The Wise Wolf Gold & Crypto Show
A weekly wrap up of the precious metals and Crypto currency markets as well as guests who represent the best in both sectors.
The Wise Wolf Gold & Crypto Show
The Shocking Truth Behind the Missing Gold and the Global Race to Remonetize Currency!
Is Fort Knox hiding a golden secret? This episode features Tony Arterburn of Wise Wolf Gold as we unravel the enigma of the un-audited gold reserves and the political drama surrounding it. With millions of ounces shifting from London to the United States, the cloak-and-dagger world of gold repatriation raises more questions than answers. Why have prominent Senators like Mike Lee and Rand Paul been denied access to Fort Knox, and what does this mean for the political landscape and chaotic gold markets?
We journey into the shifting sands of the global economy, inspired by a presentation at Anarchapulco. From the strategic maneuvers of China in commodities to the dramatic de-dollarization, the international financial stage is set for a transformation. Our discussion touches on the declining purchase of U.S. treasuries by China, the motivations behind central banks' gold acquisitions, and the looming threat of supply chain disruptions. The narrative hints at a world at the brink of a financial upheaval, with gold playing a pivotal role.
Lastly, we explore the potential future of money with the advent of Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs). As 96% of countries develop blueprints for these digital currencies, the episode analyzes how technological advancements challenge traditional economic theories. We consider the implications of CBDCs on surveillance, sovereignty, and the economic reset strategies of global powers, with insights from influential figures like Elon Musk and Jerome Powell. Join us as we untangle these complex threads and speculate on the strategic moves that may shape the financial future.
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Speaker 2:Joining us now is Tony Ardaban of Wise Wolf Gold, and Tony has kindly set up DavidKnight Gold. That'll take you to Wise Wolf and let him know that you came through us. But I want to talk to Tony about what's going on with the Fort Knox issue. I've been playing videos about this goldfinger and all the rest of this stuff. We played videos about the missing gold and silver in 9-11, and yet this is an ongoing tale and they're trying to desperately bring gold back in. I questioned the other day this is something that you brought up first about how there was a lot of problems in London because there was so much gold that was being repatriated back to the US. So I kind of opened up the question could it possibly be because they're worried that there's going to be an audit of Fort Knox before they look? What do you think is going on with all this stuff? It's crazy.
Speaker 3:It is absolutely crazy and you know you go back to the consequence of this election. You and I spoke before November 5th and we we have our opinions on what was going to happen with Harris, what would happen with Trump. None of this would be on the table with Harris. So there is this chaos agent aspect to this. So all the fundamentals that were pushing gold to all time highs still exist. On top of now, we have the London exchanges and the vaults being cleared out. And the vaults being cleared out. The number of gold ounces 12.5 million ounces of gold being repatriated from London to the United States. 40 million ounces of silver has been repatriated, and that's just London. That's not the other vaults around the world that are repatriating gold to the United States. Something is afoot, david, and you talk about chaos and unintended consequences. States. Something is afoot, david, and you talk about chaos and unintended consequences. Now you've got Arbor. Herorius. A Swiss gold manufacturer has put massive premiums on gold bars and even stopped some of the pre-sales of its product because of dwindling supply. This rupture between paper and physical is happening faster than I had predicted because I thought they had a lot more time. But when you're talking about ordering contracts to be fulfilled and they have to make on-time delivery to these big multinationals and others. It's really putting a strain on whatever was happening behind the scenes at the actual exchanges and bullion houses for holding that paper gold. Exchanges and bullion houses for holding that paper gold.
Speaker 3:When it comes to Fort Knox, though, this has long been in the lore of gold bugs, that something was wrong, that it's been repatriated. We don't ever see it. There hasn't been an audit in 70 years and I always just put that on the back burner. But now that all of this has come out with Doge and Elon Musk, it's interesting because you start seeing Senator Mike Lee pop up. And then there's Senator Rand Paul from Kentucky that's where his home state and he says I've been trying to access, just go to Fort Knox for 10 years.
