The Sober Experience
Recovery and mental health, spirituality and life. We will be sitting down with people in and out of recovery who have helpful tips and shared experiences to provide better love and understanding on this earth. There will be a wide veriaty of topics discussed and after each interview there will be another reflection episode where I can analyze what we spoke of and what sticks to mind.
The Sober Experience
A Call for Kindness Amidst Division
What does it take to balance the intricacies of sobriety, relationships, and personal growth?
Have you ever considered the complexities of forgiveness and redemption? We delve into the moral labyrinth involving controversial figures and exploring how personal feelings and societal judgments can vary widely. The conversation expands to the ethical dilemmas faced by defense attorneys and the murky waters of integrity. Reflect on the intricate power dynamics within our government, past and present, and how they shape our trust—or lack thereof—in the system. Hear thought-provoking discussions on morality, judgment, and redemption that might challenge your perspectives.
Wondering how to navigate ethical boundaries in recovery while maintaining relationships with those who've committed severe offenses? I tackle these tough questions through personal anecdotes and discuss the balance between empathy and justice. Listen in as we critique the current political landscape, from the 2020 election to the controversies surrounding political figures like Joe Biden. The episode wraps up with a passionate call for kindness and love amidst societal hypocrisy and division. Don’t miss out on this reflective and engaging journey—subscribe now and stay connected!
You have plenty money, 1922, and yet other women make a fool of you. Why don't you do right? What up, sober experience. You know what's up? What up, sober experience. You know what's up? Woo, boom, boom, boom. Get out of here. She's married to Roger Rabbit. Yeah, what a lucky girl. What up, everybody. Welcome back, sober Experience. Hope you guys are doing well. Little Jessica Rabbit Throwback old school.
Speaker 1:I remember, dude, when I was a kid and I saw that I was like holy shit, bro, holy shit, yeah, man, she was awesome, she was awesome. Um, yeah, man, like and subscribe on all podcast platforms, youtube, everywhere. You know, man, the summer is running, man, it's fucking running away. It's running away, man. I was supposed to record an episode yesterday but I got real busy. You know, I've been trying to make more time for more meetings and more love and more life. Today's the 29th, so we're making it happen. But yeah, july is already frigging over. You know it means I got an anniversary coming next month and that is my wedding anniversary.
Speaker 1:I know in a couple of weeks we're going to go away to some kind of um like retreat or not retreat. What am I saying? What am I saying? Uh, we're going away to some kind of uh, to a spa or whatever that I booked for, uh, a bunch of money. It's gonna be nice up in the woods somewhere and, uh, I'm down for that. You, you know my wife, she deserves all the freaking glory you know between her and God. You know, man, I don't know, man, I don't know, Uh, I don't know how I would be, I don't know who I would be, you know, but, uh, it's been, uh, it's been very good, it's been very good and she's working very hard.
Speaker 1:And you know, what I'm doing is I'm just trying to. You know, I try not to burn the candle at all ends. You know, it's very easy for me to lose focus and then to find something new to get neurotic about. You know, I think that's my problem is that, like, I have all these distractions that I can create that will, you know, keep me away from moving forward. And then I hide out, you know wherever I hide out. Jesus Christ, I almost knocked something over but like, yeah, so, but you know, I have to, man, I got to. You know, it has to be a little bit of crazy. You know, I have to be the way that I am, which is, you know, naively crazy in some respects.
Speaker 1:I mean, I lived by the seat of my pants for a long time and not even like willfully, like it was just the way my life was going, even in sobriety. It's like every new idea was a great idea. You know, when I first got sober, every new idea was a great idea. Every new job or every new thing of life was, you know, going to be it. I wouldn't say like every new girl was going to be the one. You know there was, you know, maybe thoughts of like, can I make this the one? I don't even think so, you know, because I didn't really realize, you know, like I said last episode, like how much growing I had to do, you know, but the first 10 years of my recovery, I stayed, you know, I stayed focused on changing my life and changing my attitude, changing my belief system, my core belief system, attitude, changing my belief system, my core belief system.
