
Getting control of your business finances

Mike Veny and Leanna Lee Season 2 Episode 12

Do you feel like you have enough money in your business bank account? In this episode, Mike and Leanna talk about the financial pressures of being an entrepreneur, hustle culture, and the impact money has on our mental health and self-worth. 

You’ll learn:

  • Cultural myths that have become accepted as common knowledge, such as the feast or famine cycle [5:49]
  • That freelancers and business owners do not have to struggle to achieve, and should surround themselves with people of a similar mindset [8:23]
  • Mike’s experience with overcoming bankruptcy [10:42]
  • How to separate your self-worth from dollar signs [15:45]
  • Advice for overcoming the fear of letting other people see your business finances [20:59]
  • How anxiety about money inhibits the growth of your business [24:19]

Show notes: