The Sober Experience
Recovery and mental health, spirituality and life. We will be sitting down with people in and out of recovery who have helpful tips and shared experiences to provide better love and understanding on this earth. There will be a wide veriaty of topics discussed and after each interview there will be another reflection episode where I can analyze what we spoke of and what sticks to mind.
The Sober Experience
Breaking Cycles: Personal Growth and Community in a Polarized World
This episode of Sober Experience takes you on a journey through the sixth step of the recovery program, where we explore the profound impact of becoming willing to let a higher power help us address our character defects. I share my personal struggles and triumphs, reflecting on how these defects often arise from deep-seated false beliefs and overreactions. By pausing before reacting and leaning on a higher power for strength, we can make more rational decisions and break free from negative cycles, including the widespread feeling of being underpaid and its potential to lead us astray.
Breaking generational cycles isn't just a lofty goal; it's a necessity for meaningful life change. Through candid stories, I underscore the importance of community support in overcoming personal hurdles. Whether it's battling procrastination or financial insecurity, I reveal how asking for help and implementing practical solutions, like auto pay, can pave the way for a more stable and fulfilling life. Programs like AA and NA offer unparalleled support, demonstrating the transformative power of humility and the collective wisdom of a supportive community.
The intense political divide we face today goes beyond mere disagreements—it breeds hatred that prevents genuine empathy and understanding. Drawing from my observations in New York City and personal anecdotes, I critique the current political climate and the role of elites. By sharing poignant stories and reflecting on personal responsibility, I urge listeners to reject hatred and embrace more constructive emotions. This episode calls for self-reflection and community involvement as antidotes to the toxic political discourse and societal challenges we face. Tune in for a thought-provoking discussion that spans personal growth and broader societal issues.
What up, sober experience, we are back. Yep, yep, yep. This record is called Spanish Flowers by the Sprout House Band. So pretty, and I need that right now. I'm a little bit annoyed, yep, okay, and I need that right now. So I'm a little bit annoyed, yep, okay. So here's the deal for this week's episode number one. Thank you for tuning in. Sober experience. You can find us on all podcast platforms yeah, apple, spotify, youtube, whatever.
Speaker 1:So I was recording an episode, you know, a little while ago, and then somehow it got zapped halfway through on my SD card, which I thought it was just a break in the recording, but it was not. So I'm just going to make this quick little introduction, give you a little synopsis of what I was talking about, and then you'll get to hear the rest of the episode. When I restarted the recording Because I'm a one-take, charlie, I don't like to do anything else other than that. But you know, I just got back from Boston. I was out there for, you know, a little while, meaning one day, picking up some exercise equipment stuff and whatever, and that was cool and, uh, you know, I went to go. Anytime I'm out of town, I get to go speak at a. You know, I like to go, uh, to meetings out of town. I show up, oh, you're from new york, they want you to speak, and it was incredible and, uh, they were talking about the sixth step. Um, because it was, uh, they were reading an excerpt out of one of the literature that we got. And, yeah, I was talking about the sixth step and the seventh step, yeah, so I went into that a little bit, then I got cut off, so we're just going to pick up. You know, whatever it does, I'm sorry, you know, I got to get my shit together but, um, yeah, keep my, uh, my equipment in your prayers and you know, we appreciate everybody's patience and I love you all. Peace, see you on the other side. Okay, we're back. I don't know what's going on with my, with my roadcaster.
Speaker 1:Anyway, step six says you know, we became willing to have God remove all these defects of character. That means these are the things, these are the ways that we are living, the actions we are taking based on our false beliefs about what is going on and our overreaction, even if we are right, you know, about our interpretation of what's going on in our own life. It's almost like, you know, the older you get. If you look back, you can say, wow, man, some of us can say you, you know, I had a really good childhood. Uh, and my parents were just struggling and they were trying to do the best they could, you know, but your perception, up until the point that you come to that conclusion, could likely be like oh, these two were fucking pieces of shit and, you know, I was being abused in ways where, in reality, it was just like no, you just wasn't, you weren't getting what you wanted. You know, that's all that it was. They weren't neglecting you, you just didn't get what you wanted, which is that's not their job. To do that. So, yeah, so these defects of character right, they're basically that's what those are. A character, right, they're basically that's what those are. You know, you're taking, um, you're making choices and taking actions based on, uh, false um interpretations and and things like that. So you're asking God to, to give you the strength to not act so impulsively and to do that. You know, and you can call it God, that's what I will call it.
