Critical Fayle DM & The Goons: The Strahdcast
A Curse of Strahd actual-play D&D podcast! We're the Goons, an adventuring party of actors, teachers, woodworkers, brewers and web developers banding together to defeat D&D's most horrifying villain–Strahd von Zarovich. Join us around the table as we endeavor to bring hope and light back to the people of the far, foggy realm of Barovia!
Critical Fayle DM & The Goons: The Strahdcast
Ladies Who Spook Ep. 2: Sinister
Hey everyone!
This episode and all future episodes of Ladies Who Spook are now on their very own separate podcast feed. Subscribe wherever you get your podcasts to keep getting spooked with us!
Apple Podcasts
RSS Feed
Here’s to the Ladies Who Spook, everybody SCREAM!
From the Critical Fayle DM Network comes a haunting new horror film discussion podcast in which certified spooky ladies Kay & Campbell review the best and worst of fearsome filmmaking through the years. The popcorn is hot, our heart rates are elevated, and our views are our own.
Check it Out:
Thank you all for the most thrilling, unexpected, heart-expanding 3 years of our adventuring lives! It's a very exciting day as we reflect on the gifts of the past and look ahead to the future. You all are a treasure to us, and we're blessed to be in community with you. To more stories, more experiences, more life.
Take your Halloween with advantage!
-Trevor, Campbell, Kay, Ned & Tyler