The Wise Wolf Gold & Crypto Show
A weekly wrap up of the precious metals and Crypto currency markets as well as guests who represent the best in both sectors.
The Wise Wolf Gold & Crypto Show
INTERVIEW From Nations & Individuals — Hedging Fed Reserve Mismanagment
Is the American dream slipping through our fingers? Listen to Tony Arterburn from Wise Wolf Gold as he unpacks the critical role of gold and silver in preserving wealth amid today's economic turbulence. With subsidies and welfare magnets making financial stability more elusive, Tony guides us through the historical context of gold-backed currencies, the impact of the U.S. departure from the gold standard, and the current trend of global central banks hoarding gold. Dive into the de-dollarization movement, the surge in cross-border payment systems utilizing precious metals and digital currencies, and the potential seismic shifts brought about by central bank digital currencies (CBDCs).
Are we witnessing the collapse of traditional financial markets? This episode covers everything from the unprecedented rise in gold prices to the growing skepticism towards the U.S. dollar. Join us as we dissect key financial gatherings like Jackson Hole and the upcoming BRICS summit, explore the crisis in commercial real estate, and delve into the psychological aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic. We'll also touch on groundbreaking state-level initiatives in cryptocurrency and gold depositories, emphasizing the benefits of decentralization for individual freedom and economic resilience. Get ready for a thorough, engaging exploration of today's most pressing financial issues with Tony's expert insights leading the way.
All right, welcome back. And joining us now is Tony Arterman. I began the program by talking about the American dream and how it's getting pushed out of our reach by subsidies and welfare magnets to pull people into this country. But Tony Arterman Wise, Wolf, Gold and he's kindly set up DavidKnight Gold to take you there. And of course, Tony can help you if you want to try to have wealth insurance, if you want to try to preserve your wealth, if you want to try to have privacy. Gold and silver are really the best ways to do that and he can handle small or large transactions. And Tony has something that's very unique with Wolfpack you can determine how much you want to gradually save on a monthly basis and you can sign up at a particular tier. He's got a lot of different dollar amounts per month and you'll get gold and silver each month and you'll be able to participate in a group by discount. It can also help you if you want to set up a metals IRA, gold or silver IRA. So Tony can help you with all that stuff. Thank you for joining us, Tony. Always great to be here. David, Thanks for having me. Thank you, what's on your mind? I'm looking at these.
Speaker 1:Should the dollar be backed by gold? I was just talking the other day about. You mentioned all the time about currency versus money and all the rest of this stuff, and you know, I think that's that's kind of a rhetorical question that he's putting there. You know what is the difference between money and a currency, and so that's one of the things that people need to start to get their perspective right. I think they need to understand the difference between those things, and you know we talk about backing a currency by gold. Some people have started doing that with cryptocurrency and some other things, but gold is the thing, isn't it? I mean that's you don't really need the dollar, is there? It's not going to be backed by anything and they're not going to make it honest by even putting gold behind it, are they?
Speaker 2:No, we've tried that before. And Franklin Roosevelt made it illegal for you to own gold in 1933. But we still had a quote unquote gold standard until 1971. And you know, the rest of the world took notice. They realized that we were writing checks, you know, against funds that we didn't have. They started cashing in their dollars at the gold window. So Richard Nixon closed the gold window. We took the silver out of our coinage, starting in 1965. We debased it and again the rest of the world noticed that.
Speaker 2:So I don't think a gold standard is necessarily what we need. However, I would point to all the central banks not ours, but all the central banks around the world buying gold right now. They believe, I think, that their currencies will be remonetized against their gold holdings and I think that's just kind of a trend. They got to run the simulation, seeing that, you know, the currency creation worldwide is unsustainable. They inflate their way out of deficits and bubbles and crashes and it's just going to continue to debase and devalue their own currency. So something's got to happen. You know the Davos crowd calls it the great reset. That's what they're looking to do.
