Adult Onset Horsemanship

Ep. 64 Q&A with Nicole Shoup

Daniel Dauphin, Nicole Shoup Season 4 Episode 64

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I do like the format of doing Q&As, but it does seem awkward at times to just be droning on by myself for an hour. So, Nicole has agreed to help me do these occasionally. Please let me know how you like these.
Nicole is a trainer in her own right. She also teaches Horsemanship Classes at The Ohio State University, and is a Board Member of the Best Horse Practices Summit.
In this episode we talk about:

  • Desensitization, spooking, threshold, timing, building rapport
  • What to do if you are riding a horse that sees something scary and goes frozen on you
  • Using other horses to help a green horse build confidence
  • Being important to your horse and fully having their attention
  • Tom Thumb bits, unbalanced horses with over developed muscle groups
  • Backing up to a snaffle if needed
  • A phenomenal exercise to help get a resistant horse to soften mentally
  • Proud cut horses and stallion management

You can find Nicole at these links:

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