Speaker 1:You know so many negative people, man, even a lot of. You know my friends that are, that are, uh, you know most of my friends are in recovery. I have some friends that are not. Uh, I'd say it's probably, if I'm really being honest, it's probably like 80% people in recovery 10% family, 10% civilian, you know, and that's just the way that it goes. But there's, like you know, my, some of my friends that are in recovery. Man, they still they're not. You know, they're letting all these outside uh influences or outside situations really run their uh emotional and mental stability, really run their attitude. So, like you know, it's fucking election time and this and that, and, like you know, and I found myself getting sucked down into that stuff and not like in the mud, like oh my God, you know, because, listen, I have bro, I have super friends everywhere. You know, cause I can see, you know, I can see different points of different things and, to be honest with you, I am powerless over what is going to bother me and what's not going to bother me as far as issues go. As far as you know, different shit goes.
Speaker 1:You know, I was having a good conversation with my boy, liam, this morning and I don't mind sharing it. I know he doesn't give a shit, you know he doesn't really listen to my show, which is okay, it don't matter, but anyway, you know. So he's been like toying with seeing, with seeing like a Louis CK thing. Right, I guess Louis has got a new movie. I don't know that he has a new movie because I don't follow him like that, but apparently he's got a new movie. And then so Liam's asking me like, oh so what did he do anyway? And, like you know, is he a sex offender? Is he this? Is he that? I think this is where he talks about it and in my mind I'm like dude.
Speaker 1:I heard him talk about what he did allegedly, or what he did admittingly, you know, I don't know, a few years ago and, to be honest with you, I've been becoming more and more absent minded and I keep blaming the freaking vaccine, but it might just be all the fucking sugar and bullshit that I've been putting in my body that I'm now like finally three days off of that stuff, and let me tell you, the withdrawal from sugar and from carbs, and that is fucking brutal, man, I was depressed, you know, but anyway, anyway, let me get back to the source. So he's asking me about this thing. I was like dude, I don't, you know, I don't know, you know, I don't like, I know, but like, why are you? I guess what I was asking is like, why are you asking me about what I think, about what somebody else did and if that should mean whether or not you should watch something. I said, from what I understood, you know, from what I understood, he was asking these women hey, do you mind if I pleasure myself in front of you or on the phone or whatever? And he would fucking do it, you know. And it boils into this whole other thing that I'll touch on maybe, but like, that's to me all right, that's a little bit fucking weird, you know, I don't think I would be too nervous to do that in front of somebody and just have them watch, and I'm not like interacting with them they're not my girlfriend, like you know in front of a stranger that's like a little bit fucking weird, I mean. But anyway, so it's like I was like dude, I don't, I don't fucking know. I said, to be honest, that's what he did, it don't bother me, you know, I try to find, because he, oh, he's asking me, he's like, he's basically saying like, oh, do you think that? Maybe you know, there's some, and I was like, yeah, like redemption.
Speaker 1:I said there's redemption for everybody and that's just what I believe, you know there is. There's redemption. It doesn't mean I'm down with it, it doesn't mean. I don't know if it means forgiveness, I don't know what it means, but I just know, like redemption, like do, people can fuck up in the worst crazy ways and they can change their life and then the new people in their life can decide whether or not you want to judge them for something that they did. And I have no opinion on whether or not you want to judge somebody because then, right away, because, like you know, you know he's like one of my boys, that's like super, and I love him all, like one of my best friends, you know. But we have completely different lives, personalities to discuss, like super liberal, elite, and every box that you can check off, he checks it off, right, everyone. So he's like you know. So, right away, what does he do for the jugular? So what are you saying? That the hitler can get redemption?
