Letters From Your Dog

Four ways my dogs have supported me.

Dr Holly Tett, Paws Up Dogs Episode 93

Dogs are pretty awesome in most ways and being a teacher for us humans is no exception!

1. Important Links from this episode:
Register for the upcoming workshop "Better Manage Depression As A Dog Parent by clicking here

See the info and register for 'Reactive' Dog Support Camp Here

- See all the information and grab one of the 30 tester spots for Heal Yourself So You Can Heal Your Dog here

2. If you'd like my support on your journey with your dog, please visit www.pawsupdogs.com

I offer:
- Self-paced online courses and a membership for dog guardians and trainers
-  Digital 1:1 Trauma informed dog assessments for dog guardians and business assessments for dog trainers
- Higher level mentorship for dog guardians and trainers

3. To Join Canine Connection (my training and support membership for BOTH ends of the lead, please click here

4. I love answering your listener questions so if you have a question for me, please click here to submit it and I might just answer it on the podcast!

Here are some other resources available for you and your dog:

1. To register for one of our behavioural workshops (for in depth support on everything from reactivity, recall, separation anxiety, leash walking, car travel, vet visits, puppies and more) please click here

2. To join our free facebook group click here

3. Are you a dog professional? Check out our podcast for pet pros here

** Come and see us at www.pawsupdogs.com
** Join our private facebook group. Click here
** Follow us on instagram @pawsupdogstraining