Tarot Reflections

How To Move On Without An Apology - Ep. 31

June 28, 2023 Megan, Mentally Season 3 Episode 31
How To Move On Without An Apology - Ep. 31
Tarot Reflections
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Tarot Reflections
How To Move On Without An Apology - Ep. 31
Jun 28, 2023 Season 3 Episode 31
Megan, Mentally

Do you want to have your tarot cards read by me, on this podcast, for free? I've got my first ever 'Listener Readings' episode coming up. On this special episode, I'll be doing mental health tarot readings for your submitted questions. Up to five questions will be read on the podcast, so be sure to get your question in ASAP to have it shared on the first release of the series. I'll be reading them first come, first served. 

Send in your questions to tarotreflectionsquestions@gmail.com. Be sure to include:

  •  your question and any context you might want shared
  • the name you want me to refer to you as (it can be your first name, it can be a fake name, or it can be one of those fun quote-unquote names people would create when writing into advice columnists!)
  • your Sun sign, if not your Big Three

Keep in mind, everything in your email would be shared on the podcast unless you specifically request a piece to remain private. 

Then be sure to tune in to the upcoming Listener Readings episode to see if your cards have been pulled. 

When a relationship ends and you've been wronged and hurt, how do you move on if you never receive an apology for how you've been treated?

Our relationships hold a massive impact on our lives. They effect how we think, the choices we make, the plans we create. So when a relationship ends, and you've been hurt, it can be hard to not have that hurt validated or recognized by someone you had cared about. 

On this week's episode, I get into...

  • 2 ways to help you move on when you don't receive an apology
  • An urgent call to address some serious shadow work
  • Why you need to stop feeding hurt

Resources to check out…

Follow Megan on Instagram and Twitter. Catch more Tarot Reflections on TikTok.

Show Notes Transcript

Do you want to have your tarot cards read by me, on this podcast, for free? I've got my first ever 'Listener Readings' episode coming up. On this special episode, I'll be doing mental health tarot readings for your submitted questions. Up to five questions will be read on the podcast, so be sure to get your question in ASAP to have it shared on the first release of the series. I'll be reading them first come, first served. 

Send in your questions to tarotreflectionsquestions@gmail.com. Be sure to include:

  •  your question and any context you might want shared
  • the name you want me to refer to you as (it can be your first name, it can be a fake name, or it can be one of those fun quote-unquote names people would create when writing into advice columnists!)
  • your Sun sign, if not your Big Three

Keep in mind, everything in your email would be shared on the podcast unless you specifically request a piece to remain private. 

Then be sure to tune in to the upcoming Listener Readings episode to see if your cards have been pulled. 

When a relationship ends and you've been wronged and hurt, how do you move on if you never receive an apology for how you've been treated?

Our relationships hold a massive impact on our lives. They effect how we think, the choices we make, the plans we create. So when a relationship ends, and you've been hurt, it can be hard to not have that hurt validated or recognized by someone you had cared about. 

On this week's episode, I get into...

  • 2 ways to help you move on when you don't receive an apology
  • An urgent call to address some serious shadow work
  • Why you need to stop feeding hurt

Resources to check out…

Follow Megan on Instagram and Twitter. Catch more Tarot Reflections on TikTok.

Do you want to have your tarot cards read by me, on this podcast, for free? I've got my first ever 'Listener Readings' episode coming up. On this special episode, I'll be doing mental health tarot readings for your submitted questions. Up to five questions will be read on the podcast, so be sure to get your question in ASAP to have it shared on the first release of the series. I'll be reading them first come, first served. 

Send in your questions to tarotreflectionsquestions@gmail.com. Be sure to include your question and any context you might want shared, the name you want me to refer to you as (it can be your first name, it can be a fake name, or it can be one of those fun quote-unquote names people would create when writing into advice columnists!), and your Sun sign, if not your Big Three. Keep in mind, everything in your email would be shared on the podcast unless you specifically request a piece to remain private. 

Then be sure to tune in to the upcoming Listener Readings episode to see if your cards have been pulled. 

Hey friends, welcome back to Tarot Reflections. How are you doing today? 

As Pride month wraps up for another year, I have to say I am exhausted. This has been a tough Pride, full of emotional moments both good and bad. And I barely have time to catch my breath before it's time to gear up for Chilliwack Pride where I'll be a vendor offering tarot readings and other metaphiz goodies for the first time ever. 

But this week I'm taking time to intentionally process and digest the events of the last few weeks. The last few months really. 

Because, you see, important parts of my life look a lot different now than what they did back in say, February. In February, I had just been reelected to the Chilliwack Pride Society board of directors, I was preparing to leave the company I worked for, and I was working towards certain goals in my personal and entrepreneurial life. 

