Mums Mysteries & Murder
We're two Mums living in Edinburgh who are obsessed with true crime and mysterious happenings, so obsessed we decided to start a podcast! Each month we take turns to tell stories from our homelands - Effie Scottish born and bred where haggis is NOT actually an animal and Marti from the land down under where no prawns have ever been thrown on a barbie, it needs to be said! So, if you want polished, professional true crime then this is not for you, maybe try Casefile. But if you love true crime and mystery like us & you can't stop talking about it, give us a listen! Its not big or clever but it is entertaining.
Mums Mysteries & Murder
The Murder of Dianne Brimble
It's our 3rd Birthday!!!!!
Thank you for listening to us talk a lot about random things!
And to "celebrate" Marti is covering the tragic and horrendous death of Dianne Brimble onboard the cruise ship P & O Pacific Sky in 2002.
Dianne Brimble aged 42 and her 12-year-old daughter Tahlia boarded the ship, along with Dianne’s sister, Alma Wood, and Alma’s daughter, Kari Ann. All four girls shared a cabin for the 10-day cruise. A cruise they had saved for 2 years for, it was supposed to be the trip of a lifetime with family!
Dianne didn't get to enjoy the ten-day cruise because Less than 24 hours later Dianne Brimble was found dead on the floor of a cabin.
We also talk quite a lot about chocolate biscuits,
school holidays and teenagers' faces.
And of course lots and lots of cruise ship facts and chat
Sources for this episode are:
The Telegraph newspaper
60 minutes - ships of shame
True crime conversations - the cruise ship death of Dianne Brimble
Australian true crime podcast - Dianne Brimble - ep 126 by her ex-husband Mark
World metrics.org
9 news Australia
If you have any Scottish or Australian cases you'd like us to cover please give us a shout over on Instagram or drop us an email at Mumsmysteriesandmurder@gmail.com
Podcast recommendations mentioned in this ep:
Lets Not Meet https://open.spotify.com/show/5mrS2aDwNdAAwlqRkvNVFd?si=babbd2b01fd942db
Murder They Wrote https://open.spotify.com/show/4fwIxNTytZiAmmDKIjHq4v?si=53d9ffa0dd3c4544 with Iain Stirling & Laura Whitmore
Hosted by & Researched & written by Marti Jeremiah-Shelley & Effie McDonald
Edited & Produced by Erin Ferguson https://www.instagram.com/erinfaudio/
Since 2023 ( earlier episodes are badly edited by us!)
Theme Music Vampire Strut by Joybean @AudioJungle
Follow us on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/mumsmysteriesandmurder/
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