Speaker 3:And so is Mike Lee and others who are popping up saying I tried to go to Fort Knox. Well, that's interesting because you know if you ever have been in the military and one of the ways, if you are having problem with your chain of command or something wrong, you can always go to your congressman, you can go to your senator, and a congressional inquiry has a powerful effect on the military, except for this. So there's something, something I did not. I did not know that they had purposely tried to access this, without effect, and no one, I guess, has there hasn't been any said. I'm a senator.
Speaker 2:I did not know that they had purposely tried to access this without effect, and no one, I guess, has there hasn't been any. They said I'm a senator. They said I'm a senator and I said you still can't come. So I guess you know the military. Even if the military is under civilian control there's a question about that as well but if the military is under civilian control and by that I don't mean the CIA but the politicians it appears that Fort Knox is not under civilian control at all.
Speaker 3:It's going to be interesting to see what treatment Trump gets if something even moves on that, if he gets a call and says you can't look, you know, it's really a. I was talking yesterday. I had a. I spoke at Anarchapoco. I'm in Anarchapoco, mexico, right now, in case you get, behind me is the Pacific Ocean, in case you can't see it.
Speaker 3:I was there yesterday and I was speaking on this and the chaos that's been caused and about, you know, the gold shortages and who actually controls the 8,000-plus tons of gold that the United States supposedly had. And I got to speaking and it was somebody off stage and we started to think well, this is really like the plot to to Die Hard three. You know, you go back in the 90s when Hans Gruber's brother like comes and steals all the gold from the Federal Reserve and then he's going to crash the economies with it. There's something. Maybe that's predictive programming on some level, but there's something happening right now.
Speaker 3:Everything is accelerating where countries are now having to show their hand. I think this is really the race for the remonetization of fiat currency, and I don't think it will happen tomorrow, but I think this is where they're setting the stage. There's an executive order that's just been signed by Trump to create a sovereign wealth fund and that's using the assets, resources of the United States in a sovereign wealth fund, and I think that's to re-monetize and to monetize the assets of the United States against our fiat currency, david. Yeah, yeah, it is kind of interesting states against our fiat currency.
Speaker 2:David, yeah, yeah, it is kind of interesting. We started talking about this and, of course, you know you were concerned in the fall, because we're setting one all time high after the other. And it's like, yeah, what I'm worried about is maintaining physical supply and, as you just pointed out, all of the things that we were looking at for why gold would be going up and would continue to go up, even with a Trump presidency. You know everybody, as soon as Trump got president, he is making a pivot towards, or just doing a complete about face with crypto. As Biden was trying to outlaw it, he was, he's going to promote it. And I said and so then every gold went down and crypto goes sky high. And I said, well, you know this is. The fundamentals have not changed. And you and I were both talking about that. And and yet this is something, as you point out, nobody had really thought about Are we going to finally have an accounting as to where this gold is? And it's not just Fort Knox, but they're.
Speaker 2:They're bluffing on this in so many different areas. I mean, all of this repatriation of gold is showing that the London exchange is bluffing on it. The Shanghai exchanges. You know they run these ETFs and you can't actually demand physical delivery of this gold. They've got it there. You know you don't actually own the gold. You own shares in a company that promises that they own that gold, right. So you can't take a contract and it's not like a commodity contract. You can't actually demand delivery of that. And so there's all these different things that are happening, but they shake the confidence of everybody in this system, and maybe it's not to try to get the gold into Fort Knox before anybody shows up to count it. Maybe it's just that everybody, as you point out, the sovereign wealth fund everything. Maybe everybody's just trying to position themselves because they're going to have to show their hands.
Speaker 3:I think the whole world is. But you know, fort Knox would only have about half of what the United States supposedly has. It's a little over 4000 tons that are supposedly at Fort Knox. It's becoming more and more likely that something's wrong with that supply, that something's been moved or there isn't an accounting and somebody is going to have a call to the carpet for it. If there is indeed an audit, I still don't know that they will have it. I don't know if there'll be another phone call. You can't go in there and some whoever is above Trump at this point. Let's hope. Let's hope that they audit. I'd like to see that.
Speaker 3:But that's what's happening to the rest of the world. I mean China's central banks still ordering massive amounts of gold. This month marks the lowest buying of US treasuries and debt by the Chinese since 2009. Dedolarization continues to happen rapidly. I think that's really. The trends are still there. Everything is happening, maybe because of the accelerated rate of de-dollarization.
