
How to manage your business clients better

Mike Veny and Leanna Lee Season 2 Episode 13

As business owners and freelancers, we rely on our client relationships to make a living. But managing them can sometimes be a struggle. In this episode, Mike and Leanna discuss defining your ideal client, setting expectations and having emergency protocols in place, and how to deal with difficult clients.

You’ll learn:

  • That defining a target market is essential for successful client relationships [5:53]
  • The importance of doing intro calls to learn about a new client’s values [14:47]
  • Why you should set boundaries and expectations when you have a business relationship with a friend [18:00]
  • The idea of a client relationship as a bank account [19:40]
  • That having protocols for yourself and your business is helpful for when stressful situations arise [24:09]
  • Leanna’s strategy for dealing with a client conflict: leave money out of it [26:48]
  • Mike’s strategy for dealing with a client conflict: control the quality of your work [28:36]
  • That having protocols and systems in place can help you objectively reflect on a conflict [33:09]

  Show notes: