Adult Onset Horsemanship
An informal and candid podcast discussing real world horsemanship with respected and experienced experts. Daniel is a guy who is good with horses. He has a background in cutting where he was predominantly involved in developing aged event horses and started over 1000 head of colts, many of whom went on to win lots of cash. A very bad horse wreck at a horse show, involving his niece, prompted him to begin working with people and showing them a no BS version of how to not get killed by their horses. He's since worked with thousands more horses and people from varying disciplines and breeds including many last chance problem horses. In addition to his general horsemanship knowledge he is an internationally known expert on bits and how and why they function. He has a well rounded knowledge base of horsemanship and is working hard at his communication skills with his own species. His wife is a firm believer that he really likes the sound of his own voice and that is the real reason he's started this podcast.http://dauphinhorsemanship.com/
Adult Onset Horsemanship
Ep. 66 Kerry Thomas, Sensory Soundness, Equine Psychology
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Kerry Thomas never meant to be in the horse business. He started out observing animals in a biological research way and had the chance opportuntity to observe mustangs and predators. He's also colorblind and that changes the way he literally sees horses, which lead to him seeing them differently, figuratively. I really appreciate his take on herd dynamics. We talked about how a colt is weaned will affect their personality and presence. I even threw a few things at him on the fly during this episode that I really wasn't sure how his take would match my own.
All of this time observing wild horses lead to him doing personality profiles and sensory evaluations in the racing world through his business, Sensory Soundness. He's traveled the world and worked for some of the biggest owners, kings, and trainers in the racing world. He was even involved in the purchase evaluation of Runhappy, 2015 American Champion Sprint Horse. He's spent years doing evaluations for the Kentucky Derby too.
Kerry has a fairly unique take on horse personalities. His name first came my way when I interviewed Dr. Shelley Appleton and I really enjoyed my talk with Kerry. Due to his schedule on the day or our recording, we had to cut things short, so you can certainly look for him to come back on again in the future.
Kerry and his wife, Daphne, have a new podcast called Beyond the Hoof.
You can find Kerry at the following links:
Thier Podcast, "Beyond the Hoof":