The Nurturing Parent: Respectful Parenting, Gentle Parenting, Toddler Behavior, Big Feelings, Regulate Emotions
The Nurturing Parent: Respectful Parenting, Gentle Parenting, Toddler Behavior, Big Feelings, Regulate Emotions
5 Days Worth of Activities
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Ready to cross your kids off that holiday shopping list?
This week Amma will dive into the 8 categories you should consider when doing your holiday shopping this year. Take the stress out of it and make it simple. Ask yourself... what is my kid loving and what are somethings they can use to do this... This is where it can get fun and creative!
The 8 categories you should consider when shopping are
1. Nurturing/caregiving- babies, strollers, bottles, diapers, clothes, blankets
2. Imaginitve play - dress up, hats, jewelry, capes
3. Building/Construction- legos, duplos, magnetiles,
4. Interactive Problem-Solving Play- puzzles, busy boards, marble run
5. Playdough/Waterplay
6. Baby-Indoor swing/hammock
7. Winter Gear/Muddy Buddy-mittens, boots, snowsuit
8. Music/Art/Literature-books, instruments, painting easel
Interested in Coaching
E-mail us at: thenurturingparent.pod@gmail.com
or dm us on instagram at: The Nurturing Parent
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Original music ©Lisa K Sigurgeirson 1986