B. Listening

B. Listening: The Skills Special with WorldSkills UK

Broadsword Season 2 Episode 17

To celebrate National Apprenticeships Week, we are joined on the podcast by Daisy Seepersad, Careers Lead at WorldSkills UK and Ruben Duggan, Skills Champion, former apprentice, and medallist at The WorldSkills competition in Lyon. 

Ruben and Daisy talk about the biggest misconceptions of apprenticeships and technical education and how WorldSkills UK challenges those perceptions, including their international WorldSkills event attracting over 140,000 visitors, and the opportunities Ruben has found through an apprenticeship.

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Hope you enjoy this episode!

B.listening is a podcast series created by the event professionals at Broadsword to share our insight and experience with individuals across or interested in the events industry. Follow us for more advice for event profs.

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