LUXE Life by Jennifer Williams

Buyer's Remorse

Jennifer Y. Williams

On this episode of LUXE Life, we cover what happens when clients go through buyer's remorse and the trickledown affect it has. Buying and selling real estate can be an emotional rollercoaster not only on our clients but us and our family as well. Stay tuned as we are going to dive in on further episodes to shed light on FOMO and Buyer’s remorse. Also, raising awareness to the fact that the real estate agent can fire their clients. 



#jenniferwilliams #luxelife #fomo #buyersremorse #realestatenews #home #realtorlife #mdla #life #workingmom #familytime #bekind #clientbased @hgtv #influencer #realtorstories #reallife #experience @magnolianetwork #nextepisode 

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