That Witch Podcast
A show for modern witches and mystics of all levels and backgrounds! Learn about witchcraft, astrology, and spirituality in a FUN, casual atmosphere, and how to actually apply it to your life, career, relationships, and personal growth. This is real magick for real life.
That Witch Podcast
167 Witchcraft & Magick for the Naysayers
Do you have people in your life you love, like, or respect that just don’t get the witch thing? Or the astrology thing? The tarot, crystal, spell work, numerology, astral travel, multiple-deity, pagan thing? Same! I’d be willing to guess every single person living has at least one person that falls at least somewhat into this description.
This episode is for you, and it has two purposes:
- To let you know you’re not alone, this is super normal, you’re valid, and there’s support out there and it’s growing.
- To give you some tools you can use in a few common scenarios both on your own and in interactions with other people.
→ → → If you like what you’ve heard today and you’re looking for a safe, inclusive, helpful online community of other witches, pagans, and mystics, I created a space for exactly that. I invite you to subscribe to That Witch School and take advantage of all the resources we have to offer.
You can join us for as little as $7 per month, no commitments, cancel anytime. It’s like carrying around a massive library of helpful content + a kind, fun, and welcoming group of fellow witches in your back pocket. Get instant access and subscribe at thatwitchschool.com today.
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