Teaming Against Trauma

Forensic Services/Forensic Medicals with Erin Hart

Dorchester Children's Advocacy Center

Erin Hart is a Nurse Practitioner with the Medical University of South Carolina (MUSC) working in the Child Abuse Division within the Department of Pediatrics.  She brings a wealth of knowledge on Forensic Services within the CAC Model, specifically Forensic Medicals. Diving into the important role they have in the investigative process of child abuse cases, Erin's expertise dispels common myths about forensic medicals and sheds light on the reality of what they are. Erin also shares resources available to the public including how to reach MUSC's 24/7 child abuse pediatricians or PSANE. With concerns, anyone can call MUSC's main number 843-792-2300 and ask for the PSANE to be paged.

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