Speaker 2:So, you know, the dollar, the dollar is in real trouble. We just noticed that the second largest reserve asset in the world is now gold. It supplanted the euro. The first is the dollar, but we can see that waning. Um, there was an article up in the financial times, uh, yesterday about, um, cross-border payments are now at an all-time high between russia and china. So all this, the weaponization of the dollar over the past many decades, but especially in the last five years, has accelerated de--dollarization. See, that's the key. It's slow. I mean, you know we talk every week and we've mentioned the petrodollar every week. We're some of the few people talking about it, which is monumental. What happened? I mean, it's cataclysmic for loss of purchasing power in the dollar long term, but nobody's talking about it. We're losing the petrodollar, but it's still in the shadow of itself because 80 percent of the energy payments still go on in dollars. But again, you can see the trend. The trend is to dump the dollar.
Speaker 2:These countries are figuring out a way to do it. I think the key here, if you're watching commodities, is that gold is the world's reserve currency. Just figuring out a way because it is physical, like figuring out a way to use it as a cross-border payment, use it to settle debts, you know, and to do that transactionally, and that's what's happening. That's what I think people mistake. You know the BRICS nations and they have a meeting coming up. I think they mistake that for them coming out with their own currency, and they might come out with something, but the goal there will not be to supplant the US dollar as some new reserve currency that everyone uses. It'll be a way, in my opinion, for all of them and for countries in their periphery and who they do business with, to transact outside of the dollar system. It won't necessarily be that it'll be one currency or one thing, um which, again, the CBDC plans that are drawn up.
Speaker 2:Um, the world economic forum was crowing about that. Um, a couple of months ago that 96% of all countries had a central bank digital currency plan in action or or being implemented. That's what really is the, I think, the future. It's. It's gold and digital currencies and these cross-border payment systems. The dollar is getting shoved out of the way, but it's not happening. It's not happening so fast that the mainstream media is paying attention to it, but we certainly. Yeah, I agree.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I think that is the goal. They're going to have a CBDC. It'll be interoperable, so there'll be each of the central banks will have a digital currency. That'll be there and there'll be interoperable. But they see a lot of unrest and chaos in the interim as we're transitioning to this stuff and so they're accumulating gold to help with that chaos.
Speaker 1:And it kind of reminds me of, you know, we used to go to Williamsburg and Colonial Williamsburg when the kids were young and they would have these reenactors that would play different characters, like Jefferson or whatever, and they'd say where are you from, sir? You know I'm from North Carolina or whatever. Oh well, you know, the banks there are kind of shady. You know they don't really have the money to back the reserves that are there, and it used to make me think about that. It's like, yeah, you know, there used to not be any central bank during the time of Jefferson or any of the rest of this stuff, and so it really was faith and good credit of a particular bank and they would have to have if you're going to write a check or do a draft on that bank. It had to have a good reputation and it kind of was driven home.
Speaker 1:When we went to Hong Kong and we changed our money into the Hong Kong dollars and I was back in the hotel looking at it, because they were very different in terms of colors and everything I noticed that they had radically different same denomination.
Speaker 1:It would be radically different colors and everything. And then I looked closely and one of them was issued by a bank there in Hong Kong, and then the other one that looked very different was issued by a different bank, and so I started looking this up and it's like this is the way it used to be in colonial times. You would have the different commercial banks, for example, would be issuing their own currencies or their own drafts or whatever, and that's the way they actually did it in Hong Kong. And so that's really kind of what the central banks are doing. As you're pointing out there. They're going to be issuing their currency or their digital currency, and in order for people to believe that they're going to be good for it, they're going to have to show that they've got some gold there and that's why they're accumulating that.
Speaker 2:Right, and you see, countries like Zimbabwe used to be the laughingstock creating the trillion dollar notes. They're moving to a gold backed digital currency, same with Nigeria, and there's others that are that are popping up. These are the testing grounds. I think that's what we're really moving to. I think gold will become known as the world's reserve currency, if you will, but all the digitized currencies are in the periphery in these nations, will be used for cross-border payments and again there'll be probably a big market share of the Chinese yuan and there still will be dollars and all the rest. But I think what really needs to be emphasized is that the economic world order that was set up in 1944 at Bretton Woods is crumbling. This is part of the. You talk about it all the time. This is part of the fourth turning where institutions get scrapped and reset, and we're really watching that. This is going to bring a lot of economic chaos home. Those dollars get repatriated something called Triffin's dilemma. You know what happens when we stocked all these central banks around the world with dollars and they repatriate them back home to its origin, which is here in the United States. It will further devalue the dollar. It is interesting to watch.