Speaker 1:At that time, I needed a power greater than myself. It became God. So what? The program and the people around me who love me. What they would say was like, dude, before you react to anything, when you feel that fucking sense of urge that you know there's nothing that's supremely urgent, that it can't wait 30 minutes, it can't wait a day, it can't wait two days, whatever it is, you don't have to respond unless it's an emergency, meaning that like you're a firefighter or police or whatever or somebody's in trouble, but like there's no situation that you need to just run right after with the response.
Speaker 1:So what I would do was, when I felt that defect like coming up, like oh, I'm about to let this bitch know. You know, or I'm gonna do this or I'm gonna do that, I'm gonna steal from my job because they never pay me enough, and I feel slighted. I said that the other day to somebody on the computer, when they're talking about all this liberal, conservative fucking shit and they're like yeah, this is capitalism and blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. I was like bro, there's nobody I've ever met on this earth that ever thought that they were being paid enough money Ever. No employee, no employee that I've had had been like you know, I offered them more money. None of them been like you know I offer them more money. None of them are like yeah, you know what I'm good, you're doing, good enough by me, I don't need any more. It's ridiculous, you know, anyway.
Speaker 1:So point is, even so, I would steal from my job, and this is without drinking. I don't need to be under the influence of anything other than my own you know brain and my own emotions to misbehave. So I would stop and I would make a phone call and I'd call somebody in AA and be like listen, these people are doing this, that and the third to me, and I fuck them. I'm going to leave early. I'm not going to steal money specifically, like directly, but indirectly. I'm going to leave early. I'm not going to steal money specifically, like directly, but indirectly. I'm going to steal time. I'm going to take an extra hour and lunch. Fuck them, fuck my boss, fuck.
Speaker 1:It was very, very limited time that I actually had a boss or somebody I had to answer to, but that was one of the ways that you're stealing, dog, you do that. You're stealing, stealing and stealing. And that's what they would tell me They'd be like no, you know, don't do that. Just you know who do you want to be. You want to be the guy that just you know, no matter what, does the next right thing that I'm not going to steal from my boss? But I could start to make moves in order to have a new boss or in order to have a new job, or to just go and confront them and say, listen, I feel slighted in this kind of way, and then maybe give them the opportunity to either explain themselves to me, and maybe I'm wrong, or tell me to go fuck myself, and maybe I'm right. But either way, stealing is not the answer. That's it. That's it.
Speaker 1:So how do I stop myself from stealing? I can't do it on my own, because it's an impulsive, selfish, self-righteous seeking thing, you know, and it's always at the expense of others. Anytime that I'm making those impulsive reactions, those responses, it doesn't, you know, and then it affects me in the long run. It affects me in the long run. So you know, when you're talking about getting rid of those reactions, getting rid of those character defects, and then so that's the sixth step the seventh step humbly ask him to remove our shortcomings. You know, the stage has to be set by me taking that defect.
Speaker 1:We're going to use the stealing part because it's a pretty wide range of stuff, right? So stealing. So I have to not only not steal, but I have to be honest also, so that I need god's help to be honest, because on my own, I'm entitled. I'm entitled to everything left unchecked. On my own, I am supremely entitled to everything Left unchecked. On my own, I am supremely entitled to everything.
Speaker 1:So the seventh step is like you know, what can I do to replace the defect that I'm trying to act out on? I can ask for help, I can pray and say God, I've done this 67,000 times and I'm a repeat offender and I don't know what's going to happen if I don't do it. But just please take care of me, if I don't fucking do it, then I don't do it. Right, let's say, let's say I do all that stuff, then I don't do it, I take a different action. Maybe, uh, a different one is not always a better one. So in that situation, maybe I don't take an extra hour for lunch, maybe I do something different. Like you know, I don't know get back from lunch on time and still, uh, you know, be sluggish or work slowly on purpose, or don't do my best.
