Teaming Against Trauma

Let's Talk About Mental Health with Rachael Staats and Taylor Conroy

Dorchester Children's Advocacy Center

Two of DCAC's trauma-focused therapists/forensic interviewers, Rachael Staats and Taylor Conroy, sit down with Brooke to talk about all things mental health. As professionals in the field, they share about how we care for our clients at the CAC and awaken us to the importance of getting help and talking about mental health. With a special feature from past DCAC therapist, Jess Reighard, they don't shy away from the tough discussions about barriers that keep people from receiving mental health  treatment. Sharing tips about recognizing signs in yourself and/or your child that it is time to reach out for help could be just what you need to take the step. This conversation will leave you feeling empowered to let go of the shame surrounding mental health and embrace hope, healing, and empowerment along the journey.

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