Manned Up Conversations

The Healing Power of Music with Graeme Sacks

Kgaugelo Habyane / Graeme Sacks Season 4 Episode 1

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 Welcome to Season 4 of Manned Up Conversations. If you are new to the platform, thank you for tuning in. I invite you to listen in with an open mind, our stories and conversations give you a refreshing perspective on manhood, reflections on issues affecting men and some suggestions on what we can do to enjoy a wholistic life experience. We do not claim to have all the answers, we share out of compassion for others and pay our stories forward so they can inspire the next man to own his story and pass on his learnings.

In this episode we highlight the healing power of music with Graeme Sacks, a music therapist based in Johannesburg, South Africa. With a primary focus on children and young adults, he operates a private practice and also contributes his expertise to the Johannesburg Children's Home. With over three decades  of experience as a professional musician and music educator, Graeme 's accomplishments include winning a South African music Award for one of his children's CDs.

Get in touch with Greame Sacks:

Website: Graeme Sacks Music Therapy
LinkedIn: Graeme Sacks
Facebook: Graeme Sacks
Instagram: @GraemeSacks
More on creative therapies: SANATA

Graeme's cancer story - Sitting with dissonance.

Children's music produced by Graeme: 

Hope you are enjoying the conversation so far. 

Remember to take note of things that stand out to you while listening and take a moment to reflect in your own time or discuss this with some friends over some drinks, a meal or relaxing activity of your choice. 
Thank you for tuning into Manned Up Conversations. Please subscribe to help grow the platform, you can also find us on YouTube if you prefer video and don't forget to share your comments, insights or questions.

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