Speaker 3:You're starting to see a lot of like a flurry of things happening on the Treasury side of the United States and the executive side just to maybe ward off some sort of run on the dollar. The threat of tariffs really caused and maybe that was intended, maybe it was unintended, but the chaos thrown into that, the wrench into the system, really is remarkable, david. I mean I've never seen anything like it. And supply it's interesting and I've been retracing my steps over the last 120 days. We've been inundated buying product from everyday people and I still have Wolfpack and we're strong with that on the lower end of lower purchases.
Speaker 3:But what I've noticed is like the mid range purchases I don't see as much anymore. So I was buying more and more and I'm selling to the trading floor but the prices continue to go up. And I talked to other dealers and I put out, you know, I just said, hey, are you guys seeing the same thing? Most of the my anybody I've contacted said the same thing is interesting the prices go up, people continue to sell, so someone's buying and what I'm figuring is that it is institutional buyers institutions, countries, multinationals, banks you know the banks they're buying, they're buying and and I think it was.
Speaker 1:Uh, jp morgan just moved over a four billion dollar order. Ruffles trae una promo perfecta para disfrutar la nfl. Junta tres bolsas vacias. Escanea las en whatsapp y podrías participar para llevarte un vaso botanero de la nfl. Vive los partidos con toda la emoción y acompáñalos con them with Ruffles and your new botanical glass this season. Ruffles. Official sponsor of the NFL. In effect on January 6th to February 22nd 2025. Bases and form of participation in Joy App. The NFL and its teams are exempt from any responsibility related to the execution of the current promotion.
Speaker 3:Eat well of gold and just I think that in the last 72 hours or so, and I don't know if it's a single purchase or not, but these are inflows of physical gold that are being repurposed and allocated for their clients, and so this is the massive moves on getting into physical precious metals, and that's the game that the elites are playing, and the average person, I think, is hurting in this economy and having to sell, unfortunately, just to keep up with things. But that's the game that we're in right now is the race to get assets.
Speaker 2:That's right. Yeah, the average person is just feeling the financial pressure. These other people are making these decisions. But, you know, if you have the, if you have the ability to invest in this stuff. It's kind of remember that old commercial, ef Hutton. You know, and EF Hutton talks, people listen, they would have that all be in this crowded restaurant and some guy would say, well, ef Hutton said, and all of a sudden everybody stops, you know, and they all listen to see what's going on. It's kind of like Nancy Pelosi, what's she going to invest in next? You know, well, you see what these institutions are doing and I think it's very telling Maybe it's part of this is the tariff wars that are coming, but the Chinese are demanding that the insurance companies are suggesting strongly suggesting and allowing it, but strongly suggesting that they do it that they start accumulating gold in the insurance companies, not even telling them hey, we want you to buy government bonds in China.
Speaker 2:Or, you know, have certain reserves in cash. No, we want you to buy government bonds in China. Or, you know, have certain reserves in cash. No, we want you to get it in gold. You know very specific about that.
Speaker 3:Well, the Chinese had a gold strategy beginning at the beginning of the 21st century, buying massive amounts of gold off the books and secretly, and I think this has been part of their strategic plan for many, many years. They you know. What has Napoleon said about China? It's a sleeping dragon. Best to let it sleep and slumber. They've awakened. I mean that was awakened in 1972 with the opening of China. Kissinger and Nixon.
Speaker 3:Throughout the years, we handed them over industry, most likely related to the trilateralist plan to put all the manufacturing assets and technology eastward. And you look at the trade deals and the WTO access and 90 days after 9-11, we give the Chinese most favored trading status and we lost 55,000 factories and one in three manufacturing jobs. I look at that. And all those trade deficits don't go into a vacuum. The trillions of dollars, they went somewhere else and the Chinese used those funds to build up their infrastructure in cities. They played economic nationalism. They have 50% tariffs on a lot of incoming manufacturing items. That way they protect their home markets. They've been very strategic that way, but gold has been a mainstay and all the research that I've done there's no way to really verify this.
