Adult Onset Horsemanship

Ep. 74 Q&A with Nicole Schoup

Daniel Dauphin, Nicole Shoup Season 4 Episode 74

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Here's our next quarterly Q&A episode with Nicole Schoup. Nicole is a board member of the Best Horse Practices Summit. She also teaches horsemanship classes for THE Ohio State University. 

We talk in this one about things to look for when buying/leasing your first horse. 

We get into building confidence in new riders. 

I give a few tips and strategies on anxious riders or those who are too much in their head when riding. 

As we are both board members of the Best Horse Practices Summit, and I am also a presenter at the Summit coming up in April, we also discuss that event and how special it is and what attendees can look forward to. 

Lastly, we talk about what Nicole is up to in her part of the world and what her horsemanship classe look like. 

If you are interested in getting on the email list for The Bit Course, I'd suggest you follow this link and start with our free video on the foamy mouth. This will automatically get you on the email list. We begin the next MasterClass in ONE WEEK!

You can find Nicole Schoup at the following links:

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