Speaker 1:So it takes time to turn this whole ship around and to really get rid of that stuff. So, but I need God's help in order to do it. I need my higher power, I need a power greater than me. I need all of my fellows, I need all of the people in my life that support me in order to help me turn those corners. For when I'm faced with those difficult situations Difficult meaning just regular life is difficult when I'm running on those defects, when I'm running on entitlement, you know, then everything is my wife's fault.
Speaker 1:And then I do the exact opposite, I go the polar opposite way. Then I go from there to self-pity. Of course it is. You know why? Because you're a piece of shit. That's why, you know, because you're such a loser. Look at you, look at your life, look at what. You're such a loser. Look at you, look at your life, look at where you, look at what you're doing, look at who you are, look at everybody walking all over you. You're just like blech, you know. So I can't have that.
Speaker 1:And that voice it's not on repeat, but it's on shuffle. You know, like the old CD shit where it shuffles, that voice comes in and I got to be like nah, that's. You know. Yeah, sometimes I laugh at that and be like, well, some of that is true. Sometimes I do feel a little bit like a loser, but that's okay, cause that's one of the things that propel me to try and be great, because I know that I can change that. So what's the lesson is in humility. Humility is just being right sized.
Speaker 1:So I need to be somewhere in between that defect and then also that shortcoming. You know, the shortcoming is like all right, where in my life am I falling short? Where in my life am I not doing something that I need to be doing? You know, for me it's like if I get up in the morning and I pray and I meditate, you know, in whatever way that I do, and then I do my stretching, and then I do whatever. Now that I'm, you know, sciatica healed, now that I'm in that boat, I do that Right. And then I clean up the kitchen for my wife, I make some bacon, make some eggs, do some shit, right. So I do everything I'm supposed to do before I leave my house. I either go to the gym or to do whatever.
Speaker 1:Then, all of a sudden, sudden, the toothbrush gets heavy and that is where my disease shows up In that one little menial task that I can lean on to make me feel like shit about myself for the rest of the day. And that's when I have to invite God into my life. And I have to invite God into that moment Because it's fucking early in the morning and I can't be making them type of phone calls, because I'm like yo, I'm staring at the toothbrush Like a baby, you know, staring at it. It's heavy, and sometimes I pick it up, sometimes I don't, and I think that's just what makes me human, you know. And when I don't, I don't pay a price initially, and that's what makes it even worse, you know.
Speaker 1:I'm like, oh, I brushed my teeth six days this week. One day I didn't brush my teeth, not a big deal. Tell myself who's perfect. Nobody's perfect. Give myself the authority to do that, but meanwhile it's chipping away at who I am. Meaning who I am is how I feel about myself. That's who I am, regardless of what anybody else thinks or feels about me. I am what I think and feel about myself, and that's what recovery is about. So what I need to be doing and this is what I was sharing at that meeting Like, no, god doesn't do all the work, you know, I shared it in a way that Free Willy taught me, which was like you know, you're making a cake, you're not cooking.
Speaker 1:Some people use this oh, I feel, cooking and cooking. You're doing a little bit of this, a little bit of that. You know, you make it nice for yourself, but when you're baking a cake, there are directions on the back of that box. Right, there's directions. There's a cup of this, half a cup of that, whatever it is Right. So you're making this cake.
Speaker 1:Once you are done making the cake, you have to put that cake in the oven and let it go, and then the cake, from what you made, from all the ingredients that you put in the cake, is going to make itself. I guess that last leg and that's what that life is that I have now, almost 21 years into this game of all those little battles that I was just explaining to you about, you know, is the cake going to be good? I don't know. Is the cake gonna be good? I don't know. I need to be checking and I'd open it. Open the thing, close the thing. Open the oven, close the oven, like then the cake comes out fucked up, because I don't have enough faith that I did everything I was supposed to do and that the cake is gonna come out bomb, and that's what happens.
