Manned Up Conversations

Engaging Men and Boys in Violence Prevention with Michael Flood

Kgaugelo Habyane / Michael Flood Season 3 Episode 22

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The theme for the 16 Days of Activism Campaign for 2023 is: “Accelerating actions to end gender-based violence & femicide: leaving no one behind” it is in this light that we share our first episode highlighting men's violence against women and children with Australian Professor, Michael Flood. 

We explore the framing of violence against women and how men interpret these messages in episode 54, as we explore his work in Engaging Men and Boys in Violence. We also look at how males who have been abused by women react to violence against women, as well as the significance of men and boys supporting women who are victims of violence. Michael discusses many methods for preventing violence and emphasizes why people assume that because there seems to be a rise in violence, anti-violence programs are ineffective.  In order to effectively support violence prevention, he also encourages men and men's organizations interested in women's concerns to work together and partner with women's organizations. We wrap up by discussing men's perspectives on feminism and what each of them can do on their own to prevent violence.

Michael Flood is a Professor at the Queensland University of Technology School of Justice. He is an internationally recognized researcher on men, masculinities, and gender, violence against women, and violence prevention. Professor Flood has made significant contributions to scholarly and public understanding of men’s involvements in preventing violence against women and building gender equality, and to scholarship and programming regarding violence and violence prevention.

He is the author of Engaging Men and Boys in Violence Prevention (2019), the co-author of Masculinity and Violent Extremism (2022), and the lead editor of Engaging Men in Building Gender Equality (2015) and The International Encyclopedia of Men and Masculinities (2007). He is also an advocate and educator.

Get in touch with Professor Michael Flood:

Twitter: @MichaelGLFlood

Other resources mentioned in the episode:

Sonke Gender Justice
One man Can
The Men's Bibliography

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