Speaker 3:But you look at somebody like Robert Kiyosaki, who wrote Rich Dad, Poor Dad. He's been in the business of gold and silver since the 70s and he would go and he'd find silver and gold mines. He found one in China, had a lot of investors, they hit a big vein of gold. It was going to be a massive success and as soon as it came time to put the miners to work, the Chinese did not renew his lease. They wouldn't allow him to renew his business license either. So they just took the mine and nationalized it. They do that a lot. That's something that the Chinese they're for the gold. They got 60,000 gold mines and it's hard to say how much gold they have. But let's say we have 8,000 plus tons in the US. I don't believe that. But let's say we do the Chinese supposedly with everything that's private holdings and government about, and nothing's really private in China. So if it's a big bank or a corporation, it's part of the Chinese government. Oh yeah, I would look at it. They said that the number is something like 16,000. There's no way to verify that. But they're a net importer, not exporter. It's the energy that they've put into commodities, the Belt and Road initiatives, their relationships with Africa and other mineral-rich nations. This has been the strategy for years and, as we see the endgame and the march towards a reset for fiat currency worldwide the countries that hold the most rare earth, minerals, precious metals, assets and that's why I think we're talking about a strategic reserve and a sovereign wealth fund. That is because the death of fiat currency is upon us, and I don't mean like it's going to go to zero.
Speaker 3:The debt to GDP ratio is so unsustainable, David, you know this. We're at like 130 some odd percent of debt to gdp, higher than it was in world war ii. It's like running and that's it. And then technology at the same time is making some things deflation, harry and lowering cost. It's hard for these governments to keep up. They, you know their trick is always to increase the money supply, but so many things are skewed on their model and I think technology and AI drives a wedge into that, on top of the fact that I think it's a race to the bottom. At this point, Nobody even talks about fiscal responsibility. So there has to be and I think this is where you look at the World Economic Forum and some of those folks, the Klaus Schwabs of the world. They call it a great reset for a reason, and I think they've run the simulations, at least the numbers on what happens to the currency after it collapses in some way, and that's why commodities are, I think, the prize to governments right now, especially gold.
Speaker 2:Well, and you know the insolvency and the high debtGDP ratio, that's not something that's just American, that's throughout the West, and so you know there's a lot of countries that are having this kind of issue and, of course, we're seeing record prices of gold in a lot of different currencies it's not just the US dollar. We've been able to print as much as we wanted and not have the consequences that some other countries have, and I think that is what's coming to an end to a large degree, but it is something that all of the West has basically kind of adopted to one degree or the other, that kind of let's just go into debt and we'll just, you know, just fund jobs out of debt. And I think it was a Zero Hedge article or something like that, saying, yeah, for every dollar of GDP we've gone into $5 worth of debt, or something like that. It was crazy what is happening and the rate of escalation of this thing, and that is absolutely not sustainable.
Speaker 2:Got a couple of comments here. Let's see. This is from PCR Discover. This is from PCR Discover. Kerry Mullis, Tony, can you speak to the path towards CBDC?
Speaker 3:with explanation of the ETF scams and stablecoin schemes, please. Well, I think we're still. Cbdc is still on the table, by the way. I've not taken that off the table, despite the executive order and the language language. It'll just be called something else digitized control currency is the future of governments and that's what I think.
Speaker 3:They're fighting history, they're fighting decentralization and where people are actually trending, I mentioned earlier because of technology not everything, but because of technology, some things are deflationary, not everything, but because of technology, some things are deflationary, making things a lot less costly. So that kind of flies in the face of the Keynesian modern monetary theory of continually goosing the economy by. I think some of the metrics I read was like $150 trillion injected into the economy to produce $46 trillion in GDP. So these are diminishing returns. You don't get. The Keynesian model doesn't work. So they're going to have some sort of plan. There's a plan. By the way, it's 96% of countries have a blueprint for CBDC. But whether it's the BIS or the World Bank with their unicorn some unicorn is what it's called there's a path there to put everybody on a digital grid system so they can control, they can expand and contract the money supply in real time and there'll be a cashless society and I don't know how it'll be presented, but they'll use a crisis to implement it. So I'm still very much on the lookout for these plans to digitize.
