Gresham College Lectures
Gresham College Lectures
Breaking the Fourth Wall of Sound: The Paradox of Screen Music - Milton Mermikides
Sound and music hold a strange and powerful role in film, TV and video games, aiding narrative and emotional impact. They can even exist in the world of ‘the film’ – heard by the characters – or in the world of the audience. Music can even break the fourth wall, travelling through and blurring these conventionally separate worlds. By examining films through history from Blazing Saddles, Elf, The Truman Show to Birdman, we explore this ‘fantastical gap’ and its transformative effect on the audience.
This lecture was recorded by Milton Mermikides on 16th January 2025 at Rich Mix, London.
Milton Mermikides is Gresham Professor of Music.
He is Associate Professor in Music at the University of Surrey, Professor of Guitar at the Royal College of Music and Deputy Director of the International Guitar Research Centre.
The transcript of the lecture is available from the Gresham College website:
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