Speaker 2:You know I read a lot of economic history and you're absolutely right. The 19th century we didn't have inflation. Now there was problems with different banks, different banks. When you have decentralization and a free market, there's always going to be problems, but nothing like the corruption of controlling the money supply through the Federal Reserve.
Speaker 2:The life of JP Morgan. He was born in 1837, which was year one of us not having a central bank. Andrew Jackson killed the second bank in the United States. He wanted that on his tombstone, by the way. He wanted I kill the bank on his tombstone. But JP Morgan was born in 1837. He died in 1913. His life was the exact span of the United States not having a central bank and again they called it a Federal Reserve. They met at Jekyll Island on November 22nd 1910. Three years later they had the Federal Reserve enacted and of course you talked about that many times. It's a wonderful lie because it was based off the time frame going into Christmas.
Speaker 2:So we really, I think, taking a step back. What we're watching is the decline of the dollar. D-dollarization is real, it's happening. It's happening faster than I had anticipated. I've been talking about this for years, but especially since the invasion of Ukraine by Russia and the sanctions placed on that. Other countries have taken notice and they're just dumping the system altogether and moving on, and that's why gold right now is over $2,500 an ounce. David, I really didn't think I'd see these prices either and I'm in this business, I didn't think I I haven't been crowing about, you know, $2,500 gold, that I can remember. I thought, well, we do certainly break 2,000, 2,100, certainly, certainly, you know, but these are prices that even territory that I had not anticipated.
Speaker 1:At least this soon.
Speaker 2:I still think it's cheap, by the way. I mean, just for all intents and purposes, I still think it's cheap. But really, what this is a reflection of is loss of confidence in the dollar itself as a reserve asset. That's why gold has now supplanted the euro. I'll say again it's supplanted the euro as the second largest reserve asset. You got to remember the bank of international settlements in basel, switzerland? Uh, made it a a tier one asset a few years ago. Gold itself, um, it hadn't been, uh for a long time. So we're really witnessing something historic here yeah, and so you know we've got.
Speaker 1:Um, we had the meeting in jackson hole they love to call it j hole and I call them the a holes in j hole. You're deciding yeah, and so you know we've got. We had the meeting in Jackson Hole they call it J Hole and I call them the A holes in J Hole. You're deciding whether or not they're going to, what they're going to do with money, they're going to increase the supply, they're going to charge more or less for interest rates and things like that, and everybody's expecting they're going to change interest rates in September. Then, of course, in October we have the BRICS summit and that'll be all about de-dollarization and having multipolar financial centers and that type of thing breaking away from the dollar.
Speaker 1:So yeah, at $2,500, and it's gone up and set several new all-time highs in the last couple of weeks and it'll retrench and it'll bounce around. But I think long term, we're looking at something not even long term, you know, by next year and certainly after the election, I think we're looking at it going up quite a bit higher and that's just really, as you point out, all the time, it's really the dollar that is going down and that's what we're seeing. We're seeing the crash of this fiat currency out of Washington, as they want to tell everybody worldwide what to do. Now. I got a question, though Did. Did they put that I killed the bank on his tombstone?
Speaker 2:No, unfortunately no, but you know there's, there's a lot of great history. Andrew Jackson just despised the banksters. He said they're a den of vipers and thieves and he's going to route them out. And in theory, you look at the conspiracy theory is that his would-be assassin, who he caned by the way he misfired the pistol, misfired he caned the man in public. Supposedly that person was a Rothschilds agent. You never know, but definitely he was an enemy of international finance and the last person to really stand up to that cartel. And it lasted a long time. They had, because of his opposition to a central bank and talking to the people. It took that long, it took decades, it took the lifespan of JP Morgan, to put it, to put a central bank back in place in the United States and they, they knew not to call it that. That's why they came. The language is very important. It's not federal but they call it a federal reserve and there's no reserves there. Yeah, it's just. It's just a scheme to to control the money supply and somebody like Andrew Jackson understood that.
