Adult Onset Horsemanship
An informal and candid podcast discussing real world horsemanship with respected and experienced experts. Daniel is a guy who is good with horses. He has a background in cutting where he was predominantly involved in developing aged event horses and started over 1000 head of colts, many of whom went on to win lots of cash. A very bad horse wreck at a horse show, involving his niece, prompted him to begin working with people and showing them a no BS version of how to not get killed by their horses. He's since worked with thousands more horses and people from varying disciplines and breeds including many last chance problem horses. In addition to his general horsemanship knowledge he is an internationally known expert on bits and how and why they function. He has a well rounded knowledge base of horsemanship and is working hard at his communication skills with his own species. His wife is a firm believer that he really likes the sound of his own voice and that is the real reason he's started this podcast.http://dauphinhorsemanship.com/
Adult Onset Horsemanship
Ep. 78 Dr. Benjamin Sykes, BVMS PhD, World Leading Expert in Equine Gastric Ulcer Syndrome
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Dr. Benjamoin Sykes never intended to be a horse vet and somehow wound up one of the world's leading researchers and experts in Equine Gastric Ulcer Syndrome. Dr. Sykes attained his BVMS in Australia. He moved to the US and continued his education while teaching. He then moved to Finnland and continued to do research and teach. He even managed to earn a PhD and find a Finnish wife along the way.
Dr. Sykes is listed among the top 1% of researchers in the hard sciences in the world by Stanford University. He was the lead author on the European College of Equine Internal Medicine Concensus Statement on Equine Gastric Ulcer Syndrome in Adult Horses. As you might expect he also spends a fair bit of his time traveling the world as an invited speaker and consulting on cases.
What you might not expect is that Dr. Sykes is a PoloCross player and funny. He's easy to talk to and down to earth. I really enjoyed this conversation with him and I am grateful that he graced this episode with this much of his time and expertise. If you own or lease a horse, you need to listen to this one.
You can find Dr. Sykes at the following links or read some of his research:
Research Articles:
Can All Behavioral Problems Be Blamed on Equine Gastric Ulcer Syndrome
Equine Gastric Ulcer Syndrome: An Update on Current Knowledge