Mums Mysteries & Murder
We're two Mums living in Edinburgh who are obsessed with true crime and mysterious happenings, so obsessed we decided to start a podcast! Each month we take turns to tell stories from our homelands - Effie Scottish born and bred where haggis is NOT actually an animal and Marti from the land down under where no prawns have ever been thrown on a barbie, it needs to be said! So, if you want polished, professional true crime then this is not for you, maybe try Casefile. But if you love true crime and mystery like us & you can't stop talking about it, give us a listen! Its not big or clever but it is entertaining.
Mums Mysteries & Murder
Halloween Special Part 2. Wayne from Eerie Edinburgh
Happy Halloween!!!
As a special treat, we have Part 2 of our Halloween Special and some more ghostly goings-on with Wayne from Eerie Edinburgh.
We are doing a true crime/ghost crossover for this special episode where Wayne tells us the story about a ghost who solved a crime!!
It's a Mums Mysteries & Murder / Eerie Edinburgh collab perfection!
We also chat about ghostly images caught on camera, liquified caterpillars ( trust me it's fascinating) Wayne's beliefs in ghostly goings on, something called Infrasound & the Stone Tape Theory!
There is no Effie but there's lots of ghostly banter and loads of questions as per usual and youre going to love it.
A huge thank you to Wayne for taking the time to have a chat on Mum's Mysteries and Murder - Please go check out Eerie Edinburgh & let us know what you thought of the creepy ghost captures.
Follow Wayne on Instagram here: https://www.instagram.com/eerie_edinburgh/
Go and check out Wayne's website Eeerie Edinburgh: https://eerieedinburgh.com/
The Amityville Horror Podcast: we talk about with Donnie Wahlberg is called
Very Scary People and you can listen here: https://open.spotify.com/show/2F8CtIdCAyZTFOakkZlPQM?si=0069b666cf4748f8
Bannockburn House: https://www.bannockburnhouse.scot/our-house/
A huge thank you to our amazing pod sponsors Fox Box Detectives
Grab your exclusive Mums Mysteries & Murder discount by using the code Crime10
& go follow them on Instagram because they are ace at
Hosted by & Researched & written by Marti Jeremiah-Shelley & Effie McDonald
Edited & Produced by Erin Ferguson https://www.instagram.com/erinfaudio/
Since 2023 ( earlier episodes are badly edited by us!)
Theme Music Vampire Strut by Joybean @AudioJungle
Follow us on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/mumsmysteriesandmurder/
You can also support the pod and buy us a coffee at
And we would love it if you could give us a cheeky review & subscribe to make sure you don't miss an episode.