Speaker 1:You point out that it misfired and he caned the guy and they got the guy, but they put those pistols in a museum and in recent times they took them out and they fired. So I don't know, it's kind of interesting. You know, god is sovereign in different things, whatever he does. But when we look at speaking of misfires, we have the commercial real estate issues. We have $557 billion worth of value that has evaporated from US offices.
Speaker 1:And again, when we look at the overall, when we're looking at chaos, we're looking at the decline of the dollar, the decline of the financial system, especially the banks that are in jeopardy of this. I mean, where did this $557 billion worth of value evaporate? Well, it's really kind of evaporated from the banks, because these people are going to walk away and the banks are going to be holding the empty bag. That was money before. We've got office buildings one of them recently sold and it worked out to $12 a square foot. I mean, that's how the office crash has really come on, and it's really going to be the small and medium-sized banks that are holding the bag with all this stuff, as it's all evaporated.
Speaker 2:I think this is a direct correlation to not suffering the pain, the true pain of 08, 09, you know, the TARP funds and the injection of liquidity into the system to keep it from having a total crash. They just put a bandaid on a sucking chest wound and now we're going to experience. Unfortunately, I don't think they can inflate their way out of it, I don't think they can print their way out of it. You're talking about a massive psychological loss of confidence as well in the market. But just, we change patterns, you know, through the lockdowns and being not essential, and you can't go into the office. And these companies outsourced and did everything over Zoom. You got to remember every time there's a commercial real estate loan, every time there's a residential real estate loan, that's currency creation. So where did it go? Into the ether, into the nowhere it's gone.
Speaker 2:And you look at this is why I keep going back to if you look at the chart of actual so-called wealth around the world, it's estimated like what? 400 trillion. And you see in these big blocks of like all these sovereign wealth, funds or currencies or stock markets, and then you look at the market cap of gold and it's 16 trillion. How is that even possible? How is it possible that gold, the only thing really known as money in the history of the world, is only a 16 trillion market cap in a world where the supposed there's hundreds of trillions of assets?
Speaker 2:That doesn't make any sense to me, and I think what you're watching again, it's just something. There's a bubble of all bubbles. I don't think we can wrap our minds around what's going to happen when that collapses, because it'll be systemic. It'll be a malignancy that gets into everything. We just saw a flash crash on August 5th across the markets and people have short memories. They just forgot about it already, but it looked bad. It looked like there was going to be a greater fallout than there actually was. But I think that's just a stress test. That's just a little burp on the radar, but it's coming and I think you'll see a rush to assets and there'll be revaluations everywhere and it'll be you know, to quote the Rothschilds be blood in the streets.
Speaker 1:Yeah, yeah, it's yeah. When that happened, I said it's not even October yet you know, because you see this kind of stuff happening in.
Speaker 1:October the major stock market crashes, Right, so it might just come back in October. But as that was happening, you saw gold go up significantly and so many different banks Bank of America, JP Morgan, many others and, of course, as that was happening, you had weekly reports coming out. As that was happening, you had weekly reports coming out.
Speaker 1:Zero Hedge picked up a report from GoldFix and said, yeah, $3,000 gold, that's looking pretty reasonable at this point, just a few months out. And if you go back and you look at how much it has gone up in just the last year, it truly is astounding, as you were saying before year. It truly is astounding, as you were saying before. But it is something that is kind of a harbinger of, I think, what is going to be happening this fall and certainly after the election. And that's why I think we're seeing these all-time highs with gold. And it's not really when it pulls back as it always does. You know you always have people taking profits with anything going up. It hasn't pulled back all that much. It's continually, just slowly moving up.
Speaker 2:I've heard a lot of analysts say that the price in gold is a reflection on future predictions of a Harris win in November, but I disagree. I think the price of gold keeps moving regardless of who's elected. This is macro, this is geopolitical. This is about what we're talking about. Like, total debt worldwide is estimated 350 trillion, so you've got a debt to gross domestic product worldwide that's rivaling itself. These things are unsustainable and you know there's a sense in the market that that's coming. But these are still cheap prices. Silver's just over 30 bucks. Let me check that. I'll check goldpriceorg. It's 29.59 on the spot price right now. For the white metal, $52.50 in 1980, david. Yeah, $52.50 in 1980. This is cheap. And what do you think Gold was?
