Craft of Coaching Podcast
Learn how to become a life coach with a strong skillset in the craft of coaching through the Craft of Coaching podcast. The Craft of Coaching is hosted by Kate Swoboda, Director of Training for the ICF-accredited life coach training program, the Courageous Living Coach Certification.
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Craft of Coaching Podcast
Ep86: Help Clients Focus on What they Can Control
Today's episode is part of our Skill Drill series and we're offering an exercise that you can use with your clients to help clients focus on what they can control. We live in a world full of things that we have no control over, and getting attached to outcomes and frustrated when we can't control things does not serve our clients. Using this exercise, you'll empower clients to focus on what they can control and start releasing attachment to the things in life that they can't.
Coaching + Courage + Community = TeamCLCC. We're a life coach training program for a different kind of coach.
Head to https://TeamCLCC.com to get our catalogue and the free "Become a Coach" video series to learn more about becoming a life coach, choosing a coaching niche, how coaches make money, and more.