like yours, where you call them okay, I'll save that for you and we can lock that price in or whatever. If they're out, they're out.
Speaker 2:I'm not like Costco. I looked at the price, to be fair. They did a pretty good job on their price. They were selling ran bars from the South African men. It was a good price. It was about $50 or $60 over spot, which is pretty good. I mean, you have to add in shipping and stuff, I'm sure, and there's a Costco membership.
Speaker 1:Yeah, but, Tony, we all know the game. You know you're out of stock of something and you can't get it in, and so what you do is you put the price down there. Really, oh, I'll have to go back there to shop. I mean, that's the game that a lot of people use. Yeah, if we had it it'd be the cheapest price in town, but we don't have it.
Speaker 2:Well, so far I've been very blessed that every order anyone's ever locked with me has always been delivered and if there's ever any issues we make it right. And that's one of the things that my credit with the trading house and the wholesalers is great. I've never had any issues. So yes, David's right, If you call me, say, Tony, I want to lock in this price right now. We can do that and over the phone. You don't even have to pay me first, but you do have to pay me eventually and we lock it in and we deliver the product. That's the way I built my business. It's pretty nimble, so we didn't carry a lot of inventory. I thought, well, I can do this in a different way, a little bit more professional, like you'd lock in buying a stock with your trader. So that's the way I'm basically a broker and we get it done, and that's been the mission of Wise Wolf.
Speaker 1:Well, I think it's right what you were saying before. I was talking about Senator Nicely and what he's trying to do here in Tennessee trying to set up not just a state bank or reserve system, as he tells it to the banks, but also to set up a gold depository or other things like that. But it really is up to you to do this Because, as I was saying, you got small and medium sized banks who don't really understand this. They don't really understand what is happening, what is being engineered with a federal reserve at this point in time, with a CBDC working in partnership with really big banks like JPMorgan, jamie Demon, as I call them. They don't really understand how they're maneuvering to set this up and when he's doing it in terms of he's just trying to kind of create some stability for the general community.
Speaker 1:But you've got to do what you can to create stability for you and your family and that's the key thing and when we look at how this is being used for unlimited power just the other day I was talking about how the military we've had this consolidation that used to be like 50 big contractors that comprise a military industrial complex. Now it's down to just five because of consolidation, and you got Boeing out there that used to charge $300 for a trash can. I mean, have you ever bought a $300 trash can? I haven't, but now they've upped it to $52,000 trash can, and this is what's trashing our money, is this kind of spending from our government, and so it isn't going to get any better, it's only going to get worse, and it's going to go down in value as well as be reset and used as an instrument of control and surveillance. That's the key thing about the Luciferian bank notes, as you call them.
Speaker 2:It's all a consolidation game. It's what the New World Order is. It's to consolidate. So there is no opposition, there is no competition. That's the same thing that happened in media. You address that in that same talk that you were giving about the defense contracts. It's 100% about consolidation and that's what's happening right now. David, it's absolutely amazing.
Speaker 2:We watched the regional banks failing after FTX and Silvergate and Silicon Valley Bank. That was a prelude to what I believe will be happening in 24. I think we're going to see a lot of banking issues. That's why I think it's important for people to look at what's outside of the system. Getting too comfortable with this system is very dangerous. We're watching.
Speaker 2:I think history is playing out and they're going to use this to their advantage. I can't stress this enough. Use it to their advantage to create a crisis to where you'll ask to get your digital wallet. You'll ask to be part of the central bank digital currency system. It'll be oh, we're saving you now. That's right. Right, problem reaction solutions really have to be ahead of this, and one of the ways that you can do that is to be outside the system with your own currency, and I think gold and silver really serve that Some parts of crypto serve that.
Speaker 2:I've talked about this many times. I bought Bitcoin in 2016. I had some of the first Bitcoin ATMs that were in this country, and I'm no longer in that business, but I still love Bitcoin. My primary is gold and silver, and I think that's really right now. It's important for people to understand how to use it. We've created Wolfpack for that.
Speaker 2:I think it's just an easy way to get fractional, tradable pieces at a good price and, of course, on a monthly basis, so you can just set it up and forget about it and we do the work for you and put it into a detailed invoice and give you a comparison invoice. That's one of the ways that you can start and I'm not making this an infomercial, just really that's one of the ways that I do that, because I want to know how much would it cost to get a loaf of bread. How much would it cost to get some fuel or some propane or some firewood Like? What would that translate into in metals? You know what's a silk? Ron Paul said this when he ran for president. It was an interesting stream of consciousness that he had. He says you know, I can get gasoline back down to a dime a gallon and everybody laughed and he said well, actually a silver dime is worth $3. Right, yeah, so it's not that things have gone up in price.
Speaker 2:We've had the you know, the Luciferian Bankster class. They have devalued to the hidden theft of inflation. It's very masterful Economic alchemy. You know, there's a stringing gold there, for that's not actually the gold, it's fake. Yeah, and this is what people are chasing every day. Our society is in a lot of trouble because of the fake fiat currency system and they're buildings that have been built that shouldn't been businesses that are still propped up, that shouldn't be celebrities and politicians that you should not know, because they're not. They're not talented or smart, they're propped up by fake money. Yeah.
Speaker 1:That's right. That's right. Yeah, that's. The key thing is that you know, I look at it and I think you know what. What is it that you're going to use as a currency in the gray and black markets that are going to be necessary for you to be able to, uh, to live without being their slave? That's the key thing for me.