Speaker 3:And you know they may use a you mentioned earlier the stable coins and other things. They may use an in-run around it. What was that Zygmunt Brzezinski about? An in-run around sovereignty or whatever he said back in the 70s like an in-run around. I think that's what they'll do is use some sort of public-private partnership with a stable coin or something like that, or they'll come up with something because the currencies will continue, especially the dollars, losing purchasing power rapidly and we've never been through this before. So it's hard for me to prognosticate on what would be the next step for the dollar when we've never seen the dollar at 40% usage and below worldwide. We've never seen it drop in the percentage held by central banks or the Chinese stop buying our debt or our treasuries. We've never seen that. So it's hard to plan on what that would look like. But we're definitely not out of the woods at all over CBDC. It'll just be called something else.
Speaker 2:And of course in the EU they don't care. I mean, they're going to call it CBDC. It's just like this defiance about censoring people that you see in the UK and see in Germany and so forth. Oh, it's a good thing, we love it. They're going to call it CBDC there and they're going to continue on with it. As you point out, it'll be called something else here in the US.
Speaker 2:And you know I talked earlier this week about the roots of the technocracy and how their dream about 100 years ago was to have this large consolidation of North America, you know, from like Central America, panama, all the way up to Greenland, including Canada, and to call it the technate. And central to that was also the idea that you would get rid of currencies and that it would be simply trading in energy. Now, this was in the 1930s and of course we saw that about 40 years later. That's what Kissinger kind of moved halfway through, I think, with the petrodollar tying it to energy in a sense through, I think, with the petrodollar tying it to energy in a sense. And now you've got I just saw just yesterday a coin telegraph saying energy-backed currencies are the key to climbing the Kardashev scale. And of course there's a Russian philosopher back in the late 1960s who was they were looking for extraterrestrial life, and so he was talking about civilization, actually how advanced the civilization was by how they utilized energy, and, of course, this is always what the technocracy focused on said we need to have some kind of energy currency.
Speaker 2:So when I look at all of this, I look at Elon Musk and the fact that he wants a digital wallet and he wants to be the WeChat financial center and all this. It looks to me like they're kind of moving this way, and if they want to reset the financial system, and if a part of all of this auditing and chaos that is happening with the Trump administration, perhaps that is to completely reset the financial system in this way, biden just said, hey, let's completely redesign the financial system and we'll do it in everybody's face and we'll call it CBDC. These guys may be doing it in a different way and it may be a lot more powerful, but I don't know what do you think about that? That they might reorganize this along the lines of a hundred percent energy thing instead of doing some kind of a petrodollar. They might just go with what the technocracy proposed a century ago I think that's more likely.
Speaker 3:they go after it in a backdoor kind of way, using technology and using, and they can try to make sense of that. We can monetize energy. We can use our sovereign wealth fund. They're already starting that. That's an executive order for that. They can monetize the assets of the United States and you really have to at some point. You have to do something with the currency. But the way that you would get everybody into this surveillance disguised as money right to quote Catherine Austin Fitz, that's what you would do is you would use a new system promising stability with that technology. But I don't trust you know we're talking about the different factions. You know they come at you in different ways, but it's the same goal. You know it's two wings of the same bird, just different strategies. I mean the Harris administration very anti crypto. But what was the first thing that Biden did was order, executive orders showing every executive department to come back and report on how they could implement CBDC.
Speaker 2:That's right, and the justification for it was that we got to save energy. Right, crypto is going to use too much energy, so we got to come up with just a CBDC. That'll be no proof of work, it'll just be proof of our authority, and so we can save energy. And so that was a justification for it.
Speaker 2:Now, here you got these people, so they come up with this whole strategy where they can surveil and control what you buy, and they justify it on energy, saying that we've got to cut down emissions and so forth. But what if they just drop all the emissions nonsense and say you know all of this stuff that we've been predicting the sky is falling now since the 1970s and it's not so, okay, never mind, but we still need to have that energy thing. And so, you know, they develop all this stuff. And then they just do a pivot over to it and say, yeah, we're going to do the carbon taxes, but it isn't going to be to save the universe, it's just going to be because we need to come up with a better basis for how we measure activity and how we incentivize the right things.
