The Roogoodoo Podcast
A Caribbean based and influenced forum for Caribbean people with a twist of controversy! Roogoodoo (Defined): a commotion or a mess. It is defined in the Caribbean as confusion between persons.
The Roogoodoo Podcast
Attention Seekers
Kwesi Williams, Adrian "Aplus" Burke, Quianna Christian, Kendra Kent
Episode 80
Episode 080 of the Roogoodoo Podcast is all about the Attention Seekers! Are you putting all of your business on the good book? Are we fans of oversharing? Is there a way to block news about Jada Pinkett Smith?
#Roogoodoo #Podcast #Caribbean #DemManSay #AttentionSeekers #Episode80 #TryingTooHard #AllTheWorldsAStage #LifeIsAStage
@TheRoogoodooPodcast https://linktr.ee/roogoodoopodcast