Clinical neurology with KD
Clinical neurology with KD
We will discuss the details of the 'Clinical neurology with KD' podcast, who is the podcast for, how many episodes are there and how often they will be released. We will also discuss the various resources available with the podcast. For notes and images of the podcast, visit Neurology Teaching Club.
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Welcome to the 'Clinical Neurology podcast, and I am your host Dr Krishnadas N C. In this podcast, we will learn over 12 episodes about how to localize a lesion in neurology based on history taking and physical examination. The podcast is meant for medical students and makes them enjoy learning neurology. It hopefully will act as a bridge between neuroanatomy and clinical medicine. Medicine, paediatrics, critical care, psychiatry, neurology residents, general practitioners and nurse practitioners will find it beneficial. For others, it will be a return to your good old medical school days.
Each episode will be around 15 minutes. At launch, we will be having three episodes together. After that, one new episode will be released on the first of every month. Study materials and clinical resources for the podcast are available in the show description and at the http://neurologyteachingclub.com website.
Neurology and neuroanatomy cannot be taught without the help of pictures. My good friend Dr Prasanth Chandran has been kind enough to draw the images for our topics. They are available on our' neurology teaching club' Instagram page and on our website, neurology teaching club.com. Please make full use of these beautiful self-explanatory images. The notes on each topic are available on the neurology teaching club website. The podcast and online content are meant for medical education only and should not be used to guide clinical decision making and treatment. That's all for now. I can't wait to meet you again with our first episode, 'The art of history taking in neurology'. Until then, it's KD signing off. Spread knowledge.