Speaker 1:And then, the first time that I do it correctly, that I walk out the house with brushing my teeth after doing all the other stuff sometimes I'm just using that as an example sometimes I brush my teeth and then I'm like, yeah, I'll only do half of the yoga stretches, you know, whatever, because I'm feeling good in that moment and I don't need to be, you know, I don't need to be consistent, so it could be anything Right. But then all of a sudden, the first time that I do that, all of a sudden I'm like, holy shit, I just made a cake, I just made a cake. I just made a fucking cake and it's beautiful. And people are like, wow, that's a beautiful cake. I'm like it's right, you know. And that's what happens.
Speaker 1:We've got to make these decisions and we don't have to do them on our own. And that's the biggest thing I always talk about or lately I've been talking about in the literature, where it says without help, it is too much for us. That is for everybody on this earth. Without help, it is too much for us. People are for everybody on this earth. Without help. It is too much for us.
Speaker 1:People are always talking about this thing I'm going to get on the soapbox for a couple of minutes, bo. People are always talking about well, we need to break generational trauma or generational whatever, that they want to break these cycles. And I get it. I get it. You want to break the cycle? Then you got to break it. Now you can't break it like, oh, you know, maybe one that maybe my kid is not going to be like this or not going to be like that, like no, you have to break it right now and you can't break it on your own. You know how you break the cycle. It's a cycle because people have not asked for help and people have not relied on the experience of others who have been successful in that area in order to help them make decisions. That's how the cycle doesn't get broken.
Speaker 1:So, in order for you to break the cycle, it can't be from your own fucking thoughts, it can't be your own idea. The idea you got came from the cycle. You need to be humble enough and ask for help, and that's why it's crazy to me and I'm so blessed, I'm fucking blessed to be an alcoholic and a drug addict, I have to have the community that I have. I joke about this shit all the time. I'm like yo, people who don't have this community, like all they have is the family that they got. It's so crazy, that's all they have. All they have is the family that they have. Where, like, because I'm in a program, dude, my family that I have in AA and NA is unfathomable to somebody who is not in a program.
Speaker 1:The amount of people that I can rely on in an instance or in an hour or in a month, that I can rely, like, with my life, that I can go and ask for help from these people. I can raise my hand in a meeting and be like I don't know what to do with this thing. Whatever it is in your life that you're running and hiding from, that you're keeping from yourself, you're keeping from other people. That's secret. Like I don't know how to stop stealing from my job and I'm fucking sober and I'm working in a bank and I'm fucking stealing, bro, and I'm not just stealing money from the bank, I'm stealing time and I'm fucking stealing, bro, and I'm not just stealing money from the bank, I'm stealing time. And I'm not just doing that, I'm stealing people's emotional well-being my boss, who thinks that I'm doing the right thing, and I'm fucking not, and I'm fucking around and it's all going to come out in the wash and I can't make pretend that I don't know that that's wrong. And then if I talk to my friends, I'm like bro, everybody fucking does that, like yeah, but it doesn't affect everybody the same way it affects me.
Speaker 1:Now, if I go to a meeting and I share about that, and I have, I have, and and I couldn't stop. Just like I couldn't stop, no, stop, I couldn't stop procrastinating on paying my bills when I first got sober. I had money at that time and I'll be like, whatever, you'll get the money when I'm ready to give it to you, the fucking can you imagine that? Like that's how I thought you'll get the money when I'm ready to give it to you, and I couldn't. And then, all of a sudden, when all my money was gone because I had to turn over a new leaf, I had to learn how to pay bills on time, and people were fucking taking shit away, I was like fuck, but I still had that entitlement. So I would go to meetings and talk about it like dude, those stocks, dude, those stacks of envelopes, what do you call them? Envelopes, envelopes. Those stacks of envelopes are fucking heavy bro, and if I don't open that bill I don't got to pay it. This is sober me.
Speaker 1:Having those thoughts, those beliefs, and then my sponsor showed me like yo, you can just put all of the necessary bills on auto pay, or you could sit here and pray and do all this other shit to find out why you're so entitled that you don't want to pay the bills. And you have this financial insecurity and blah, blah, blah. You know people like me who wouldn't pay bills even if I had the money, right, yeah. So I put them on auto pay and I was like, wow, those shits are on all day getting paid. I don't have to do any heavy lifting. Sometimes that's the answer. But asking, asking for help, is always number one. And the fact that I'm in a community where we just do that.