Speaker 1:I was like, bro, you're comparing a guy asking a, a woman if he could, you know, pull out his fucking wiener, versus somebody gassing people. There's levels, there's levels to the shit, straight up and down. Then he's like what about Michael Jackson? I was like, well, michael Jackson allegedly touched all these kids. Whatever he did or didn't do, I don't know. Whatever he did or didn't do, I don't know.
Speaker 1:I don't turn this music off when it comes on, you know, does it hit the same way? I don't know. But I'm powerless over whether or not that's going to bother me, because if it doesn't bother me I'm not going to make pretend like it does so I can be some kind of virtue signaling fucking guy. You know, I just have to be honest with myself and say listen, that don't bother me. But I'll tell you right now R Kelly gets no play in my fucking house and he gets no play in my car. If you're asking me why it's different for me, it's just different. It's just different to me, you know, and that's all that it is. And I don't know why that is. You know he, uh, whatever, like you know, there's all right.
Speaker 1:An example would be let's just say you know, um, the? Let's say there's a lawyer, right, part of the lawyer's job let's say he's a defense attorney Part of his job is to make sure everybody gets a fair shake. That's his job. Now he can just say hey, man, that's my job, right, but I couldn't do that job, because if I know that somebody did some fucking creepy sex offender shit to fucking kids. I could never help them. Now, does that mean that nobody should help them? I don't know. But I know that I can't help them and you know, in this country they get help, they get help, so it's like that. And I told him that. I said, dude, I could never help somebody. Defend somebody like that. I could never help them in any way. You know, I don't care, you can hide behind the cloak and say, well, it's just my job. Like you know, it's your choice to have that kind of job and to do that kind of work. That's your fucking choice. So, um, you know, yeah, and it got like a little bit contentious. You know, I think he's just angry because I was really right about biden dropping out fucking a year ago. I told me it was me fucking 20 bucks.
Speaker 1:You know, he thinks that I have all these, uh, conspiracy theories, and I have a lot of them, but they're they're only theories until they come true, you know. And then all of a sudden they become a motherfucking fact. And we all knew that. This guy was like, you know, yeah, good guy or bad guy, whatever, he's just old dog, that's it. You guys had an opportunity To Put somebody else there, but the ego Wouldn't allow it. The ego wouldn't allow it. The ego wouldn't allow it. And you know, because this was my conspiracy, this was my theory that I shared with him. Right, my theory was that, you know, they were telling him that he had to fucking leave and he was like no. And they're like, oh yeah, come on. No, you got to leave. And they're like, oh yeah, come on. No, you gotta leave.
Speaker 1:You know the people who really run the show, the corporations, all that big money who buy all these politicians, and they get all this dirt on them, fucking epstein style, the whole shit. You know, it's like funny. It's like people think now you know everything. Obviously, hindsight is 2020, but they're like, yeah, the cia, you know, shot jfk, but the trump shit was staged like that's how crazy people are. And I just I played in that dirt for about a week with these people.
Speaker 1:I'm like dude, no reasonable, sane person could. Obviously, what do you think? The, the government, magically just got their act together. Now, is that what you're trying to tell me? They met, you know, you don't remember weapons of mass destruction and all that money that went to fucking all those defense contractor? No, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. You don't remember all that. No, you know what I'm saying and that's what it is. It's like people live in these uh, spaces.
Speaker 1:So my theory was like, yeah, they didn't want him, they didn't want him there. They told him this thing. He said, fucking no, they're like all right, now we got papers in your fucking car. He still said no, I go, yeah, guess what? The laptop's real, right, like holy shit. I'm like dude, they're pushing this guy and the whole time this is happening, I'm trying to, I'm sharing it with him like dude, you don't. I'm watching this whole thing play out and watching it with him.
Speaker 1:After I preemptively told him this is what's going to happen, right, and um, or this is what I believed was going to happen, yeah, and then, you know, but he's just now, you know, reads the new york times. You know super, uh, yeah, he's a super liberal lefty and I love him. He's pretty, he's not antifa, but he's all the way on the fringe and I still love him and that's the beauty of being in recovery. It's the beauty of aa is that I love him and I can love him and he can love me, and we can talk about this, these kind of like real tough conversations, like where is the line of what would bother you versus what would not bother you? Because then I asked him.
