Letters From Your Dog
Most of us bring a dog into our lives to enjoy adventures together and have an amazing relationship with our furry friends.
Sometimes life together can feel like a struggle though and we can end up feeling stressed or overwhelmed, or unsure how to best support or dogs.
Dr Holly Tett is a Clinical Psychologist for people and Animal Behaviourist for dogs. She fuses her knowledge of both ends of the lead to help you to better understand each other, overcome challenges and build a loving relationship together, using only kind methods and strategies.
Letters From Your Dog
Do you feel guilty as a dog parent?
Guilt is one of the primary negative emotions that I hear about most, when working with devoted dog parents.
It makes sense, because we love our dogs so much, we are very attuned to any perceived shortcomings in our ability to provide them with the very best life!
In this episode I offer some quick, simple tips to help you to do more/less with your dog, dependent on where your guilt stems from
Important Links From This Episode:
1. To register for the Workshop: How to motivate yourself to train with your dog, please click here.
If you'd like my support with your dog, just send me an email to info@pawsupdogs.com or visit www.pawsupdogs.com and I would be happy to help.
I offer:
- Self-paced online courses and a membership for dog guardians and trainers
- Digital 1:1 Trauma informed dog assessments for dog guardians and business assessments for dog trainers
- Higher level mentorship for dog guardians and trainers
See all the options available at www.pawsupdogs.com
I love answering your listener questions so if you have a question for me, please click here to submit it and I might just answer it on the podcast!
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Here are some of the resources available for you and your do:
1. To register for the "Over-reactivity" Solutions workshop click here
2. To join our free facebook group click here
3. Are you a dog professional? Check out our podcast for pet pros here
Check Out These Juicy Bonus Bits Below!
1. Have a question you'd like me to answer on the podcast? Submit it here: https://www.speakpipe.com/thelettersfromyourdogpodcast
Email us with the words "Canine Connection" and we'll send you some info about how to join our supportive membership for dogs and their people
** Come and see us at www.pawsupdogs.com
** Join our private facebook group. Click here
** Follow us on instagram @pawsupdogstraining
All content © 2024 Letters From Your Dog.