Adult Onset Horsemanship

Ep. 76 Morgan Wagner, Endo the Blind Owner/Trainer

Daniel Dauphin, Morgan Wagner, Endo the Blind Season 4 Episode 76

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If you're in the horse world and haven't come across clips of the AMAZING Endo the Blind, you must be living under a rock. Endo is the Appaloosa gelding who is missing both eyes and hasn't been held back at all. He knows all sort of verbal commands, rides obstacle courses bareback and bridleless, and even jumps. Morgan tells the story of his beginnings with her from halter breaking to the loss of his eyes and all that they have accomplished since.

As a blind horse, Endo has achieved Master Level at Working Equitation, he's set 3 Guiness World Records, and he's won the hearts of countless people. Morgan has built a legacy with this special animal that has inspired millions and been an ambassador of our industry that shines a very positive light on what is possible with these beasts we love. 

Morgan's now onto another quest. She's since trained a few blind horses and has started a non-profit 503C-3, The Blind Equine. Her aim is to set up training videos and resources to help other owners and their horses be successful after a horse has lost its sight or setting them up well for the future when we learn that blindness is on the horizon.

You can find Morgan at the following links:

  • Donate by PayPal or Venmo to @theblindequine

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