Reach Your Summit Podcast
At some point, everyone will face complicated money-related decisions. Each Tuesday, you can join us for a brand-new episode with personal finance topics to give you the clarity you want on your financial journey. This podcast, hosted by Summit Wealth Group, is meant to provide practical advice to help the average person discover new financial strategies, including ideas on managing your budget better, paying down debt, retirement planning ideas, wealth-building, and tax minimization strategies. Join host Jessica Magnuson and guests within Summit Wealth Group as they bring various perspectives to the discussion. If you have feelings of confusion and uncertainty about your financial future or want to learn more about personal finance, join us as we help you navigate the path to a better, more secure future. www.summitwealthgroup.com | Phone: (719) 633-4033 | 13710 Struthers Road, Suite 115, Colorado Springs, CO 80921Securities and Advisory Securities and Advisory Services offered through Commonwealth Financial Network®, Member FINRA/SIPC, a Registered Investment Adviser. Fixed insurance products and services are separate from and not offered through Commonwealth Financial Network®.
Reach Your Summit Podcast
How to Pay off Multiple Forms of Debt
Do you have multiple forms of debt and are unsure which to pay off first? In this week's mini-episode Jason Runung, CFP® will address this topic.
Host: Jason Runung, CFP® | Vice President
Jason is a Senior Financial Advisor in the Lone Tree, CO office and Vice President of Summit Wealth Group. His work experience has been focused on the financial services industry since 2006. He held positions as a Financial Advisor in both a national firm, as well as an independent Registered Investment Advisor (RIA). Additionally, he participated as the Director of Business Development for a private equity firm and an Advisor Relationship Manager for a national custodial institution.
Jason received his Bachelor of Science degree in Economics from Texas A&M University. He holds the FINRA Series 7 and 66 securities registrations and he is a registered representative with Commonwealth Financial Network® (a registered broker/dealer, member FINRA/ SIPC).
Throughout his career, Jason has helped young professionals and families establish day-to-day habits and plans that will impact the entirety of their financial future. They are often surprised at his ability to interpret, analyze and translate complex financial concepts in a way that helps them feel comfortable and secure about their finances. By delivering an approachable and comprehensive plan, Jason helps clients clarify the path to their goals. He has assisted mature couples by confirming their diligence and persistence have paid off and they are ready to retire. And he has helped small business owners review their current operations, the impact on their personal standings, and how to take care of themselves, as well as their employees and clients in the long run.
Summit Wealth Group | Facebook | LinkedIn | YouTube | Twitter
(719) 633-4033 | 13710 Struthers Road, Suite 115, Colorado Springs, CO 80921
Securities and Advisory Services offered through Commonwealth Financial Network®, Member FINRA/SIPC, a Registered Investment Adviser. Fixed insurance products and services are separate from and not offered through Commonwealth Financial Network.
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