Speaker 1:I said, dude, are you wanting to? Why are you even worried about if this guy? He's like, oh, oh, because I heard he's funny and this and that, or whatever. I was like. So in my mind I'm like, all right, so he's never been a fan of this guy and now he wants to give him a try. So I was like why don't you just fucking watch it? Why are you? Why are you worried about what kind of crime or what kind of whatever he committed before you watch his movie? If you want to watch the movie, just watch the fucking movie, Unless you're looking for a reason to hurt not hurt, he can't hurt him, but to hate somebody Like you just need the justification that you heard something and then now you can't wait to go over there and for it to be right or for you to make it right.
Speaker 1:And God forbid the conversation you get to have with yourself when you find out like, oh my God, I really like this guy and he's a funny motherfucker, but he pulled out his fucking piece of deal and he rubbed one out in front of some fucking interns and that's the thing I said. You have to be okay with that being okay with you, and I think that's what he was scared about, because you know, a lot of people are scared about that kind of stuff. But I've lived such a life of self that I can't really, you know, I'm not saying everybody gets a pass, there's no, I don't give out passes, I don't. That's not my, I'm not the hall monitor, that's the whole deal, that I'm not the hall monitor, you know. But I just be real with myself. You know, I'm grateful, free willy, he, he taught me this a long time ago. I think. I shared this on the show and I'll share it again.
Speaker 1:You know, there was a guy, um, you know there was a guy who was a sex offender, who was in recovery, and I'm. There's plenty of them. And guess what? There's plenty of them that are in schools. There's plenty of them. And guess what? There's plenty of them that are in schools. There's plenty of them that are driving buses. They're everywhere. These people have a sickness, you know. They're everywhere, unchecked.
Speaker 1:You know I don't go on those stupid apps where, like you can find them. For what Then? What do I do with that information them for what then? What do I do with that information? That's a thing. You ring that bell, you look up that person, right anyway.
Speaker 1:So you know, this guy was going to the feds. They found, uh, they found uh, child pornography on his fucking laptop and he was going to jail. But he was around the rooms for a while and people knew him. Nobody knew why he was going to jail, nobody cared. And what happened? One person found out his name. Then they go out to some Googling, then they find out what he did.
Speaker 1:You know, I don't know what he did. I didn't want to know what he did. I didn't want to know what he did. I didn't want to know what he did. He wasn't that close of a friend to me to want to know. I don't even know how to elaborate more on that. You know, because some of my friends used to be fucked up people who did fucked up things, just like me. So anyway. So some of the guys were going to go find him in the neighborhood, used to be fucked up people who did fucked up things, just like me. So Anyway. So some of the guys were going to go find him in the neighborhood, Put his picture all over the fucking, all over the trees and throw him a fucking beating. It's fucking disgusting what he did. Motherfucker Right All this thing. And they're barking at me about it Because you know, I don't know why you know, but I guess maybe they thought I was down, maybe I don't know what you know, and these were friends of mine, people that I knew that wanted to go and hurt this guy.
Speaker 1:And, to be honest, I didn't know until that moment on. If you would ask me a week before what I thought, I don't know what I would have thought, but I found out in that moment that I was like you know, you guys do whatever. Man, I'm not, I'm conflicted. That's what I said To myself. I said to myself, I'm conflicted To them. I don't remember what I said. I know I didn't commit to doing anything or to not doing anything. Maybe I was just being vague.
Speaker 1:And I went and I saw Free Willy. It was probably each sponsor I've had has been the best sponsor I've ever had, and that's the truth. And he told me he's like you, just need to be grateful that you have your disease and not his. That was the whole statement and then that was it. It's not up to me to be out there doing all that kind of stuff, you know. So. You know what am I? Um, who am I gonna be to myself? You, you know, because I found myself maybe not like my friend with the fucking movies, blah, blah, blah, but I found myself starting to get sucked into all of this stuff. You know it's just too much and it was just it wasn't helpful. You know it wasn't helpful. You know it wasn't helpful Because I don't have all the answers.