Speaker 3:I measure activity and how we incentivize the right things. I don't know. It's much like Operation Paperclip. You know it's like the same people. It's like oh, now you got Werner Von Braun was a Nazi, but now he's on Disney. You know it's like the same people. It's the same ideology, just different presentation, different packaging.
Speaker 2:The rockets go up, the rockets come down. It's not my concerns as Werernher von Braun, right yeah.
Speaker 3:That's what it reminds me of, and it's the same, a lot of this the infrastructure, same people, same belief systems. Especially, do you think Jerome Powell has changed his viewpoints on the role of the Fed? Or the mission, or who actually controls what? I don't think so I mean a lot of the same. Or the mission, or who actually controls what? I don't think so I mean a lot of the same. Things are in place and we're going to learn a lot, hopefully with some of these Doge audits, if that's even real.
Speaker 3:I like to think that it is. I like to see bureaucrats scream, I like to see people get upset that somebody's looking at where money goes, so I'm happy with that. But again, you have to be. You know, this is where the left right paradigm comes in and you have to be very skeptical and cautious because just because you cheer one side doesn't mean, or just because you're happy that seeing something, some sort of transparency, doesn't mean I'm just cheering on everything that the Trump Musk coalition's doing. I think you have to be skeptical because behind that is the technocracy. Let's not forget that this is still a great reset.
Speaker 2:That's right. Even if all this stuff is genuine, what is the real purpose of what Musk is doing? I mean, it is a big PR move for him and, you know, creating this reality distortion field around him that is always there, you know, to get the to take a major faction.
Speaker 2:He's creating political alliances everywhere. This guy is the richest man in the world because he's the best politician that we've ever seen in our lifetime, because he's able to schmooze the Chinese and every other country that he goes into completely by the US presidency. So he's able to do whatever he wants. And if he presents himself out there as a fiscal hero and you know that's only going to help him politically with all the people who already think that he saved free speech. Got a couple of comments here. E-pigeon the 17th says if there's no gold, trump might just warp speed CBDC. Yeah, who knows. If they create a financial chaos or something and again you know we're in the last four years of this fourth turning most likely so if they've got some kind of a crisis and they're ready to impose something, that might be their ticket to do it.
Speaker 3:That would certainly kick off a crisis. As I mentioned earlier I know it's funny, but Die Hard 3, that was the point of it they would do a head fake and say that the gold was destroyed. They cleaned out the Federal Reserve Bank in New York. That's where a lot of the I don't know how much is actually stored there. It's all around the country, but it's very strategic. Then they sink the economy. That's what I think we'd be looking at. If there was some transparency and something's missing, something's afoot, it would cause a financial shock around the world. We just always suppose, that's the supposition, that it's there, but I've always thought there's something wrong with it, something wrong with our gold holdings. Because if you look at the history of where the gold went in 1933, david, if you go back and source it, it went to the Bank of International Settlements. Large chunks of the American people turned in those gold coins and all their US currency at the time. That went to. It was melted and it was put into bar form and it was sent to Basel, switzerland.
Speaker 2:Well, we got North American Household Post, says I'm sure Fort Knox says, hundreds of tons of gold-plated tungsten. If not, they're probably trying to get it on the market as soon as they can. Michael Pomeroy says a lot of my metal acquired over the last three decades was by meeting people on Craigslist. Unfortunately, this is now all dried up. That's interesting, yeah yeah, that's.
Speaker 3:It's harder and harder. Like the I, I know a thing or two about urban gold mining and, uh, I think it's just harder and harder to verify any of that stuff too. You got to use a trusted dealer because there's so many good fakes out there. I can usually usually tell something's fake just by holding it, but not always and that's not how I verify anything. I just usually know right off the bat colorization, weight, how it feels in my hand, something like that, because I've been doing this so long. But there is some really good fakes so I would, especially if something's too good to be true, like, hey, it's a 50% off gold bar sale, yeah, okay, well, you know, that's red flag number one and you'll never. If something is below spot or something like that, you know something's really wrong. So, people you know, be careful of those bargains and things that you find online.
