Teaming Against Trauma

Preparing with Prevention

Dorchester Children's Advocacy Center

On this episode of the Teaming Against Trauma podcast our host, Brooke Anderson, shares about prevention strategies for you to prepare your children to live the safest and healthiest lives possible. Prevention is the ultimate goal when it comes to child abuse. The knowledge Brooke shares will help parents, caregivers, aunts, uncles, teachers, and anyone who interacts with children to prepare well for preventing abuse and harm. While it is our responsibility as adults to protect children, we can do that by sharing  knowledge with them, but first we must equip ourselves. Learn more about what DCAC is doing to equip our community during Child Abuse Prevention (CAP) Month this April and how you can join us!

Citations and resources include:

Prevent Child Abuse America

Mama Bear Effect

Darkness to Light

Project Pinwheel

Center for Disease Control and Prevention

Love Is Respect

Monique Burr Foundation

Book Recommendation: My Body is Special and Private by Adrianne Simeone

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