Speaker 1:I know what I need to do. I have my own marching orders from God and I just need to love who's in front of me. Do I have to help everybody? I don't know. I help a lot of people if I can, but I know I'm not allowed to hurt anybody. That's the whole deal. I'm not allowed Because I end up paying the price, and there's been so much mercy shown to me. I'm not allowed because I end up paying the price, and there's been so much mercy shown to me.
Speaker 1:You know, when I was out there drinking and drugging and using people, you taking advantage of everything and everybody in my path, I never got over on anybody. They just let me. They let me, the people who loved me. You know what I'm saying and I live with that. So I repay by not being like that. That's how I make that kind of amends, and it's not easy. And it's not easy Dog. It's not easy, you know, because I want to be, you know, I wouldn't say instinctively, but deep down there's a little spark that loves to feel like self-righteousness.
Speaker 1:You know what I'm saying, that like enjoys, that they're like yeah, I couldn't you know, part of me maybe couldn't wait to be right to call him and be like aha, you see what I fucking told you about your boy Biden. You see what I told you. I've been telling you the whole time follow the fucking crumbs, you know. Now look at the situation. We're in right, mind you. I don't care. To be honest, I shouldn't say I don't care. I can't wait to see how it plays out. But I'm not super enthusiastic either way. This whole election and this whole stuff, because, um, it's just crazy how far we've fallen. You know, it's just crazy. So, you know, biden picked um kamala I don't want, I don't know how to say her name Kamala or Kamala Kamala Harris, vp Kamala Harris. He picked her man. Good for him.
Speaker 1:I don't know what any vice presidents do, I don't. They're like, oh, she's supposed to be the border czar and this, and that, whatever, bro, whatever, I forgot that Mike Pence was even had a fucking pulse. They're like, oh, she's supposed to be the border czar and this and that, whatever, bro, whatever I forgot that Mike Pence was even had a fucking pulse. The only reason why I knew about Bush's guy Dick Cheney, because he was a war mongering, fucking maniac and our citizens paid the fucking price for that, plus what happened over there in Iraq and Afghanistan. We, bro, our country is the greatest country in the world that does the worst shit in the world. It's both anyway.
Speaker 1:So you know she couldn't, you know she wasn't gonna be a candidate. She barely. She was like barely scratching the surface. And you know, the girl that I like, tulsi, tulsi gabbard, fucking lit her ass up on the debate stage and that was the end of her. So for me, I like people who want to burn this place down. That's who I like.
Speaker 1:Tulsi was part of the dnc, you know. I think she was like vice chair or something of the dnc, and then when she saw how they fucking did bernie, how hillary did bernie. And then there's people who still make believe that that didn't happen. Meanwhile there's zillions and zillions of wiki leaks, proof and all this other shit and whatever right, and what they were.
Speaker 1:Do she against her own um self-interest, but like her moral interest, like dude, I am leaving, I'm stepping down. I can't, I can't be part of that. That's what you're gonna fucking do. The balls that it takes to do that is the same balls that it takes to do that. It's the same balls that it takes to be a soldier, which she was, you know. Yeah, she served some tours, whatever. Some people are like, oh well, she wasn't a fucking Navy SEAL, that kind of stuff have never been punched by more than one person at the same time. So they need to shut the fuck up because she's a powerful, articulate, intelligent, beautiful brown woman. I look at women like that and I tell my two they one and they two, like dude, if you want to be like a woman, you want to feel powerful, be like a woman. That's the one, someone with integrity above everything else. I'm sure she could have just told the line and she fucking didn't. So what? Hillary calls her a spy? Blah, blah, blah, whatever anyway.