Speaker 2:Yeah, there's a comment from Mav2022. Says China's been along the lines of what you're saying there in China, the way they hijacked that gold mine. From Robert Kiyosawa. He says they've been hijacking gold mines in Africa and South America as well. They just come in and take over the mines. Yeah, Part of the Belt and Road Initiative. I guess that's the gold buckle on their belt.
Speaker 3:Well, that's the race. You know the Chinese are very aggressive about acquiring gold and I think that when the time is right and they'll start dumping more US holdings. De-dollarization is a threat. It's a national security threat, unfortunately, and how that's handled doesn't mean we have to go to war or something like that. I oppose that. Something to make it very attractive to do business in the US, reset the strength of our economy, all that, and it's not going to come by a funhouse mirror version of economic nationalism. I support tariffs, but I do not support 100% tariffs on BRICS nations who don't use the dollar. I think there's better ways to strengthen our economy and our currency and you can't blame those countries for wanting to get off our system when we weaponize it.
Speaker 2:Oh yeah, absolutely yeah, just weaponize it in a different way. You know we're going to weaponize our currency with tariffs and some other things like that. And, of course, you know Trump is not in as much of an opposition to the globalists as people like to believe. He said I'm going to reduce the corporate taxes to 15%. In other words, he's going to keep the income taxes. Folks, and where did that 15% come from?
Speaker 2:Is it just a coincidence that the last meeting of the G7, they all said we're not going to have anyone do a corporate income tax lower than 15%. So he goes down to the lowest threshold that they will allow him, but he's not going to challenge them by saying I'm going to take it to 10% or I'm going to take it to 0%. He's not going to do that. So you know he's not the America first warrior that everybody seems to think he is Within reason. He's going to stay with the globalist norms that they have agreed to. Tell us a bit about what is happening with Bitcoin and your ability to go back and forth between Bitcoin and gold without any fees. How's that coming along at Wise Wolf?
Speaker 3:It's going great. We've got the shopping cart set up. If you go to davidknightgold, you hit the tab that says Join Wolfpack and that's where you can get our Wolfpack packages starting at $35 for kids and all the way up to $5,000. We had a lot of people using that. So if you've got Bitcoin and you want to do some profit-taking or just turn some crypto into precious metals physical precious metals we are the first and only dealer in America to not charge a fee for Bitcoin. We treat it as cash and that's just a symbiotic thing that we're doing between my two operations and I think that just passes some savings onto our customers and we're glad that we can do that. We use it and, of course, if you want to buy Bitcoin, you can go through my company. At this point we are set up to do that. You can just reach out to us and put you on the right path If it's a low amount or something, and we can always. You know there might be some apps for you to do, but if you want to purchase Bitcoin, you can certainly go through us. And then we've got Wolfpack's really strong right now. We've got those people that can budget out some precious metals, and I know times are rough right now, but we got the way to do that.
Speaker 3:You know, from 50 the lone wolf all the way up to and goes past into the two and three thousand dollar range and and beyond, um, but people right in the usually right in the middle or so, uh, and then you get gold. You get to the 250 level. You get, uh, uh, one gram gold bars. And I put those uh, have one gram gold bars, uh for on as a, as a section where you can buy and there's no fees and no shipping, so it doesn't even matter, like we don't put credit card fees at all on the one gram gold bars and there's free shipping, even if you just buy one.
Speaker 3:And we've got constitutional wolf, which is all the. We have so much 90% David, I have so much 90% silver. We buy that because I pay so high for it. People drive from all over to sell that to me, and so I've got a lot of 90% silver pre-1965 US coins and we call that constitutional. You can do that on a membership or a one-time buy. So, yeah, go check those out. We've got some good deals going on right now.
Speaker 2:Well, that's great. That's great and, again, I really do appreciate what you do. That is very different from what other dealers do, the idea that people can gradually accumulate this. As you point out, times are rough and so people can gradually start to get into this. And you've got so many different ways and innovative programs really to appreciate what you do. Tony and I've dealt with Tony for years and never had any complaints with what we've had with him. So thank you so much for what you do, thank you for your support of the program, and you've got a program that is following ours right afterwards, right, are you doing that? Today You're in Acapulco.