I was surrounded by different people at that time, A few weeks ago I shared the story of how I ended two very important relationships in my life that had proven unhealthy. In addition to those personal changes, I resigned from the Chilliwack Pride board, have completely redeveloped my vision for how I want to fulfill my purpose and contribute to my community, moved into a completely new position at the same company, made significant steps to move my business in a new direction, and have removed some relationships from my life. 

In the process of ending any significant relationship in your life, no matter how it happened, why it happened, or who ended it, you can often be left with hurt and unspoken words. It can be hard to feel wronged by someone you trusted, whether it's a friend or a family member or a partner, and to then realize you may never receive the apology you want to hear in order to help heal that hurt.

This is what I was reflecting on the other day as I was driving. I swear, alone in the car thoughts can be just as good as shower thoughts sometimes. 

And as I was reflecting on the knowledge that I may likely never hear an apology from someone I had once called friend, someone I had actively shown support to without any hesitation, I realized that I needed to find a way to move on without it. 

We can hold on to hurt so strongly, and for so long. Hurt can live within us for our entire lives if we give it something to feed on. And I feed my hurt when it stems from feeling wronged. And I feed it even more if I feel like I have been wronged and there was no, almost consequence for it? Consequence feels like too strong of a word because I'm not saying I want anyone burned at the stake here. Maybe I'm talking more about acknowledgement and validation of your experience. And if not validation from them, validation through karma, you know? 

So how do I stop feeding that pain when that validation is not coming to me in that way? 

For me, the first step is to be mindful about not feeding that pain anymore. When I notice myself engaging in patterns that feed my pain, I take steps to stop. Sometimes just noticing the pattern is all it takes. Sometimes I need to verbalize a feeling to someone who won't judge my intrusive thoughts. Sometimes it takes a little something more, you know I love a good ritual. 

Another practice I've found healing has been the process of looking at how my vision has changed as a result of this shift in my life, this loss of a friend. And I focus my thoughts on the new opportunities this new vision presents. The new story that will be told. The new challenges I will face. I love a strong vision, one that drives me. It's something I pull motivation from when my mental health is low or my mental illness is high, or when I'm interacting with bigotry and Queer oppression in my work. 

Right now, I am finding the process of redeveloping my goals and crafting a new vision for my future incredibly therapeutic. It has been medicine to the pain. 

Now don't get me wrong, I am not quite fully healed from this pain. Healing is a process and it takes time. So if you have other practices you find helpful in moving on without an apology, feel free to DM me at MegansAWitch. I'm not always good at checking my 'request' folder though, so I apologize if I don't always respond right away! 

Okay, let's get into today's readings. 

This week, our general message from the Universe is through..... the Ten of Swords Reversed. Which can be a card about holding on to pain, and resisting in letting go when things end. 

Again, I promise you folks I pull these cards after I develop and write my topic for the week. But in this card pull, I'm getting a different message through it. There's a more specific message the Universe wants me to share. And it's that we have got to do the shadow work we've been ignoring, and we have to do it now. 

Is there something you've been too afraid or too nervous to admit to yourself lately? A secret your mind is trying to keep from yourself? Because it's a hard truth to acknowledge? A hard truth that requires you to take ownership over poor actions or will force you to change your behaviour? 

This week, you've got to face that truth. Head on. The other shoe is on the verge of dropping and you cannot avoid this any longer. 

And our message for mental resilience in the week ahead is from... The Devil. 

Fear not, friends. I actually really enjoy the Devil card in most readings. And here, it's really enforcing the message from our Ten of Swords in reverse. 

The Devil is here to not only tell you that it's time to break free of a negative pattern or behaviour, but that you have the capacity to do so. But the first thing you have to do to end this harmful pattern is admit it exists in the first place. Only when you've accepted this part of you can you begin to heal it. 

With these two cards coming together in the reading this way, there's grown this sort of, ticking clock aspect to the messages this week. It's giving the tone of the message a sense of urgency, a 'do it now before it's too late' kind of warning. So really ask yourself, what have you been ignoring or refusing to admit to yourself that either has potential for upcoming harm to yourself, or something that you have been ignoring for so long that you could run out of time to do something about it. 

That's everything for this week folks. If you enjoyed today's episode, be sure to give us a follow and leave us a rating. I like to think that every time a podcaster gets a positive rating, it's like your spirit hugs theirs. Plus, sometimes I like to surprise you all and give free mental health tarot readings to folks who've left a rating so I'm just saying... sometimes that podcaster's spirit hugs yours back. 

You can find me on the Instagrams at MegansAWitch. I am leaving the Twitters because I no longer want cis-gendered Elon profiting in any way off of my usership. So don't find me over there. Instead, find me on the TikToks, I am finally into it and starting to enjoy making content on it folks! You can find me at TarotReflectionsPod but I think I'm going to change it to MegansaAWitch too. You know, consistency and all that. 

Don't forget to send in your question for the cards to tarotreflectionsquestions@gmail.com - all the details for submissions are in the show notes.

Until next time.