Adult Onset Horsemanship

Ep. 62 Amy Lang, ARL Creative

Daniel Dauphin, Amy Lang Season 4 Episode 62

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I've known Amy Lang for over a decade and she's a treasure within our industry. She's been a collegiate equestrian, trainer, has a masters in Equine Management, ran a massive lessons program at a huge public stable, has been a vet tech, and is now running her own marketing firm aimed at helping equine business owners with the tasks of social media and marketing.

Amy is very soft spoken, and one of those people that you'd likely underestimate, but there's iron in her core. On my first interaction with her we were working with a problem mare that had a significant problem kicking out at other horses. I wasn't sure if the reserved young lady before me was going to be able to ride everything that I knew was coming. I was wrong. She's a badass.

Amy's managed a farm with and shown Saddlebreds, she's jumped the jumps, she's done about everything you can do in an English saddle with class and poise.
She's also got a lot of thoughts on the business side of this world and I think her perspective is helpful and genuine.

You can find Amy at the following links:

If you're interested in "The Bit Course 2.0: Understanding How and Why Bits Function" Self-Guided Course, you can find it here:

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