Speaker 1:People think that we just go to meetings and just talk about oh my God, I'm so drunk and this, and that Now I'm not drunk, like no, that's like there are people who all they have is that, right, they're powerless over alcohol. Their problem is drinking. And when you first come in, if your problem is drinking and drugs, good, they need to be your number one problem. But if you are going to stay here, you're going to need to find out that that is not really your problem. Your problem is really you. That's what it is and that's why you stay, because the slogan that they say is that I came for my drinking and stayed for my thinking, because this is the way of life, it is community living. We all love each other, we all live together in these rooms and we're like no, it's not about like oh, we got to keep this kid away from a drink. That's very easy to do, right, but to have a successful, happy, sober, evolving life is fucking hard.
Speaker 1:Can't imagine the possibility that all of the shit that we talk to ourselves about ourselves is all wrong and that we could be free and we could be without all of this like negativity and without all this judgment and without all this cynicism. There are people crying, I'm making jokes about the election, I'm making jokes about it and I, you know I just make jokes about it and you know I just make jokes because it doesn't fucking matter. To me it counts, but it doesn't matter Because, regardless of who is in that office. I am going to have to fucking be who I am, my moral compass, my G-code. I got to live by that, no matter what. It's nice if I get an extra tax break from one of them. Cool. That means I get to spend more money, uh, in my community and, uh, donating it to places where I think they should fucking go. So that's cool.
Speaker 1:But there are people literally losing their minds, you know, and me and my friends like we laugh at the whole folly of that of people losing their minds, both on the fringe, the right and the left that they're losing their fucking minds, bro, I'm like bro, that's how small their life is. Meanwhile, none of that stuff I don't know how much of it affects their life directly. Obviously, I'm sure all of the you know the abortion stuff and whatever. I get it, I fucking get it, but it's not my, it's not my thing, I don't. You know what I'm saying. I don't have an opinion. I'm not a woman dog.
Speaker 1:What did Tupac say? Because a man can't create one. Because a man can't create one, wait, because a man can't make one, he has no right to tell a woman when and where to create one. Yeah, that was a good one. Yeah, I'm like bro, what do you want me to tell you? I got three kids that I fucking love and that I pay for, and that's it. You know that's my responsibility. You know it doesn't matter Me yelling, me marching, me doing it. It doesn't change any of that stuff. You know I got to tend to the garden that I can touch and me and my friends we were calling this for a year. We're like dude, joe Biden, he's going to drive. They're trying to push him out. This is my whatever. Drive. They're trying to push him out. This is my whatever.
Speaker 1:This is my idea of why I don't like the liberal elite. The same way, I don't like the conservative elite, because they talk to you like you're fucking stupid. The elitist, the people who run the country. They talk to you like you're fucking dumb. I'm like bro, we've all been saying that joe biden is too old. More than a year. More than a year I've been saying it. I've. I can just show you thread after thread after thread. Even if he was the right guy, he's still too motherfucking old man. He don't have all his faculties together. And what do they do? They double and triple down and then they start calling you names. Oh, this is ageism, this is this, this is that. And we're like dude.
Speaker 1:We're not saying that you should vote for Donald Trump, but what we're saying is that, like, we are not fucking stupid and you need to get somebody else up in there. That's what you need to do. This guy needs to go away and you need to get somebody else up in there, and that's it. But no, the democrats, like the super, you know, liberal democrat bro, they fucking go all the name calling. That's why I like, when hillary clinton, dude, when she was like fucking um, you know, she came up, I think, with that word deplorables.
Speaker 1:I'm like how do you expect people to vote for you when you talk down to them like that? You know what I'm saying. How do you like the ego? That's why you're fucking lost and that's why you're crying. I was happy she lost just because of that. Even better, because it was Trump, because he's a fucking madman, he's crazy. But like dude, she was like talking down to people.
Speaker 1:Like I'm like yo man, you know, everybody has to do whatever they feel is number one best for them, meaning that everybody's priorities is different. Some people's priority is abortion. Some people's priority is the border. Some people's priority is the people we left in Afghanistan, the people who helped us, who are being slaughtered still to this day because of how we left there and if you think I'm lying, bro, it's fucking for real, you know. Or how they send money to ukraine and israel, right?
