Teaming Against Trauma

Healthy Relationships with Sydney Conrad from My Sisters House

Dorchester Children's Advocacy Center

There is no one better to learn from than Sydney Conrad when it comes to the topic of healthy relationships. Sydney has been working at the local nonprofit, My Sisters House, for 7 years now. My Sisters House serves people in the Tri-County area who have been affected by the issue of domestic violence. Sydney has a lot of experience and wisdom to share about domestic violence and the importance of teaching youth what healthy relationships really are. February is Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month; a month to remember that currently 1 in 3 teens in the U.S will experience some type of abuse from a dating partner.  Learning about healthy relationships and My Sisters House can help change the trajectory for future generations. 
My Sisters House website:
24 Hour Crisis Line: 1-800-273-4673
Contact Sydney Conrad:

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