The Red Review
The Red Review
The Red Review Trailer
All the people who work on The Red Review live and work on stolen Indigenous lands across Turtle Island. There can be no reconciliation without restitution, which includes Land Back, RCMP off Indigenous land, and seizing the assets of the major resource corporations and returning them to the commons.
Hi Comrades,
Check out the first promo/new intro for The Red Review. I enjoyed cutting together different soundbites from the first season of the podcast and tried to highlight the breadth of what we try to bring to our listeners and community — leaders of anti-oppression struggles, recordings from protests, deep analysis, and a smattering of humour!
This trailer includes bits from the following episodes;
- The Winter Review — "Please sign me up for some backdoor socialism"
- Tales from Street-level: The Anti-Mandate Convoy Comes to Town
- Challenging Eco-colonialism Using Indigenous Science with Dr. Jessica Hernandez
- Interview with Theresa Tait-Day about Wet'suwet'en Self-Determination
- Canadian Complicity in Tigrayan Genocide FT. Fifi of Tigrayan Advocacy Canada
- The Case for Demilitarization FT. Tamara Lorincz
You can listen to all these episodes on our YouTube channel with manually-curated subtitles here or access all transcripts here.
Other music attributions can be found here!
So what do y'all think our new intro/trailer?
In solidarity,
You can reach us at redreview[at]protonmail.com and click here to join our new Discord server!
If you enjoy our work and would like to support us financially, check out our Ko-Fi page, where you can tip us or set up a monthly donation!
You can find Socialist Action on Youtube, Facebook, and Twitter, or visit our website for more information. Socialist Action also plays a leading role in the Worker's Action Movement, which is running the Labour Forward slate at the upcoming Canadian Labour Congress, and the NDP Socialist Caucus.