The Roogoodoo Podcast
A Caribbean based and influenced forum for Caribbean people with a twist of controversy! Roogoodoo (Defined): a commotion or a mess. It is defined in the Caribbean as confusion between persons.
The Roogoodoo Podcast
Honesty Gone Wrong
Kwesi Williams, Adrian "Aplus" Burke, Quianna Christian, Kendra Kent
Episode 75
Episode 075 of the Roogoodoo Podcast is all about Honesty Gone Wrong! Can you handle the truth or is it better to leave some things alone? Maybe it’s just better to see and don’t see.
#Roogoodoo #Podcast #Caribbean #DemManSay #HonestyGoneWrong #Episode75 #DeluluTilitsTrulu #DrySnitching #YouCantHandleTheTruth #PodcastJourney
@TheRoogoodooPodcast https://linktr.ee/roogoodoopodcast