Speaker 2:When I was born, gold was headed up to $800 an ounce. Beginning of the 70s it was $35 an ounce. Into the 70s it was $800 an ounce roughly. So what's $800 an ounce in 1980, david? Is it more than $2,500? You bet. You bet it is. You know what you could get for $800 in 1980.
Speaker 2:So really, we're denominating precious metals and dollars and there will come a time when we don't. They'll be denominated in a different way. Maybe, you know, in other commodities. There'll be a different chart, because you know the dollar in and of itself, we give psychological value to it, something I study all the time and it is weird that we do that because that's not part of our history.
Speaker 2:Can you imagine if we were founded, we, america, would have never made anything of itself. It was founded on a fiat currency. Yeah, the country they don't, they, they don't they go and decline. Uh, you know, with fiat currencies, you know that's the same thing with uh, with our trade policies. We weren't founded on these free trade agreements. We were founded on strategic manufacturing and and and economic nationalism. And countries decline on free trade. They decline on fiat currency. And we can see that and I think you know in large part what's happening to the U? S is done on purpose, it's done on the inside, it's an inside job.
Speaker 2:I'm literally watching the petrodollar agreement lapse, watching, uh, these cross-border payments increase, not having anything, not no intervention whatsoever to bolster the dollar, and then everybody looks to jerome powell to ask when you know, please, daddy, can we have some more inflation? I know, it's just we're. It's insane times and and you, you know, you talked about the office stuff with the commercial real estate. Gerald Cilente is absolutely right. That's where it will begin. It won't begin in the residential market this time. It'll be in the commercial. That's right.
Speaker 1:Yeah, this is something I briefly mentioned. I don't know if you know any more about this, but Wyoming is going to launch a stable coin next year, is going to launch a stable coin next year, and they said they did it because they're very concerned about the Fed's policy instability, because they know that they're going to support the too-big-to-fail banks. We know they're not going to get there. They're going to throw the small and medium-sized banks to the wolves when this commercial real estate thing busts, but they will try to save the big banks and bail that out. And so there's a lot of different states that are looking at various ways to kind of have a fallback position, a hedge against the bad policies of the Federal Reserve and what may happen with the dollar, what may happen with the overall economic system.
Speaker 1:Some of the states here, like Tennessee and Senator Nisle was trying to get the state to put more gold in, you know, to buy more gold and hold it, because it's kind of a hedge against what the Federal Reserve was going to do. There's several different southern states that are looking at that. And then of course there's Wyoming, which is talking about doing a stable coin. But you know they're just going to put it into a crypto thing, rather than having gold that they accumulate there. But still, it's everybody's concerned about what the Federal Reserve is going to do, what the economic system is going to be, how the bank some banks will be saved, but everybody else is just going to be left to die. What have you heard about Wyoming, or have you heard anything about that? What is? What are they doing with their stable coin? Do you know?
Speaker 2:I've heard a little about it and I think this is a trend that will just continue to increase all over the place. I mean, just, you know whether it's states doing it. You look into something like Tether. You know Tether did this with the US dollar and have been quite successful with it. I don't own any Tether, but I think there's going to be more of this popping up. And you're absolutely right.
Speaker 2:The states are decentralizing, setting up their own reserves and allowing for gold and silver to be legal tender. I applaud all this. Oklahoma recently just passed some massive legislation being very friendly to crypto, very friendly to Bitcoin. I'd love to see it. That's what you need on a state and local level recognizing currency, recognizing gold and silver as legal tender, anything that pops up that competes with the Fed. I love it. So I'm a fan, because decentralization promotes freedom. Centralization detracts from freedom. It's as simple as that, and we're watching some history happen. Decentralization detracts from freedom. It's as simple as that and we're watching some history happen.
Speaker 2:And when the BRICS nations continue to do what they're doing with cross-border payments and recognizing gold and commodities, the dollar continues to wane. There'll be less influence from the Fed, and that's great. That's a good thing. It's some pain. There'll be some short-term pain, but I like the idea of you being your own bank.
