Manned Up Conversations

Why Men Keep Their Emotional Pain Invisible

Kgaugelo Habyane Season 4 Episode 2

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Through reading his books, articles and watching Tom Golden on ​⁠his YouTube channel, Men Are Good, his work opened my eyes to the misconceptions and subtle signs that go unnoticed in men’s emotional domain. I’ve reflected on how his work relates to me as a South African man and how some of the observations he shared in his books and talks still hold true, though there are some changes in society’s attitudes towards men’s emotional experiences. In this episode I share How and Why Men Keep Their Emotional Pain Invisible based on Tom’s findings using some of my own examples and others that have made it to mainstream media.

Purchase Tom Golden’s books on the links below:

The Way Men Heal

Swallowed By A Snake: The Gift of The Masculine Side Of Healing 

#mannedupconvos #menandemotions

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