Speaker 3:I'm going to do it, yeah, so come join to help me with the show. Everybody in the chat Give me some stuff to talk about, because the Wi-Fi is pretty limited here and I think I can't have too many tabs open, so I'm going to have to go off my talk that I did yesterday at Anarchapulco and I'll just basically reiterate a lot of the stuff that you and I talked about, but it'll be interesting. You never know. That's the Arterburn radio transmission.
Speaker 2:I'll be on Rumble on the America Unplugged channel and Rockfin on the America Unplugged. Well, tell us real quickly before you go. I mean, what is the theme this year? And and arcapulco, uh, what, what are the? What are they?
Speaker 3:looking at this year kind of briefly an overview. Well, it's just, you know the founder, jeff berwick. He's been in in bitcoin since it was buying a bitcoin at a dollar or so a long time. He's been talking about the collapse of the financial system since you know, 09 and what happened after the great recession and tarp funds and everything, and the. You know his 09 and what happened after the Great Recession and TARP funds and everything. And you know he's got the dollar vigilante, which is, you know, strategic research into how you can best brace for the collapse of the dollar. And you know he's also been into development of cryptocurrencies and other things.
Speaker 3:And I think the theme around Anarchapulco is about freedom and about free markets and how you can best weather the storms that are ahead. And I think that everybody agrees anybody looking at the forecast of what's out there. There's financial uncertainty, political uncertainty, social unrest, all the things that are, I think, think baked into this. Fourth turning, as you mentioned earlier, it's all on the table and it's just you know the how we're creating community around that. So I've been sponsored the last couple of years. I've been a sponsor and then I've been a speaker. I'm speaking again on Saturday here at another event that the Jeff Moore is holding that Jeff Moore was holding. So just really about freedom and free markets and you know, the sovereignty of the individual and how you can best help your community and bringing people together with different skills.
Speaker 2:I agree. Yeah, everybody sees the problems on the horizon. One last quick question just came up from DGA David. Can you ask Tony if he, what he thinks Trump is doing in Gaza would drive Saudi Arabia closer to BRICS and weaken or destroy the US petrodollar? What do you think?
Speaker 3:It's a great question because you have to really know the inside baseball, the House of Saud's close ties to the Israelis. They go back a long, long way in financial ties and Jared Kushner, yeah, and Kushner, yeah, and the same people that you know, the House of Rothschild that supports both. You know like they've had these major financial interwoven ties and so you would think on the surface because of religion and so on and so forth, but no, saudis work closely with the Israelis and so that's hard to say if some sort of plan in Gaza with that kind of a Scooby-Doo, it's always the real estate developer in Scooby-Doo, that's like the bad guy. So that's how I think about the Gaza thing. It's like trying to scare people out.
Speaker 3:There's something, I think, that would have huge amounts of blowback and maybe they couldn't even outwardly support it. There would be a problem, I think, in the region and the petrodollar that's on its way out, unfortunately for us, because it's going to. There's a lot of economic pain at home, but I would pay close attention to that. I don't know how far the blowback would be, but it wouldn't be zero and the Saudis I don't think could sit on the sidelines. That's a great question what it would do.
Speaker 2:Yeah, they came out in opposition to the idea. You know they're not, they're not down with the Trump casino, but I don't know if you saw that video that was put together.
Speaker 3:More than 18 holes out there.
Speaker 2:That's why that cracks me up every time I see it. But yeah, they're not down with that idea. But, as you point out, there's the backroom deals that they're doing, which is a whole other thing. So publicly they would be infuriated by it, but in reality we don't really know what they're going to do. But always great talking to you, tony and everybody, remember, right after this program you can join Tony, find out what's going on at Anarchapulco and other things and join in the discussion. Thank you so much, tony, appreciate it. Thank you, dave. Thank you, all right, folks, we're going to take a quick break. We'll be right back, that's right.
Speaker 4:boys and girls, there's a post-election sale on silver and gold. Trump euphoria has caused a dip in silver and gold. It's time to buy some metals with fiat dollars before they come to their sense. Go to DavidKnightgold to get in touch with the wise wolf himself, Tony Arterburn. He knows where to look to find silver and gold. Yuck.