Speaker 2:I do that every week for myself and I, you know, I practice what I preach. I started buying, I started getting some smaller gold coins I talk about this all the time. I put them in Wolfpack, I buy my own and I set them aside, even with the premiums. I'm like well, I know that 10 years from now, this won't matter. You know, five years from now, this premium won't matter, cause I'm you know, psychologically I'm saying well, this, you know I'm paying what? $2,600 an ounce to get this, a 10th ounce coin, as opposed to, you know, buying an ounce.
Speaker 2:Well, it won't matter on a long enough timeline, because I'm still giving you, I'm taking this, this dollar that's not backed by anything, and I'm you know, I'm putting it against the goal get the gold, have something that's yours. Don't rely too much on third parties, whether it's a bank, whether it's a crypto, in an exchange. Learn how to do something yourself, and I would start with precious metals. That's where I start. We're still going to have a wise wolf Bitcoin coming up very soon, and I have some. There's going to be some really neat stuff that I'm going to be able to announce on that, but it is a lot of work. I'm working on it. I'm kind of buried here in my office been working on all of this stuff and you should see the paperwork stacked up behind me.
Speaker 1:I've been trying to get all this stuff in action, but yeah, it's of course they've been thinking about how they can multiply the paperwork out there to make it difficult. Oh, which is yours no, and with that I mean they've been pretty successful.
Speaker 1:If they can produce anything, they can produce paperwork out of Washington. Can't they successful? If they can produce anything, they can produce paperwork out of Washington, can't they? It's bad, yeah. Well, you know that's what we're talking about in terms of the stable coin in Wyoming or, you know, adding gold to the state treasury in southern states and other places like that. People just understand the shaky situation that we're in with the Federal Reserve and so, you see, you know Costco out there saying, well, you know, we're going to offer gold or whatever, or that reflects a general understanding of what is the kind. You know the value of gold and the risk that we're in right now.
Speaker 1:This is another one. This is an Idaho-based gold depository that's going to have more gold in it than Fort Knox will be able to do. It's called Money Metals. It's opening up.
Speaker 1:That's another example of you know, we talk about bringing it home and a lot, of, a lot of these large central banks and other countries are bringing it home. They're bringing it home in terms of gold. They can't just divorce themselves from the dollar all at once, because it'd be absolutely worthless if they did that. So they got to do it in a controlled way, but they're trying to bring home wealth insurance into their country, and that's what individuals are doing. You know you bring it home but you don't necessarily want to keep it at home. This is a recognition of that that so many people are starting to accumulate gold, that there's a market out there for a very large, very expensive investment. Somebody's made 37,000 square foot vault for people to keep gold in. That tells you something about the awareness of the importance of having gold by individuals and some high net worth individuals or some businesses or institutions, I guess yeah.
Speaker 2:Well, to be fair, your local pawn shop might have more gold than Fort Knox. I don't know.
Speaker 1:We haven't audited it, that's true, that's just kind of a metaphor, I guess at this point I know it's an estimation- Right.
Speaker 2:I send product to Money Metals all the time with my customers who use that depository for their IRAs. Money metals does a good job. So this is the private accumulation of gold and I like to see people doing that, and depositories are the way to go when you've got a large amount. I mean, the super wealthy are not going to keep that at home. That's right. You don't want to tell people I own a lot of gold and it's at my house.
Speaker 1:You might have a Venezuelan gang that shows up, you know.
Speaker 2:That's right. The home invasion, that's right, you don't? You? It's a, it's a good hedge, and if you listen to people like robert kiyosaki, I mean, all of his gold is in depositories and so, um, I, I, I support those and I use money, metals, for sure yeah, yeah, and, and, but you know their expansion.
Speaker 1:You know 37 000 square feet. They're adding and, and they said they can expand it up to 60,000 square feet. So they're very, they're very bullish on people being bullion-ish. I guess that certainly is the zeitgeist. Everybody is picking up on what the risks are and everybody kind of instinctively knows what the solution is. Well, anything else you want to tell us about what's going on at Wise Wolf? I know you're working on trying to get the crypto stuff on the side. What else is happening there?
