Craft of Coaching Podcast

Ep75: IKYMI - How to Explain Coaching to People

Kate Swoboda Season 1 Episode 75

People have confusion over what life coaching is. How is it different than therapy or counseling? On today’s episode, I’m getting into how to explain life coaching to people, including how I suggest you handle coaching skeptics.

A few highlights:

  • Be discerning when talking to people who are committed to being skeptical about life coaching—because no matter how well you explain it, if someone has already made up their mind about “what life coaching is,” they are not likely to shift their opinion. In fact, paradoxically, they may dig in on their skepticism even more.
  • One way to explain coaching is to highlight how it is different than therapy, since therapy is a profession more people are familiar with.
  • Being confident at explaining what life coaching is will help you not only in personal situations when you meet new people or when family members ask what you do, it will also help you when you meet potential clients who are curious about life coaching.

:: Brand-new Craft of Coaching episodes will resume on 06/17/24. Until then, enjoy this from the archive! ::

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