Speaker 1:But they're doing it as, as Fauci said, they do it from the inside, they do it with chaos and they do it iteratively, and we've been seeing these steps come in step by step. They tell everybody what they're going to do. We see it happening. It's essentially synchronized around the world. All these different steps and everything they do is focused on digital ID of one sort of the other, but the king of all the digital ID is going to be the money, that is, the digital ID, because that is going to be the thing that gives them the most leverage over the most things, and so that's always what I come back to. But it's always great talking to you, tony, and to tell people if you know what, um, any, any specials that are going on there at wise wolf before Christmas, or just as you said you're, you're dashing around, uh, trying to get all the stuff at the last minute orders out, I guess.
Speaker 2:Last minute orders. Uh, I know that the crew will be filling some today, so hopefully you know through, get into some stuff that'll be delivered Saturday. So I know that I know Christmas is approaching, it'll be Monday, but you can still get you know in this timeframe. Uh, we can still get orders out even into next week, uh, so, if you've got, if you're a little bit late on shopping, no big deal. And we've got uh, uh, promos going on right now.
Speaker 2:David nightgold, you click on the link there and you can either get in touch with us for a direct buy or you can go to Wolfpack and we have a promo code 1776 for free constitutional silver. So go check that out. I'm I've got a lot of constitutional silver. That's one of the things that I think is a great way to start learning the value of of metals and how they trade. It's inexpensive. You know you talk about buying. Uh, I can do silver dimes right now for about $2 and 10 cents a piece at cost somewhere in there, and so the premiums are down right now. On on constitutional so we can do a lot of great things with constitutional. It's very, it's fractionalized, uh, broken up into smaller pieces. You pay a little bit of a premium, but it's good to know a little bit of history. Anything before 1965, uh, it's got some to this. The dime silver, uh half dollars, the quarters and uh silver dollars are 90%. So that that's what we. We put some free uh constitutional silver and Wolfpack on that, promo code 1776.
Speaker 1:Oh, that's great. Promo code 1776 and you can get there through David Knightgold. It's always great to have you on, tony, and, of course, um, it will be seeing you next week. I haven't said anything about it on the program yet, but I'm going to be taking a time off next week. You and garden others are going to be here next week on Christmas day, which is Monday, and on New Year's Day we're not going to have anybody do the show. We're going to do a rebroadcast of some of our best of interviews in case somebody wants to catch the news on those days.
Speaker 1:Uh, but uh, on the days between Christmas and New Year's, we've, uh, we've got that covered and uh, people will be able to uh, tune in and hear you and hear guard and other people, your guests. So, um, it's, it's going to be um, thank you for doing that next week. I really do appreciate that. I really do have need to have some time off and, uh, this would be the first time we've taken a vacation that isn't uh, traveling to Texas for a wedding or something that's sort of, and that does not really much of a vacation when you do that. That's a lot of uh, you know, again, it's a long drive because we don't use the uh, don't use planes anymore, and of course, there's a lot that's going on. When you've got a wedding that's happening. But so it's going to be the first time. We're going to just kind of sit back and relax, and Tony is going to be here, guards going to be here. Thank you so much for doing that, tony, and have a Merry Christmas.
Speaker 2:Well, you too, sir, merry Christmas. And I always want to say it's uh, it's, it's an honor, it's been an honor to fill in for you, since, uh, 2019 is one of the great privileges of my life and, um, so thankful for for you and your family and the program that you put on. I mean, we can't lose you. You have to be rested and ready to go. You're, you're the, you're the tip of the spear. David, we can't lose you. Uh, we have to have your voice and and your judgment and your wisdom. And I want to say too, um, such a privilege to sponsor this program and anybody. I will do this today too.
Speaker 2:But there's always a gauge and, uh, david doesn't like to plug very much. I mean, he really doesn't, he doesn't promote himself enough. I have a, I have the similar problem. I'll go through a whole hour and I'm like, oh wait, I forgot to tell people how you can support me. Um, because I'm all about the content. But I tell you what, today, anything, uh, the last hour, I won't match any donations on rumble. So, go to rumble and and donate to David. I'll match them. Starting right now, I'll match anything that comes in on rumble and, uh, I'll send that over to you later today. David, we'll get that gauge up, okay.
Speaker 1:Thank you. Thank you, tony, I really do appreciate that and uh, it is always great having you and uh like nobody is irreplaceable, and that includes me. But we just do what we can and uh, and it's good to have a community of people who are going to give you their honest opinion. We don't always have to be right, but we do have to always be honest about things and that's the key thing and I trust Tony with that. I trust guard and um, you know, when we look at nights of the storm, jason Barker and Gretaiger you know those, those are guys that you can trust. And again, you know we, we work at this. We try to figure out what is happening and we tell you what we honestly think and you can make up your own mind about it. But thank you so much, tony. I really do appreciate your support and it's been a pleasure to have you uh as a uh as a fill in when I need to take some time off, and I can always trust you to tell the truth and to have a lot of information to get people as well. Thank you so much.
Speaker 1:I'm delighted to present something born from my love for music and the Christmas season. Christmas night is a perfect accompaniment for anything from family gatherings to moments of peaceful reflection. Help us to provide a fresh take to the soundtrack of Christmas. This collection of 20 instrumental songs brings new life to timeless Christmas classes the original orchestrations alongside lesser known yet equally enchanting carols. For the listeners of the David Knight show, this is more than music. It's part of our shared journey. Christmas night is available at TheDavidNightShowcom. May I bring a little extra joy and peace to your Christmas season. Thank you for your unwavering support and for joining me in this new musical adventure. Merry Christmas to all and all a good Christmas night.