Adult Onset Horsemanship

Ep. 59 Ben Longwell, True West Horsemanship

Daniel Dauphin, Ben Longwell Season 4 Episode 59

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Ben Longwell trains horses in the vaquero tradition. His business name is True West Horsemanship. He lived for 11 years in New Zealand, where his wife is from. They moved back to Oregon a couple of years ago with their 4 children. Ben's well experienced at doing clinics and presentations. He's also got a podcast of his own, "Life In The Saddle."
I've talked with a couple of vaquero and Californio types on the podcast before. Still, I found Ben's views refreshing and we get into the hackamore, in particular, in some depth. Ben and his family do some long clinics at his place where they take you out into the land and work cattle. He'll help you to use the cattle and the land to further your horse's training and handiness, and your relationship with them.

I also like how these long form conversations allow for revelations of the person behind the public figure. Ben will talk about his time with a para-military unit, and touches on performing musical acts with his family. There's a million roads that lead to the horse world and Ben's is unique and interesting.

You can find him at these links:

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