Adult Onset Horsemanship
An informal and candid podcast discussing real world horsemanship with respected and experienced experts. Daniel is a guy who is good with horses. He has a background in cutting where he was predominantly involved in developing aged event horses and started over 1000 head of colts, many of whom went on to win lots of cash. A very bad horse wreck at a horse show, involving his niece, prompted him to begin working with people and showing them a no BS version of how to not get killed by their horses. He's since worked with thousands more horses and people from varying disciplines and breeds including many last chance problem horses. In addition to his general horsemanship knowledge he is an internationally known expert on bits and how and why they function. He has a well rounded knowledge base of horsemanship and is working hard at his communication skills with his own species. His wife is a firm believer that he really likes the sound of his own voice and that is the real reason he's started this podcast.http://dauphinhorsemanship.com/
Adult Onset Horsemanship
Ep. 57 Noche Miller, Horse and Cow Tricks, R+ Training, and Equine Swirls/Whorls
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Mrs. Noche Miller thought that I wasn't giving positive reinforcement training and trick training their just due, so she wanted to come on and offer her perspective. She trains horses and cows to do tricks, owns a Guiness World Record for most tricks performed by a cow in one minute (video in the links) and has written a book and runs a large facebook group on reading horse swirls/whorls. Noche is also a contributor to Horse Tricks 101, a website and facebook group that help people interested in Positive Reinforcement Training to get started.
We talk about her background, and Rusty, the spoiled rescue Morgan gelding that started her on the R+ journey. Noche and I talk about the ins and outs of R+ training. I ask her about some of the claims vs the realities. She talks about the safest ways to go about feeding treats so you don't create a monster. We get into how she got bored and began teaching tricks to cows in her herd and practical things that cattle owners can do to work their cattle with less stress using R+. She also tells the tale about her Guiness World Record for "Most Tricks Performed by a Cow in One Minute."
Lastly, we talk about whorls in horses. I'm a very public skeptic on this topic. She's got quite a following when it comes to her whorl reading. I do challenge her on this and hope I don't get too much hate mail for it, but she handles herself well. Join us for a nice chat and listen to two adults who disagree and discuss respectfully, as it should be.
You can find her at the following links:
Trick training
cow pages
Whorl pages
Personal page
Daniel's online bit course: