Manned Up Conversations

Reclaiming Communal Love Among Men

Kgaugelo Habyane Season 5 Episode 2

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In a world where violence, disconnection, and individualism seem to overshadow compassion, we ask: Where’s the love? In this episode of Manned Up Conversations, we explore the concept of communal love a love that affirms, nurtures, and holds space for men to express care, support, and connection.

We dive into African philosophies like Botho/Ubuntu, insights from thought leaders like Prof. Mogobe Ramose, Nyasha Mboti, and Kopano Ratele, and the realities that shape men’s ability to give and receive love. Why do so many men struggle with affection? How do societal norms shape how men express or suppress love? And most importantly, how do we rebuild a culture of love and belonging?

This is a conversation about healing, interconnectedness, and embracing love as a radical act of transformation. Tune in and let’s explore how we can lead with love.

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