Speaker 2:Well, we're definitely working on that with the Bitcoin. We're working on a new master website just because it's the confusion between the two locations and working on some new projects. A lot of great stuff we're announcing soon. Wolfpack is growing and thank you for the plug at the beginning of the show and you know definitely a huge portion of Wolfpack are David Knight Show listeners and we so appreciate that. Well, that's great. We've got some amazing products. I think it's such a great idea that you're doing.
Speaker 1:You know nobody else does that. That I know of, and I know it's a lot of work and a lot of overhead for you to do that. But it also helps for people to be able to take advantage of. You know a group buy and the value of just being able to set aside something on a regular you know monthly basis and to gradually start to accumulate. That's the whole point of it. You know it's not a get rich quick thing. You know gold is not a roller coaster, which is what I like about it.
Speaker 1:You know it is a, but you know the race goes to the tortoise, not to the hare, necessarily right, right, and it should be that way, I get too worried when I see the prices of the stock market going up and down and the cryptocurrency going up and down. You can get rich quick or you can get poor quick, depending on. Sometimes you're forced to get off the roller coaster, you know, and you might have to get off the roller coaster when it's down.
Speaker 2:Well, if anybody that knows me and I've always been honest, but I like crypto and I do use Bitcoin and I like Bitcoin and we're going to have more to say about that very soon but if you really press me and say, tony, what are you going to? If you had, if you had, to turn some fiat currency into something, what would you do? It would be gold and silver and, depending on if I, how fast I needed to move or go somewhere, or how mobile I needed to be, it would be either gold you know that would depend on what I bought but at the end of the day, it's going to be precious metals, because they exist in the real world. And you're right, a lot of people in the crypto space complain about gold, complain about silver. It really doesn't go up that fast. It's not parabolic. Well, that's because it's money. It's not supposed to. It's not these other speculative assets, especially when they're still figuring themselves out.
Speaker 2:What know? What does it mean to own Bitcoin? What does it mean for markets? It's still in its infancy. These are going to be swinging all over the place. Wild Gold has been around since for all of recorded history. We talk about this all the time. You can go back 100 years. It's basically the buys about the same amount of land, crude oil, food, uh, clothing than it did. You know, it's not. It's just that the dollar amount changed because of free floating fiat currency and not being tethered by it. So, yeah, I, I like the fact that it is a more stable and I would tell people I didn't expect 2500 an ounce gold. Yeah, I did not expect this, and it's not coming from the average person wanting gold. There is some of that. It's it's coming from you need to watch this closely. It's coming from central bankers. What do they know that you don't?
Speaker 1:What are they planning that you don't know? Yes, they're planning something. Yeah, that really is true. It's you know, when you look at it, it is. I think of it, it as wealth insurance and just trying to preserve what you've got. That's probably going to be the most important thing that we can do coming up into these turbulent times, and it's going to be very turbulent times the next four years, no question about it. Change is going to really be accelerating, and it may not be for the better, and so you need to have something that you can fall back on.
Speaker 1:Saving is always good, but you want to make sure that you save money and not the pieces of paper, and I would include that with the paper gold that we talked about so many times. It's one of the reasons why, or a method that they can use to manipulate the price of gold, and, of course, now they're doing derivatives on cryptocurrency as well. That's always the way that they can manipulate these markets with it, but the reality is is if you go back and you look at the price of things in gold, that really tells you how it is a store of wealth and how it is solid versus the price of gold in dollars, that's. That doesn't really tell you anything at all. So that's always great talking to you, tony, and thank you so much for supporting the program. It really is important to us. I appreciate that. Appreciate you, sir.
Speaker 1:Thank you and again, uh, davidknightgold, take you to Tony at wisewolfgold and check out Wolfpack, the common man. They created common core to dumb down our children. They created common past to track and control us, their commons project to make sure the commoners own nothing, and the communist future. They see the common man as simple, unsophisticated, ordinary. But each of us has worth and dignity, created in the image of God. That is what we have in common. That is what they want to take away. Their most powerful weapons are isolation, deception, intimidation. They desire to know everything about us, while they hide everything from us. It's time to turn that around and expose what they want to hide. Please share the information and links you'll find at thedavidknightshowcom. Thank you for listening. Thank you for sharing. Thank you for listening. Thank you for sharing. If you can't support us financially, please keep us in your prayers. Thank you.