Sense and Sustainability - A sustainable procurement podcast
Our mission at https://www.iso20400.org/ is to build the global body of knowledge in sustainable procurement. Established in 2017, our free knowledge sharing platform, social media and webinar series has grown in popularity. Now we would like to introduce you to our podcast series where we bust some of the myths of sustainable procurement and introduce you to experts and influencers from around the world. Enjoy!
Sense and Sustainability - A sustainable procurement podcast
Episode 61 - Don Weatherbee - From gas to gold – a case study in circular economy
Truly circular economy initiatives are tough to achieve. Challenges around technology, logistics and markets must be addressed but more importantly, a truly integrated business model involving several partners is often needed. Don Weatherbee from Canada explains how a fully integrated model has been developed to extract precious metals from catalytic converters in vehicle exhausts.