Speaker 1:However you may think, meanwhile it only costs five billion to rebuild those houses in maui and they ain't doing it, and we know the government's just going to come and steal that land. The government, meaning black rock and all these other agencies that are going to lobby the government like oh, we'll just you going to go in there and say we're going to do some core samples and say that this place is unstable, nobody should live there, we're going to relocate them. Those people got 700 bucks. That's what the fuck? They got $700. So maybe for some folks, that is their priority. So maybe for some folks, that is their priority.
Speaker 1:What's happening in gaza? The genocide? If that's what you want to call it, it's your right, you're allowed. If you don't want to call it that, you're allowed, and it's your right too. I don't. I don't care either way, but some people like that's their priority. So how do they live with themselves, knowing that they can't blame Trump for what's going on in Israel. They can't. So how are they going to vote? They're going to be like oh listen, how do I vote for Biden or any of these other people when they're the ones sending billions of dollars for the genocide? You know how did? How did the people talk their way out of that, and that's what happened. That's what made me so angry, you know, because, bro, I loved Obama. I still love him. I would say right now, dude, if Michelle Obama ran, it'd be hard to get me to not vote for her. You know, and I love RFK. Everybody needs to be grateful that Trump didn't pick RFK to be his fucking running mate. It would have been over, over, right.
Speaker 1:So we've been saying this about Biden good or bad, or indifferent, for a while, like yo. He needs to fucking get out of there, dog. He's too old. He said he was going to be a transition and they need to have all these people running for his spot, but no, they wait till the last fucking hour, till today, right?
Speaker 1:So meanwhile, conspiracy tinfoil hat jay is over here, like yo, listen, they've been telling him he's got to leave. He don't want to leave. So what do they do? Like, oh, you got papers in your car too, boy. He's not getting the hint Right. Then he's like no, I ain't leaving. Then they're like oh yeah, we're going to release the laptop. Guess what we're going to tell everybody. It's real, because it's fucking real.
Speaker 1:He still didn't get the message. Ego, freaking ego. He didn't get the message. They're like oh yeah, we're going to charge your son with felonies for being high or being on drugs and buying weapons. Right, this is what the machine is doing, right?
Speaker 1:Meanwhile, everybody saw what they were doing to Orange Boy. You know they blame him for this. They blame him for that January 6th. You know they blame him for this. They blame him for that january 6th. You know, whatever, all the shit you know. Then they fucking this lawsuit, that lawsuit, sexual fucking predators, all that stuff. Meanwhile, it's crazy to me. I always say the same thing like dude fucking.
Speaker 1:Hillary clinton was literally is still literally married to a fucking predator. This guy's a piece of shit. Bill is a fucking animal, bro. And they got Trump for, you know, paying this lady 150 grand to the hush money that he made it like a write off, like he was trying to hide the money that he paid her.
Speaker 1:Meanwhile, bill Clinton, he just gave that lady what was it? Paula Jones just gave her a check, a big fucking check, $400,000. Maybe Trump should have just did that. Like here's a big cardboard check, $150,000,. Go fuck yourself, you know.
Speaker 1:Yeah, she's to blame too. I mean, she was like an opportunist. Nobody's going after these guys because they look good, right. She allowed that big animal to climb on top of her a few times, and it wasn't because if you work that fucking Home Depot, she ain't allowing that. So let's not make pretend. And they're like oh, she's a porn star, so fucking what? It don't matter, porn stars are people too. It don't matter, porn stars are people too.
Speaker 1:So the whole point is that we've been so we've been saying this is coming. It was like dude, here's all the fucking breadcrumbs, here's an oily rag. That's what fucking Bill Burr used to say. You know, when the firefighters show up, how'd the fire happen? Here's an oily rag, right. So then the final straw they're like yo, we're gonna prosecute your son Biden, he's going to get a felony too. So guess what? He could never. I don't think he could hold office, and those, well, I don't know. Whatever. I don't think he can either because, honestly, he's doing too much fucking crack cocaine. He's out here with all these women. That guy's living the fucking. He's living like Andrew Tate, you know. He's got bitches running wild. So what's left?
