Your business can’t function without you, which means taking care of your mental health is a crucial part of showing up. Join certified corporate wellness speaker Mike Veny and writer Leanna Lee each month as they share their lived experiences and offer practical solutions for healthy business growth. If you’re dealing with burnout and your business is controlling your life instead of supporting your goals, listen in as we explore working to live well. If you want to learn how to grow your business without burning out, hit follow and get ready to change your business life.
How to manage your business clients better
Mike Veny and Leanna Lee
Season 2
Episode 13
As business owners and freelancers, we rely on our client relationships to make a living. But managing them can sometimes be a struggle. In this episode, Mike and Leanna discuss defining your ideal client, setting expectations and having emergency protocols in place, and how to deal with difficult clients.
You’ll learn:
- That defining a target market is essential for successful client relationships [5:53]
- The importance of doing intro calls to learn about a new client’s values [14:47]
- Why you should set boundaries and expectations when you have a business relationship with a friend [18:00]
- The idea of a client relationship as a bank account [19:40]
- That having protocols for yourself and your business is helpful for when stressful situations arise [24:09]
- Leanna’s strategy for dealing with a client conflict: leave money out of it [26:48]
- Mike’s strategy for dealing with a client conflict: control the quality of your work [28:36]
- That having protocols and systems in place can help you objectively reflect on a conflict [33:09]
Show notes: https://bettermental.fm/episodes/manage-business-clients
Why you should set boundaries and expectations when you have a business relationship with a friend
That having protocols for yourself and your business is helpful for when stressful situations arise