Teaming Against Trauma

How Do I Respond If My Child Discloses Abuse?

Dorchester Children's Advocacy Center

DCAC therapists, Rob Bullard and Rachael Staats, reply to a caregiver's question, “ How Do I Respond If My Child Discloses Abuse?” Although it is a daunting question we'd rather think we'll never need to answer, with the reality of child abuse statistics, this is a question more caregivers may need answers on than we wish was true. The good news is studies have found a child having a supporting & believing caregiver is the number one indicator of their success in healing from child abuse or trauma. Whether you are a caregiver who has walked through this in the past, are currently, or anyone caring for a child, this episode will equip you with prevention-based and response-based communication skills to navigate answers to, “How Do I Respond If My Child Discloses Abuse?” 

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