The Austin Zaback Show
Austin Zaback is a Serial Real Estate Entrepreneur who interviews world-renowned guests in their respective industries and life calling. With Austin Zaback's featured guests, you will hear from high achievers in every aspect of life and business. Every guest will leave you inspired, motivated, more knowledgeable and will hopefully drive you to pursue your passions and live up to your full potential!
The Austin Zaback Show
#125 - Money Lessons Only The RICH Teach Their Kids (You NEED To Hear This!) | Scott Donnell
Today's Guest, Scott Donnell, has over a decade of experience studying more than a hundred multi-generational, high-net-worth families. Since 2011, his companies have taught financial competency and leadership skills to over 6 million kids nationwide. As the Founder of GravyStack, an app that teaches children about financial responsibility -- Scott has uncovered the key principles for building and preserving lasting wealth and some of the most harmful lessons parents teach their kids about money. In this episode, he shares powerful insights on teaching children the right financial values, the impact of the school system on financial competency, how parental behavior shapes a child’s money skills and financial mindset, and how inheritances can foster entitlement. He also reveals the strategies and mindsets that pave the way for lasting success. I hope You enjoy this episode as we unpack practical approaches that can transform the way you and your family think about and manage wealth!
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