Speaker 1:So biden picks her picks uh kamala as his vp, and he told everybody why he was doing it. That's how much of a racist animal he is that he don't even know he's being racist. He could have simply just said I'm gonna pick the best candidate that's gonna run with me and we're gonna do our best to defeat the orange fucking maniac. And that's what would have happened, you know. He could have just said that. Sorry, I said that, but. But what happened? He says I'm going to pick a black woman to be my VP, not even knowing that he's like downgrading her to just who she is. She's a black woman. That's why he told us why he picked her. And now people get offended when you say that she is a DEI candidate.
Speaker 1:Somebody who couldn't get more than 1 or 2% is now running for election. It's fucking crazy. If it was the other way, I would be saying the same fucking crazy. If it was the other way, I would be saying the same fucking thing. Say what you want about Joe Biden. He's been there for 10,000 years and you cannot be in politics that long without being a dirtball scumbag, because that's what they all are. And he's done some really Really foul shit.
Speaker 1:Then you look at Orange Boy. He's done some foul shit, but he's a civilian. So maybe you don't expect. You don't expect the same thing from the people who are supposed to serve versus somebody who's out there for himself and helping other people, but he's out there for people like they're unwilling, they're just so the line is so far in the sand. Yeah, man, and that's why I like I the sand. Yeah, man, and that's why I like I.
Speaker 1:Like the disruptor man. He's fucking crazy, you know. And now Kamala is a huge I. Hopefully she'll be a disruptor. I doubt it, because now my conspiracy craziness says that maybe he picked her because, should something happen to him, she doesn't have a lot to fall back on as far as support. So the powers that be, all that dark money, all that, those people doing what they're doing on this earth so you can have fucking cell phone batteries and people making pretend that they care about women's rights, when they fucking don't. You know what I'm when they fucking don't. You know what I'm saying. They fucking don't. Yeah, they can control her the same way that they control everybody else, which is why they don't like Orange Boy, because they can't control him. He marches to his own beat and it doesn't mean that he is morally better, but he's just not down with the, with the crew. He's not down and they fucking hate that.
Speaker 1:They did everything, dude. They prosecuted him for the fucking hookers and like, oh, it's like, man, it's crazy, and they took a shot at crazy and they took a shot at him, dude, they took a shot at him, they took a shot at him. I don't believe that it was that skinny twerp on the fucking roof. Come on, is that what you think? Instead of like that being like, oh, look over here while we do this. And he got so lucky. It's crazy, you know.
Speaker 1:But this whole time, if I get emotionally involved in that theater, how am I going to be good to my people? Because then I'm going to be looking at what side of the street are they on? And I'm going to be looking at what side of the street are they on and I'm going to be like prejudging them. You know, there was a there's a migrant shelter near where I'm at and there was a shooting there and it sucked. It was in the street, it sucked.
Speaker 1:Man, and these people, they can't, they have limitations on what they can do. They got to wait to get green cards. They got to wait to fucking get working papers. It's not just people don't understand how the system works. I knew I mean I it's funny, cause I picked up some rugs from a lady who works in DC and she's a human rights lawyer and whatever, and she was like a super lefty. It added my being honest with her. I said, listen, I don't think we should have. They need to fix that fucking border so people aren't risking their lives to get here, and then they can come here the right way, so we can be prepared.
Speaker 1:And I think that the people who really believe that, the ones that are like fuck the migrants this, and that they've never been around the corner from them and you see them and they're humans, man, they're beautiful, they're regular folks. I don't know who's letting off shots. You know they've been here for fucking two years. That's the first time that you know and I'm downtown brooklyn and this is the crazy shit, right. So they have like a meeting and I don't know if I shared it with you, but I said I ain't going to this fucking neighborhood, uh, meeting.
