Manned Up Conversations

Exploring The Journey of a Conscientious Objector with Kyle Toon

Kgaugelo Habyane / Kyle Toon Season 4 Episode 10

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In this episode we explore an uncommon but interesting story of a US Army conscientious objector and social work graduate student, Kyle Toon to talk about his decision to leave the army after serving for 10 years where he enrolled at 17 years old.
Kyle shares how going against family lineage caused an internal conflict and mental heath issues resulting from the dissonance he experienced when comparing what he was learning from African centered education versus the life he was leading including his work in the army.
We also highlight issues around African identity, family health and ideas for connecting with the global African community. 

Through work on Embrace Perfection Kyle Toon is striving and seeking to inculcate, promote, and provide access to MENTAL HEALTHINESS , wellness, and growth-inducing knowledge and resources for the Black parent, caregiver, every day survivor, and those aspiring to begin their own family. He is based in the United States and 

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Reach out to the South African Federation of Mental Health:

Website: Embrace Perfection

Instagram: always_gracefullyimperfect

Podcast: Gracefully Imperfect

Other podcasts and articles featuring Kyle Toon:

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