Speaker 1:They take a shot at the fucking orange boy, hit him in his ear so crazy. Once they take the shot at Orange Boy when I mean the machine, I mean the machine, right. None of these people give a fuck about any of us. They just care about our well-being so we can line their pockets. That's what that's about. This kid ends up on a roof with a rifle in the Secret Service. You know whatever. This kid ends up on a roof with a rifle in secret service. You know, whatever stroke of luck I'd say it's God, it could be anything.
Speaker 1:Trump turns his head, boom. Only, you know, a holy fields worth of ear gets blasted off. You know he does. Holyfield's worth of ear gets blasted off. You know he does the fight, fight, fight and like people are losing their fucking minds. And then they're like it's a hoax, it's fake, it's this, it's that. And I'm like dude, are you fucking crazy, are you? This is how delusional human beings have become, right? I'm like okay, so you want me to believe that this guy, who you say is a fucking idiot, who you say is a super failed businessman and a moron and a megalomaniac, that he set up his own shooting for the guy to just graze his ear. Meanwhile, other people lost their life. Is that what the fuck you're trying to tell me? They think the same person is even mentally capable of doing that.
Speaker 1:And all the videos of the people showing the police and the Secret Service like dude. That guy looked like a fucking weenie and he's supposed to look like a weenie. And he's supposed to look like a weenie. And he's a young kid with no footprint, right? Not that I'm going through all the specifics.
Speaker 1:So what I'm saying is that, like as soon as that happened, all of a sudden, magically, joe Biden gets COVID and has to run away. And now here we are. So he got the message Bro, they will fucking kill you. That's it. That's the message they will kill you to do whatever. And you know Orange Boy is new to that game, so that machine is already there. He's not making that machine. It's wild. And what's making that machine? It's wild.
Speaker 1:And what's even wilder is that people really take this to heart to hate other people and I have to be very honest, I'm being very sincere, Because I live in New York City. Most I'd say 80% of conservatives or Republicans that I know and that I fuck with and that I love. They make fun of the super fringe liberals or whatever Democrats. They make fun of them, but they don't hate them. Hate them Dude and on the other shoe and I'm friends with a lot of super liberal Democrat people Karens you can call them. I'm friendly with them, some of them they're my friends, some of them people I love but they fucking hate people on the other side and that's why they're losing. It's because of that hate that they can't recognize that defect and they can't ask God for help to be like let me not hate this person or hate these people and let me not hate this person or hate these people and let me just exist and be. And you know, maybe if I think they have bad ideas, maybe I try and present a different idea and I just don't hate them. I don't like to be around people like that.
Speaker 1:I watch this girl that I know who posts everything about. She's got a Palestinian flag on her and I have no dog in that fight Palestinian-Israeli fight. I'm a Jew. I talk to the people on my side of the street about that stuff, whether I think they're going overboard or not, and I have a lot of love for all of my Muslim brothers, wherever they come from Lebanon, palestine, china, china. I have a lot of love for all of them. I love the Muslim religion. You know, I listen to a lot of the minister. It's very empowering, very exciting anyway.
Speaker 1:So this girl, she's a school teacher and everything's got a fucking Palestinian flag on her shit. Meanwhile she's like a single person. She doesn't take care of herself physically on her shit. Meanwhile, she's like a single person. She doesn't take care of herself physically. That's me being nice. She's not fat, but like you can be like dude, go for a run or something and she's off for the summer and every video is her drinking, chugging a beer.
Speaker 1:I'm like this is, and even if that's your life, the fact that you're showing it on the computer like that every day or every third day or every, you know, every other day. Now I know why you hate Republicans because you can't love yourself and treat yourself like that. You know you just can't. So there's no way you can even have any kind of empathy for somebody else, so that, my friends, is where we're going to come to an end. Let go of some of that hate and try something different. I'm not saying reach for love, you're asking a lot, but reach for something else instead of that hate, because that shit burn you up, man. It's the worst thing. It's actually even worse than that. It's like a waste of time. So don't forget to like and subscribe on all podcast platforms. Sober experience on our YouTube page and this has been a crazy month. More will be revealed. Love you guys. Peace.