Speaker 1:So the fucking some asshole can put a camera on my face, like they did to people in the neighborhood and be like, oh, you know, like I don't feel safe here anymore, and be like, oh, you know, like I don't feel safe here anymore, and this, that and the third. And I was like you fucking weenie bitch. And what, what was it? It was like you know, some fucking white guy who owns a house up the street that he paid fucking $2 million for he's not even from here, now he doesn't feel fucking safe. Million dollars for he's not even from here, now he doesn't feel fucking safe. You know what I'm saying.
Speaker 1:And all this other gentrifying shit, the fucking animals, these I hate them, those people I have to work on because I hate them, cause I'm like, dude, you're blaming. Number one, we don't know who shot whom or what happened. That's number one. Number two there is, there are, there are, there are, there are, there is. Okay, you guys, let me know, in a quarter of a mile of each direction from where I'm sitting right now, there are New York City housing projects and that is not fucking Candyland. You know, right up the road when I mean a quarter of a mile, a tenth of a mile, marcy, huge, huge, everyone's like oh, jay-z, marcy, yeah, dog, people get killed there all the fucking time. They're everywhere, the projects are everywhere down here, and now this guy is because it's the Venezuelan people that you know what I'm saying.
Speaker 1:Now he wants to open up his fucking yap. Meanwhile, he's part of the reason why normal people can't even live in this neighborhood anymore. You know, a police officer and a nurse, if they're married, regardless of gender cannot afford a home in this neighborhood. There's nothing less than two million bucks, you know. So you paid two million dollars to be sandwiched into in between all these projects and you want to walk around at two o'clock in the morning and then blame the migrants when something happened to them didn't even happen to you. It didn't even happen near you. It happened a few blocks from you. Fucking piece of shit.
Speaker 1:But he's one of these people that he's. What does he do? Right? He blames. He's like, oh, you know, the governor of Texas and Florida. They flew all these people here. It's not fair. It's this.
Speaker 1:I'm like dude, you are voting for the reason why they don't want to secure the border right? Then it's easy to do that from all the way up here in your ivory tower. So when they get put on a bus or on a plane and get flown over here. It's for you to see the actual human cost of your fucking. You know I don't know the word, sorry, I was going to say nihilism only because it sounded fucking good, but I don't know what that word means Shout out to Bocey's.
Speaker 1:So all of that fucking ego, you know, shouting from the rooftop. Then it's in your backyard and then and now, all of a sudden it's a fucking problem. It's a problem that they sent them here. It's a fucking problem. It's a problem that they sent them here. That's what you're saying. But it's not a problem if they were still in Texas, where they're crossing over by the thousands every month and it's scary what they have to do to get there. They're human fucking beings. But guess what? The people on American soil? They're human fucking beings too. You know. And if you felt that we really should be that giving and all this other stuff, why ain't you down here with the migrants? And why don't you give the on a hot day? Why don't you give? Take five of them into your fucking house where they have some air conditioning, so they're not sitting outside all fucking day. You ain't willing to do that, but you're willing to get in front of the fucking camera and run your fucking mouth, and that's what I mean.
Speaker 1:I get frustrated because I can see the bullshit in people, you know, where they're not really about that life. You know they're not really about that life. They're just about that division. They're about that hate. You know they're masquerading it as something else and it's a shame, you know, because then the people that I know that are like that. They're like bro, you don't even understand. You're wasting your own time. Don't talk to me about God and about this country and about this earth.
Speaker 1:You know what I'm saying. Like people oh my God, the fucking vegans you know they're vegans on an iPhone, or like little kids are losing their fucking hands. And those mines, those cobalt mines in Africa that are now owned by all the Chinese. Just say that everything is complicated and everybody has a right For some things to be okay and for some things not to be okay, and I think that's it. Anyway, like and subscribe on all podcast platforms. That Jessica Rabbit shit was no fucking joke. Yeah, even as a little kid, I was like geez, louise, you know, um, and don't forget to subscribe to our youtube channel. Um, yeah, and I'll see you guys on the flip side be good to each other, love each other. Uh, in that order, all right peace.